Whistleblowers and Compartmentalization

Recently, there is a pattern of witnessing more people that have been entrenched deeply within the various covert factions that underpin the basis for the Controller Pillars of Society, as they are coming forward as Whistleblowers. We have entered a time ripe for disclosure, and the next five years will flush more Whistleblowers out to the surface to tell their stories. Many of these people have firsthand experience working within the massively funded secret areas that involve nefarious genetic experiments and in some cases, well-meaning covert projects of the government and military, where they were subjected to extreme forms of psychological and emotional warfare. Like all of us in the civilian world, the military and government people also endure intense levels of trauma based mind control and generally are threatened in order to keep them compliant, subdued and quiet.
Observing more of the people that have been privy to access such intelligence covert projects, such as advanced off planet technologies, extraterrestrial interaction, black operations, that which is assigned under military top secret, national security and high level clearances; these people also undergo extremely sophisticated levels of psychological warfare that increases brainwashing and emotional trauma. Many are direct test subjects of trauma based mind control experiments that are directly connected to Satanic Ritual Abuse. I believe it is important to realize that the people that have been entrenched in the covert military and alien anti-human control projects, are just as traumatized, if not even more than the civilians on the surface of earth. The bottom line is that we all have been subjected to psychological warfare, divide and conquer tactics, and we have been compartmentalized in strategic and methodical means to separate each of us from connecting the larger dots. What is really happening on the earth? Through compartmentalization along with a series of psychological warfare tactics, this strategy enforces the mind control deceptions, false narratives, gaslighting and rampant manipulations towards producing learned helplessness, which is an extremely effective negative thought form used to subjugate the majority. The Controllers have been successful in making us feel we do not have the power to change anything, that we are helpless and incapable. In order to prove them wrong we have to educate ourselves to the methods of the control agenda and be willing to change the way we have been brainwashed to think. This is the only way to shift global consciousness, to change our thinking.
Whistleblowers are people that have arrived at a time in their own moral, human and spiritual development to gain a greater conscience in telling the truth. Many were drugged and blank slated, also making memory recall difficult. We can see at some point in the general whistleblower psyche, whether on their death bed or after several assassination attempts to silence them, more people are coming forward and talking about working in covert and secret factions that have been involved in a variety of massive global projects that were kept secret. Many of these covert projects could be qualified as global level crimes committed against humanity, those that have sold out the rest of us to their overlords, deals made for wealth, status, power, security, immortality, and access to extremely advanced extraterrestrial technology. As well, they have been involved in the perpetration of mind control projects that are intentionally used to terrorize, paralyze, and traumatize the people of earth at a mass scale.
In my personal experience when watching whistleblowers, many times the internal trauma and immense pain they hold from years of being subjected to this kind of stress and pressure is made visible, that experience has taken its toll on their physical, mental and emotional health. It is obvious that military training is designed to destroy compassion and empathy, and that higher heart emotional qualities are not desired in a soldier, or a scientific military strategist that has been put in projects to kill living things or harvest their DNA. How does the human heart and emotional body actually handle being an agent of killing, murder, genetic experimentation and having to hide such secrets under penalty of death? Most people cannot cope with this kind of stress well, and as a result of needing to cope with the immense pressure, they shut down their heart in order to survive the sheer brutality or terrorism that they may be surrounded by. They fragment through compartmentalization, because they only see the small lens of which they are allowed to see through their compartment window, even though they have been allowed to see so much more of the true nature of reality than the majority of humanity.
Whistleblowers are extremely important for the future of humanity in moving our world towards disclosure, but at the same time we must consider the source of extreme trauma they have had, along with the compartmentalization that has been used to limit their full spectrum heart based awareness. When we are emotionally traumatized, our higher sensory perception is obfuscated, many times trauma shuts down high emotional ranges that stimulate loving feelings like compassion and empathy. Additionally, the personality has been intentionally groomed into aspects of sociopathy, and these sociopathic aspects surface when the person is feeling fear, triggered or being terrorized. The point to make is that Whistleblowers are not necessarily enlightened or conscious people, because they have been intentionally influenced through military level psychological warfare tactics to become a functioning workplace psychopath, a cog in the wheel of the mass production of anti-human objectives. The intentional creation of psychopaths in the workplace, in all Controller Pillars of Society, especially in the military and intelligence agencies, is a desired and rewarded trait. To break out of this psychological warfare and to move towards heart based loving expression, is very hard for many people that have been severely conditioned to be soldiers in the silent war, especially when they become more exposed as public figures to the civilian culture.
In considering the following information, take a moment to think how workplace psychopaths are formed, and the reasons that this would be desirable for the Controllers, both human and nonhuman. One of the most important strategies for mind control and subjugation to be effective in large populations is the hierarchical architecture laid out for Compartmentalization. Wherever there is secrecy, wherever there are deceptions, there lies the seed of corruption. There is no way to lie and deceive as a lifestyle and not become corrupted. When we are made aware of the lifestyle of deceit, corruption and hiding secrets that have been the extreme burden carried by the Whistleblowers, we must find nonjudgment, compassionate witnessing, and yet exercise common sense and critical thinking. Many of these people are severely traumatized and they require nonjudgmental spiritual assistance to heal their sociopathic aspects and learn how to open their heart in order to feel empathy again. Certainly they cannot open their heart when they do not feel safe, and are being attacked by unconscious humans and those directed to harm them with an agenda. Without an open heart, there is no real higher consciousness, it’s just a 3D mind recounting extraordinary details of involvement with non-human entities and military secrets.
