By Hwaa Irfan
“At the end of days a Day of Judgment there shall be.
The Earth shall quake and the rivers change course,
and there shall be a darkness at noon and
a fire in the heavens in the night,
the day of the returning celestial god
[Nibiru, the far-orbiting 10th planet of our solar system] will it be.
The Earth shall quake and the rivers change course,
and there shall be a darkness at noon and
a fire in the heavens in the night,
the day of the returning celestial god
[Nibiru, the far-orbiting 10th planet of our solar system] will it be.
And who shall survive and who shall perish,
who shall be rewarded and who will be punished,
gods [astronauts from Nibiru] and men alike,
on that day it shall be discovered;
who shall be rewarded and who will be punished,
gods [astronauts from Nibiru] and men alike,
on that day it shall be discovered;
For what shall come to pass by what had passed
shall be determined; and what was destined
shall in a cycle be repeated,
and what was fated and only by the heart’s will
occurring for good or ill shall for judgment come.
shall be determined; and what was destined
shall in a cycle be repeated,
and what was fated and only by the heart’s will
occurring for good or ill shall for judgment come.
The record read, the Past remembered,
the Future as prophesy understand,
Let the Future of the Past the judgment be!’
These are the words of Enki, Firstborn of Anu of Nibiru“the Future as prophesy understand,
Let the Future of the Past the judgment be!’
The End of Times (9i.e. the ending of an epoch and the beginning of another as popularly mis/understood through the Mayan calendar along with a reactionary Doomsday hype) came in December in two stages (December 12 and 3).
Sitchin who died in 2010 was an orientalist and biblical scholar of Russian birth, but grew up in Palestine. It was in Palestine that he learnt ancient Hebrew, and other Semitic and European languages. It was in Palestine where he also learnt the history and archaeology of the Near East. Sitchin has been one of the few scholars who can read the writings of the inventors of writing, the ancient Sumerians and the Akkadian – both peoples who developed the first world civilization.
The Lost Book Of Enki: Memoirs And Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God is based on the studies of Sitchin. Those studies arose from clay tablets that were found in what is now modern day Iraq where much plundering of artifacts took place during the U.S. invasion.
A total of 800 tablets dating back to 445,000 years ago, were found in the ancient libraries of Sumer: Sippar, Nippur and Nineveh that were Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian. It was Sitchin who entitled them as the ‘The Lost Book of Enki’. However to refer to Sitchin’s book, is to wade between the metaphysics of that time and place, the fiction of Sitchin, and cultural misinterpretation. From his study of the Cuneiform tablets, Sitchin believes that the tablets point to gods from planet Nibiru, which orbits our Sun every 3,600 years arrived on Earth 450,000 years ago and created humans through the genetic engineering of female apes.
- The Sumerian period runs from 2385 B.C. – 1700 B.C.
- Babylonian 1812 B.C – 562 B.C
- Assyrian 1077 – 64 B.C
The famous Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh details the Great Flood as follows:
Utnapishtim’s boat comes to rest on the top of Mount Nimush; the boat lodges firmly on the mountain peak just below the surface of the ocean and remains there for seven days. On the seventh day:
I [Utnapishtim] released a dove from the boat,
It flew off, but circled around and returned,
For it could find no perch.
I then released a swallow from the boat,
It flew off, but circled around and returned,
For it could find no perch.
I then released a raven from the boat,
It flew off, and the waters had receded:
It eats, it scratches the ground, but it does not circle around and return.
I then sent out all the living things in every direction and
sacrificed a sheep on that very spot.
Many New Agers refer to a people called the Anunnaki (those who from
Heaven to earth came), the biblical Nefilim is rooted in this source.
