viernes, agosto 11, 2017

Selacia - The Eclipse Doorway -Your Opportunity to Step Forward- Aug 11, 2017

There is an interesting and potentially very fruitful doorway to step through in these moments. Have you considered what this means for you as we near the 8/21 eclipse? As you're contemplating this, know that there is something rare about this eclipse cycle, offering you quantum shifting and breakthroughs not possible earlier this year. Continue reading to better understand the significance and practical applications of this time.

Sue Lie/Arcturians and Lauren Galey - Unity Consciousness, the Eclipse and Resetting Our Consciousness - 8-11-17

Unity Consciousness, the Eclipse, and Resetting Our Consciousness
Lauren Galey Converses with Sue Lie and the Arcturians
Lauren Galey: I’m Lauren Galey here with Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians. We invite you to sit back, as we enter the Quantum Realm, that inner space that is the greater part of you. This Quantum Realm is your connection to infinite possibilities, infinite potential and infinite mastery.  

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Alaska - Nº 1, Apertura - Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Nº 1 - Apertura

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estamos en un barco, en el mar. La canalización que doy hoy es para los que están en el salón, más que para los que escucharán después, porque deseamos establecer algunas verdades, algunos conceptos de energías y algo que llamamos "reconocer", otra palabra para decir "creer".

Las almas antiguas que se sientan frente a mí están aquí por muchas razones, algunas más que las que saben. Lo que podría parecer relajación, vacaciones, turismo, va a resultar en sanación. Verán, yo conozco los potenciales de quienes se sientan hoy frente a mí. Para algunos en este salón, en unos pocos momentos de cada día, será medicina, será algo que necesitan, eso que la energía verterá dentro de su cuerpo porque lo necesitan para estar aquí y sentarse y sentirlo, y tal vez ni siquiera lo sepan hasta que se vayan.

Mahala - Planet Alert August 2017 - August 11, 2017

How did you handle the full moon eclipse on August 7, 2017 at 11:11 AM PDT? Remember the number 11 11. How often have you seen that number? Many people see that number and wonder what it means. Is it referring to the 11 11 gateway that opened in January of 1992 when people from all over the world had meditations to open that doorway? Is this eclipse the opening of another major doorway?

Ron Head - The Council – Synchronicity - August 11, 2017

Today we are going to discuss a topic that, for many of you, will be what you call ‘old hat’. Please read it with the understanding that there are many more newly awakening ones among you than there are ‘advanced’ ones. And we ask that the word advanced be put in quotes because it simply means that you have managed to get reminded a moment earlier of what you all know on higher levels.

We were asked today to explain the great amount of numerical signals, hypnogogic sights, and synchronicities that a person had seen recently. And we think that it will be a very good thing to discuss at this time.

Natalie Glasson - Saint Germain and the Angelic Kingdom - Accessing Your Inner Power - 11th August 2017

 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa,

Greetings and love extends to you. We, Saint Germain and the Angelic Kingdom come forth as a collective consciousness emanating the Creator’s qualities of transformation, peace and grace, these are the qualities we wish to awaken within your being. To do so there is a need to direct your focus within, with the purpose of activating your inner power. When you access your inner power and are in constant communication with your inner power, you become all you wish to be. You become your truth, the essence of the Creator you embody and the loving qualities you wish to share with the world. Without the activation of your power and your constant communication with your power, all the qualities of the Creator you activate within you lack strength and impact. It is as if you are seeing, sensing and acknowledging the core of your being without fully embodying it.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday August 11, 2017

Do you have a deep distrust of when things are good? Do you feel if wonderful things happen it must be fleeting? Do you immediately wait for the "other shoe to drop"?

You anchor things into your awareness through acceptance. If you immediately distrust when things are "too good", you will instantly throw constraints on your flow. You will block yourself before the full beauty of what the universe is trying to deliver you can be fully assimilated and enjoyed.

The Starseed Initiation (August 21st Total Eclipse of the Sun)

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada - Sostengan Una Vela A Su Auto-Amor y Abrillántenla - Mayo 26, 2017

Queridos Míos: Vengo ante ustedes hoy para darles un mensaje importante. Es acerca de magnificar e intensificar su Auto-Amor más que nunca, pues haciéndolo soportan y superan cualquier interferencia y dudas y confusión pasajeras. Sostengan una Vela a su Auto-Amor y Abrillántenla, Queridos.

Jamye Price - Forming Time - Mar 17, 2016

Blessed Being, your biomechanism is completely interactive with the physical and non-physical structure around you. Your evolution, your Ascension, is at a point of interaction with the subtle realms that is opening you to more creative empowerment within your self first, then your life, then your connected collective of humanity and Life on Earth. It is a natural process.

