One of the most important things you can do is to release all fear. Having fear; no matter what it is related to; blocks you from being a powerful creator. Creating your life is your job in the New. No-one else can do this for you. There is no blockage; there is only fear of your Power. Fully accepting your Power to create and manifest is what is waiting for you. Nothing automatically happens; you (being the sovereign being you are) must take a first step toward that which you want to manifest...after you claim your Power. In fact, often taking a first step also activates your Power to create. Much is related to fear: all of the lower emotions like worry, doubt, shame, anger, control and all the others. Release the fear and step into your Power to create and manifest.
You are not alone in transforming anything; in fact, there has been a powerful whirlwind of energy available to you for any Opportunity you choose to manifest. While it helps you evolve, it also helps you release the old that you still may carry. This whirlwind can feel like being lost, feeling ungrounded, disconnected, sleeplessness, depression, headaches and other emotional and physical phenomena. This is true whether you are releasing or integrating. To access this Light, simply intend to receive. If you are still carrying your old wounds around, this Light can help you release and transform them. Your old wounds fester, affecting all aspects of your life, if they are not released. These wounds can be the result and perception that parents, past lovers, children, friends or anything in which you took on the perception of woundedness, did something to you. Once you release the wound, go deeper and find where you carry victim energy. This is the belief that things happen to you and not for you.
The New World. Do you think a brand new Earth is going to appear? No. The Earth remains the same, as you do...only different. It is your consciousness that shifts. The New Earth is here now. Being New means you see and experience through eyes of Love; not in the old way of seeing things in duality (good/bad, beautiful/ugly, right/wrong, etc.). When you are clear of the old, you see things through your Soul; your perfect self; Love. When you flow with Awareness, your consciousness shifts higher. There is no judgment or anger; there is only Divine Order. There is no resistance to perceived challenges; you flow through them with Grace. Suffering occurs when you attach to something; when you judge something and when you resist something. When you accept What Is as Divine Order, you flow. If it doesn't feel right, go into it with Awareness and find what you are to learn or change.
When your consciousness expands, you experience Bliss. It doesn't matter what is going on in your life, you feel Bliss deep within. Your frequency remains high and continuously shifts as you embody the Truth of you; that of Soul; your most perfect self. When you accept the truth of you; that you are Love; you ground this Truth into every aspect of life. It may not yet feel comfortable, as it is so new and continually shifts. As it moves through you (through all your bodies, cells, DNA, electrical system, etc.) eventually you become comfortable with all the shifting, yet you will not create another comfort zone matrix, in which you stop expanding. The New is always shifting and expanding, so the only place to be is in the present moment so you may observe all from a detached place.
When you are detached, you flow. In the old, being detached meant you didn't care. In the New, Detachment is different in that you actually are more loving; you just don't get caught up in drama or judgment. Peoples' energy doesn't stick to you. You hold all in Love without the old desire to fix or save. You allow others the space to create their own lives without the need to tell them what to do or who to be. You do not compare yourself to others, knowing and trusting that each being is a powerful creator, as you are. If you find yourself wanting to fix or save or compare yourself to others, go into that energy and discover where you still hold fear and then accept it and release it. Know too that grounding this New within you feels different than grounding in the old. In the old, grounding solidified you to all of who you thought you were. In the New, grounding helps the New You be more anchored as you.
You may wonder how you fit with those in your family (especially) or friends or groups when you seem to be the only one who is evolving. Stay true to you and remind yourself that dimming your light to suit others does not help you or them; it keeps all in the status quo. You can be with others and still be who you are. The more you are your Authentic Self, the more your Light shines and the more your consciousness expands. You will find that your gifts grow, as opportunities do, and you will not have a tendancy to dip into 3D any longer. The higher you go, the less duality is a part of you. So the only thing to do is to be yourself and do whatever helps you keep your Light bright and your vibration high. Don't expect others, who may not want to shift higher, to be drawn to you. Some will reject you. Those who are ready to shift will be attracted to you. All is in Divine Order.
You may notice your physical body shifting as well as your mental and emotional bodies. What you used to like to do or eat or drink, who you liked to be with and many other things, may not appeal to you anymore. Your daily patterns are shifting. You cannot expect your physical body to act in the way it used to. Rather than fight or resist this, accept it; flow with the changes. Follow the rhythm of your body by tuning into it and asking it what it wants. When you feel disoriented or unsure, flow with what is being presented; you are merely expanding into being New. Stay in the moment and gently let go of the way you used to feel physically; this helps you flow with the changes.
You are not alone in this. While friends and family may drift away, you are surrounded and cheered on by many in the physical and beyond, who are choosing a new way of being too. Gaia is doing this as well; you may have noticed. She is letting go of lower energies. All is in a state of Transformation...dying to be born anew. There are those who blame lower energy entitities, like greys and lizzies, for the negativity that seems to be prevalent now. Don't buy into this. This is victim energy. You alone are in charge. You can choose to dwell in lower or higher energies; the choice is yours. If you do find yourself buying into the negativity, you can clear it by remaining positive, meditating, burning sage, using Roses or Rosewater or chanting positive mantras...or whatever you are guided to do to transform the energy. You are Love; are not a victim. If you work with guides other than your own Soul, don't connect with any being who just shows up. They could tell you they are so and so and they may not be who they say they are. Instead say this, “Only those of the Divine Light, Love and Plan be present now.” Those that are lower in vibration must leave your space. When your energy is nothing but Love, you will not be drawn into negativity nor will it be drawn to you.
As you shift in more positivity; i.e; consciousness; you attract wonderful opportunities to be more. You do not have to control this or do anything to make this happen, as all occurs in alignment with who you are within. This is the purpose of clearing and claiming yourself as Love. When you are clear, you are nothing but Love and all you attract is of this vibration. It cannot be otherwise.
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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!