domingo, enero 28, 2018
Natalia Alba - The Energies of February 2018 ~ Retrieving Sovereignty: Soul & Body Integration
Beloves Ones,
We are already immersed within a very intense, and Fiery, passage, for we are beginning to integrate the new transformational waves, coming from the frequencies Eclipses, and hence the focus on soul and body integration shall be one of our first aims. Remember that it is only in the physical that we have the opportunity to work with our bodies and be able to ascend, by descending new level of consciousness.
This is, at least for me, a very important phase that should be dedicated to the nourishment and conscious integration of all we are able to embody, from our I AM Presence. February is a very unique month, astrologically speaking, I have not seen, or remember, others like this one, for it can seem the least busiest month, of all the Year.
However, even if it can seem little is happening, it is one of the most intense months, for we have another Eclipse in Aquarius, on february 15, which is very close to the last one we on January 31. For it is not about physical dates but about the continuation of what we have been experiencing since December. This is why I chose and was guided, to include altogether, without now separation, from this coming eclipse in Leo to the end of February.
The eclipses, as well as the transformation frequencies coming from this new month, as it Universal number 13, reminds us, bring creativity and passion, but especially a major heart opening and the cosmic gift to liberate ourselves from the egoic chains that are impeding us to stand firm into who we are and came here to be, shining our unique gifts, and uniqueness, for we came not here to compare ourselves or be like others, dimming our unique Divine Creative Spark, but to share and spread it to All, as it is in variety that true power, strength, assistance and richness, reside.
It is time for all ascending souls, starseed free sovereign souls, to stand firm in their unique Light. You are all stronger, brighter and wiser than you think. You just have to remember where to look, which is always within, choosing only to listen the soft but constant voice of your soul, raising above the noises from our ego to keeps you enslaved in who you are not.
As usual, there is a lot to share, so I thank you for taking the time, and energy, if guided, to read it, comment and/or share it.
I wish you all a blessed, liberating and joyful Eclipse season and new month of February, Beloved Companions!
In love, light and service ∞
Natalia Alba
Art by: futureagesage
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Natalia Alba,
Reporte de Energías