It is as believed that the origins f mankind, the Homo Sapian began with
the Anunnaki.Technology
Mesopotamia was the Greek name for the “and between two rivers” or the Fertile Crescent, which due to innovation became the world’s first civilization Their developments led to the expansion of the Fertile Crescent to what was Greater Palestine, where Sitchin learnt ancient Hebrew, other Semitic languages, history and the archaeology of the Near East. The inventions of Mesopotamia included:
- Writing out of a need to keep records for business purposes. The last known cuneiform text was written by Babylonians in the 2nd century AD. The Dispilio Tablet/Scripture/Disk), found in 1993 is a wooden tablet that has been carbon 14-dated to about 5260 BC i.e. 2,000 years older than the written findings from the Sumerian era and 4,000 years older than the Cretan-Mycenean linear types of writing. Dispilio is a modern village on Lake Kastoria.
- The Wheel (5th millennium BC) which arose out of the potter’s wheel
- Systematized agriculture
- Canals
- Irrigation systems (10,000 square miles)
- Monoatomic gold – superconductors at room temperature that have anti-gravity properties
- Grafting
- The 1st public law The Code of Hammurabi which had 282 laws dealing with the regulation of society, family life, medical practice, and occupations. It also included strict medical instructions for physicians, including fees for treatment and punishments for incompetence (something we could do with now).
- Social Welfare was provided through temples which supported widows, orphans, old people, women (old, sterile/childless), cripples, and the physically challenged (blind or deaf). Those disabled by others received financial and food compensation, including potential lost wages and rehabilitative costs. Unfortunately, those with contagious diseases were simply put to death.
- Education to teach upper class male students to write. This then extended to include math, law, biology, astronomy, divination, poetry, economics, agriculture, and language. Mornings were spent in school copying myths and epics. The afternoons focused on critique and refining their writing.
The Ziggurat predates the pyramid with the Ziggurat of Ur bearing many relief patterns in common to the Step Pyramid of Saqqara, Egypt
Assyrian medical tablet
- Asu which used plant, animal and mineral substances
- Ashipu which sought the cause of an illness from the spiritual realm
Sumerian star chart
Sumerians were one of the first peoples to leave records of their observations dividing space and time by the unit of 6. We carry that legacy today (sexagesimal system) in our division of:
- 12 months to a year
- 24 hours to each day
- 60 minutes to each hour
- 60 seconds to each minute
- The circle/sphere by 360 degrees with arcs of 60 minutes and 60 seconds
PA.BIL (Archer)
Heavenly Bull
Pincers, Tongs
Her father was Sin
Heavenly Fate
Which claws and cuts
Lord of the waters
Field dweller
Here we are on the brink of change, struggling to hang onto a system that derives its shell of existence from the essence of a great past. Many are caught up with our origins through the Anunnaki, but as very few of us have the presence of mind of that time, should we not instead develop the presence of mind to navigate our way through the tumultuous oceans of this time? It is curious that with every invasion through invitation of the Catholic Church (the Doctrine of Discovery) that archaeological digs and loots follow, but whatever the powers behind those activities seek, it has obviously not served to last them well. Knowledge of what was can only avail of itself when we establish a greater purpose in life than the one we have lived, and that purpose begins in the heart and our souls waiting to be invited in. For those that have taken up the search, in this case Mesopotamia, the journey holds greater potential, but for the rest of us, that journey towards self discovery holds greater potential than living in fear of/desire of power. The Sumerians used what they had to rise above being victims of their own environment, but they began with what we would consider less and achieved more for thousands of years to come before the greedy eyed monster decided to take a bite! Sources: “Ancient Near East Cultures: Sumeria, Babylonia, Judea” Felson Duchan, J. “Mesopotamia — 3500 BC to 539 BC” Hooker, R “General information on the Sumerian Epic Gilgamesh (ca. 2000 B.C.E.)” Millio, D “Zecharia Sitchin” “Sumeria” Related Topics: Who or What Gave You Life? The Great Flood & Noah’s Ark The Law of Three: Concealment and Attraction From the Symbolic Ascension to the Ascension of Our Lives Can You Just Change Your Mind Just Like That! The Land of Truth De-Stress Kit for Changing Times The Seasons of Our Lives Global Awakening Challenges US Dominance Welcome to the New World Order Personal Freedom, or My Freedom vs. Yours?*