Your inner world; your thoughts, feelings, perspectives, beliefs, desires, and choices—are the first and broadest interaction with life. This interaction is invisible. It is often unknown or unclear because it is shrouded in disbelief, focusing on lack, or devaluing its power to create.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 11, 2017

You are well into the New Age and the necessary changes are progressing and beginning to take place. They cannot be stopped and are necessary to commence the establishment of the new version of the Earth. The old Earth is to be cleansed and all that is of the lower vibrations will disappear. For the Human Race that means a life without drudgery or the incessant need to cope with the lack of things that would have given you a peaceful and rewarding life. The negative influences will gradually lessen until they are completely removed. At the same time great changes will ensure that your life becomes more rewarding, and it will be a wonderful experience to be present on the new Earth, and most importantly you will create more free time for yourselves.

jueves, agosto 10, 2017

Wooten Wawen CROP CIRCLE 8.8.2017 2.7k60p

Natalie Glasson - La Dimensión de las Hadas - Maestros Hilarión - La Intención Original Del Ser - Mayo 5, 2017


Yo, el Maestro Hilarión, deseo compartir con ustedes una experiencia muy reciente de mis trayectorias por los planos internos del Universo del Creador. Yo soy el Chohan y supervisor del 5. Rayo de Luz, el cual es una expresión de las cualidades del Creador representadas por una luz anaranjada. El 5. Rayo de Luz apoya el descubrimiento y mejoramiento del ser, así como el tejido de lo divino con la ciencia, tanto en la Tierra como en los planos internos. Además de mi pasión de guiar a los seres que vienen de la Tierra y el Universo del Creador a mi ashram, también disfruto viajando por el Universo del Creador para descubrir más acerca de esta energía del Creador que está en el núcleo de cada ser, a lo que se llama el “Ser”. Descubro cómo puede mejorarse el ser y cómo puedo guiar a otros a conectarse a un nivel más profundo con su ser. Me siento atraído a áreas del Universo del Creador donde la tecnología de la luz es creada y experimentada. Siempre estoy interesado en cómo podemos integrar la tecnología de la Luz en los nuevos desarrollos, experimentos e inventos de la ciencia en la Tierra, Estoy especialmente interesado cuando los seres reciben la inspiración divina del Creador al contemplar la ciencia porque esto crea siempre posibilidades nuevas y únicas para todos. Todo lo que descubro y con lo que me conecto lo canalizo a través del 5. Rayo de Luz para que otros se puedan conectar con él o visitar el 5. Rayo de Luz para que puedan beneficiarse de la energía e inspiración. 

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday August 10, 2017

There is a part of you that can connect with and anchor any energy that you wish to experience. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source energy, of All That Is, you have access to all that is.

Just as you can search your computer or a library for any topic matter under the sun, you can also seek to find whatever you wish to explore within yourself. It does not matter if the energy hasn’t been used for a long time, or ever, it is still available to you.

Pleiadian Broadcast August 2017

Sheldan Nidle - 8 de Agosto, 2017

7 Men, 13 Pop, 1 Ik

Dratzo! Hay muchos signos que ahora indican que de verdad nos estamos acercando a las tan esperadas entregas. Las numerosas tardanzas y sus correspondientes fallas imprevistas han alcanzado un punto crítico. Continuamos esperando que sus entregas prometidas ocurran. Este proceso, como se ha dicho en informes anteriores, está tomando mucho para ser ejecutado satisfactoriamente. Las constantes demoras de los que hacen las entregas son horrendas. Algunas veces, parece que sus excusas frecuentes fueran parte de un plan. El proceso de distribución no debería ser un procedimiento tan al azar. Sería mucho más fácil trabajar en lotes grandes y con entregas completas para lograrlo.

33 symptoms of cosmic upgrades triggered by solar eclipse gateway - Aug 9, 2017

The 21st August solar eclipse marks the crest of a tidal wave of higher frequencies washing through us. There have been peaks and troughs as we have been pulled and pushed, up and down and all around the frequency spectrum. The opening of the Lions Gate portal on 8.8.17, accelerated by the powerful ascended masters energy of 888, brought us and Gaia into alignment, preparing us for a major timeline shift. We may instinctively look to global politics as a trigger but this shift is a cosmic shift, coming to us from outside our planet’s gravity field. A timeline jump, a gateway to higher dimensions has been opened, our mind body soul systems are responding in ways we cannot fully comprehend. DNA upgrades, more strands coming online, is triggered by these higher frequencies. We are experiencing many symptoms of this accelerated cosmic recalibration. 

Laura Pleiadian - Mercury Retrograde August 12th, 2017 ~ September 5th, 2017 ~ Preparing For CHANGE - Aug 10, 2017

Wow!!!!! Prepare! Organize! Clean, Complete! Get READY!!

Coming around FULL CIRCLE!!!

This Mercury Retrograde (helps you with internal focus) is a powerful ONE for your benefit, to GO deeply WITHIN, and prepare.

Prepare, complete, finish things started…The POWERFUL Solar Eclipse and New Moon on August 21st, will BE very powerful with sudden changes that will last for six months. I will write more on that soon!

For now ~ get things in order, so to speak.

Kryon - Alaska Cruise - 2017

Jamye Price - Estallido de Luz Semanal - Creando Un Momento - Junio 16, 2016

Poderoso Ser, tú eres Amor en forma humana, Vida en una forma cambiante, eres tu perspectiva única, tu enfoque, y tu elección de crear una senda perfecta de evolución. El ritmo de tu Vida es único tuyo pues el Tiempo te responde.

La senda de tu Vida es perfecta para tí porque es una convergencia del encuentro de tus mundos interno y externo en el Tiempo y la forma. Tú eres apreciado por la Vida. Tu perfección es abrazada por el Tiempo y mejorada por la forma. Eres magnífico.