lunes, enero 29, 2018
Brenda Hoffman - Soaring Between Heaven and Earth - January 29, 2018
Dear Ones,
It is as if nothing matters now and yet, everything does for that which you were comfortable with is no more and that which you postponed as long as possible, is.
You have been in a void of dread, fear, and nothingness for the past few days. Perhaps it will help you understand your inner workings if you remember when you decided what or who you were going to be once you left the warmth of your earth home of origin. A time of elation because you were free of parental restrictions, but also a time of fear for you knew you had to decide who you were.
Now that decision is magnified many times over. For when you left your earth home, your choices were limited – school, work, play, or travel. And once you made a decision, you knew you could change your path as many do. The difference is you are yet unaware of your options for they are feathery dreams of possibilities, but nothing concrete as was true in your 3D life.
In 3D, you knew if you selected one path, your community would give you accolades for the “right” choice and question your judgment with the “wrong” choice. You had a framework of what was expected. Your choice was to move within those expectations or not.
Now your choices seem to be outside community norms, as well as the expectations of others. Your choices even seem nebulous to you. So you ponder the reality of your new being and wish for concrete answers that are not yet available.
You are creating a new world with new expectations of yourself – not others – but yourself. So it is you feel lonely, sometimes irrational, and always outside community expectations. If you create a more joyful life for yourself, others will give you accolades – perhaps. But then again, their definition of joy no longer meshes with yours.
So you feel as if you are out on a limb with no one to break your expected fall.
But the limb which frightens you is much stronger than it appears. For you have graduated from baby steps of hope to the adult 5D steps of your new reality. And soon you will adjust to not receiving or even caring about community accolades.
Those who love you will be pleasantly amazed, and those who do not understand or care that much about you will see you as taking a “fall from grace” – commenting about how sad your life has become. For they will not sense your joy, your rightness with your new being.
That last statement concerns most of you for it indicates your new life will be a step-down, from your current life. Instead, it will be a step in the right direction. For many of you have wished for decades to be this or that – anyone but who you are.
This next phase is declaring yourself strong enough to know who and what you are. If that means traveling around the world, so be it. If that means a new community, so be it. Or if it means a new sense of yourself without a need to have others proclaiming your rightness, so be it.
You are a new person in a new world. And your current void is a stepping stone to new you. Perhaps it will help you to think of this void as a train stop on your journey to joy. You know where you are going, but the train needs to refuel before continuing to that joy.
You are no longer a weak person hoping that the Universes will gift you with the right information or creation to make your life joyful. You have left the safety net of your Universal life to create a life that is right for you here and now. Knowing without a doubt that you can change direction in a millisecond if you wish.
You have been pushed out of the Universal nest to create a new life for yourself.
We informed you weeks ago that the Universes were no longer providing the type of information you were comfortable with for you were creating a life outside the current Universal realms. That new place is, in essence, a creative direction no Universal entity has ever before attempted. So it is you are shifting the Universes, as well as earth and yourself.
Your creations are individualized for your joy, not the joy of the Universes, your community, family, or friends.
You are truly a unique individual with more skills than you now know. This void is you gathering your energies, refueling your beliefs, and accepting that you are more powerful than entities of earth or the heavens.
Of course, you can request help from the Universes with understanding yourself. But we cannot dictate your direction or your final results for those are your end-products, not ours. Any more than parents who ended their education at the seventh grade can fully understand the positions their child accepts after completing a Ph.D. in economics. We are the seventh-grade graduates trying to understand you Ph.D. candidates.
Of course, that last statement frightens you for no one wishes to be so outside the community that they become isolated. Such will not happen for you have started creating communities of like interests and needs. Those communities will grow with time to encompass many of your social needs.
But first, you must prove to yourself that you have progressed to a 5D being with multiple skills that even we do not always understand. You will do so in the next few days with your first major creation beyond finding a good parking spot or a shiny penny.
It is time for you to leave the Universal nest and soar throughout the heavens and earth much as do the birds you so enjoy. You are no longer of the earth or of the heavens. You are soaring and swooping creating a new life and therefore a new earth in a new Universe. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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