Let’s drill down some deeper aspects of the methods used to commit deception and gaslighting that are used in conjunction with strategic compartmentalization. The never ending labyrinth of the pyramidal ruling oligarchy that forms the closed door hierarchy into pay grades, wealth, rank and clearance levels entrenched in the Controller Pillars. This is an expert level of mind control manipulation used by the NAA and the human Controllers to divide and conquer the earth and the masses. This is why we should understand it, and understand what we are looking at when we listen to a Whistleblower, any of the brave people that come forward to talk about covert projects kept from the public.
What is Compartmentalization? How is it used for Mind Control?
Compartmentalization need-to-know-basis is a mind control strategy to contain and control the field of academics, scientists, military and government personnel who are complicit in carrying out the destructive and harmful behavior of the NAA and Power Elite, and are rewarded monetarily and socially for going along with reinforcing the alien invasion of our planet and enslavement of humanity.
If a person or group operates in and environment on which your scientific funding or career is based on certain results and those results are focused in a very narrow area of research. If that person is just one of thousands of scientists, physicists and your focus is very detailed and minute, the person's psychology keep themselves compartmentalized so that they do not step outside of the box. Because people will ask that person, why are you asking questions like this, do you want to lose your job? The intimidation is used to blackball people that actually ask rational and intelligent questions. Most people are delusional from being deceived as a product of continual indoctrination and Mind Control, such as in the world of science and the military, by being a cog in the wheel of Archontic Deception Strategy and the NAA.
Compartmentalization is the Mind Control method used to shut down and destroy open mindedness, critical thinking, independent thinking and creative thinking.
Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves. Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self states.
Triangulation is a situation in which one member will not communicate directly with another member, but will communicate with a third member, which can lead to the third member becoming part of the triangle. The concept originated in the study of dysfunctional family systems, but can describe behaviors in other systems as well, including work. This is a common method to spin disinformation between multiple parties to increase compartmentalization within organizations or employ divide and conquer strategies. (See Archontic Deception Strategy)
Splitting Behavior
Splitting Behaviors reinforce our sense of self as good and virtuous by effectively demonizing all those who do not share in our same opinions and values, or we believe that they are separate from us or less valued because they belong to another social group. Through the course of growing up from childhood into adulthood, we develop coping skills of labeling people, places or objects in the environment as acceptable or not acceptable, according to our belief systems. Ego defenses are similar to mental racketeering programs commonly used as coping mechanisms for reducing day-to-day anxiety, fears, and obsessions, which are related to thought addiction or the need to control the environment. When we are addicted to our thoughts, we have lost balance with our feelings and sensory abilities.
Such a narrow Compartmentalization of opposing energies leaves the person using splitting behaviors with a distinctly distorted picture of reality, which is limited within a small and restricted range of thoughts and emotions. It also affects that person’s ability to attract and maintain relationships, not only because splitting is exasperating and draining, but also because it can easily flip at any moment. One day, friends and lovers are being thought of as personified virtue, and then when something displeases them, they may suddenly think that same person is evil or bad (this is flipping back and forth).
Workplace Psychopaths
Many of these people are conditioned in the workplace by being rewarded for psychopathic behavior, which instills extremely negative behaviors that spill over into their personal life and relationships. Characteristics of Workplace Psychopaths are patterns that reveal themselves in many 3D people in the environment that have been subjected to repetitive conditioning in businesses, organizations, communities, or other group systems of energy. Being able to quickly identify psychopathic behaviors is helpful in assessing and recognizing deeply traumatized people that should not have total control over any aspect of management, especially in an ethical and empathic humanitarian based organization.
To stop psychopathic infiltration we have to recognize the behaviors and refuse to promote, glorify or propagate them in our communities, organizations and businesses.
In everyday life, Inverted Systems allow for the production of artificial storefronts or business facades that more effectively hide the real intentions of that industry from the public, which allows for easy dark infiltration to feed corruption, reversals and blackmail. The imposters hire Psychopaths and marketing propaganda teams to represent them, while operating from within the deep compartmental layers built upon the same inverted system of energy. Thus, they generally remain hidden from view and scrutiny, unseen and unknown by the rest of the workforce, or the greater public. It is important to be able to identify the profiles of psychopathic and criminal behavior, because psychopaths are specifically being groomed in humanity in order to act as the managerial gatekeeper in the industries that enforce the inverted systems and enforce the reversals to stay in place. Thus, the Workplace Psychopaths are doing their job of serving the anti-human structures that increase the overall suffering in the world.
May those of us on the ascension path commit to be even more conscious, more loving, and more compassionate in so that the spiritual communities can help to deflect the extreme negativity produced in the confusion, controversy and chaos swirling around the Whistleblowers. We need them to come out and tell the truth, may we support and love them for doing so.
In love and service,
(Reference: Ascension Glossary - Compartmentalization and Workplace Psychopaths)