jueves, abril 20, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - And when you are ready the Light will dawn. - April 20, 2017


Spiritual growth or evolution is humanity’s path to awakening. It was established by your heavenly Father in the instant that you chose to experience the unreality of separation from Him. There is no such state as separation, it is but a figment, a crazy imaginary idea that occurred to you briefly and with which you chose to engage. Now, it seems intensely real as you struggle to awaken from the deep slumber into which you fell in order for you to be able to feel and live the idea of separation.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - April 20, 2017

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed that the second someone tries to control you, you resist? That is because you are beings of freedom, on the planet to expand and express yourselves through a vast array of experiences.

So if you rail against someone constraining you, why do you attempt to do the same to others? Why do you do the same to yourselves?

miércoles, abril 19, 2017

Sheldan Nidle - 18 de Abril, 2017

6 Akbal. 6 Kank’in, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Jalwa! Las pocas tareas finales están casi completadas. A medida que avanza el reparto cada nivel hace una comprobación, y con gran satisfacción se avanza hacia el siguente punto de seguridad. Esta delicada operación va a continuar hasta que todos los que se lo merecen sean pagados. Al mirar a estos acontecimientos, os podéis dar rápidamente cuenta de cómo nos están llevan cada vez más cerca del nuevo gobierno, de nuevas libertades y de una sobrecogedora prosperidad. También están permitiendo que los oscuros pasen sus últimos días como árbitro principal de esta realidad llena de miedo.

VIDEO 02 - Crop Circles 2017 - Cherhill, Wiltshire, UK - 16th April 2016 - UFO 2017 United Kingdom

Natalia Alba - Energías Abril 2017 - Transfiguración e Iniciación Cósmica - Marzo 29, 2017

Amados, Habitar en los reinos iluminados y etéreos de Peces, durante el mes de Marzo fue mágico y revelador, pero también intenso, ya que aún estamos sintiendo las energías de los eclipses y de la profunda limpieza interior y física, que seguimos experimentando.
Este nuevo mes de Abril, principalmente regido por dos energías “retrógradas” es una invitación a la interiorización, antes de anclar los deseos de nuestras almas – y creaciones – en lo físico, en el rejuvenecimiento mental, físico y emocional.
No podemos crear nada auténtico si no estamos totalmente purificados de todo.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – April 19, 2017

Greetings, Creators of the New Earth!

We are aware that many of you have been feeling the effects not only of powerful astrological shifts as of late, but of energy shifts that feel to be emanating from the Earth Herself.

You are not merely “imagining” these changes of renewal and reformation (though imaging is a powerfully active way to co-Create).

You are in the midst of a powerful new stream of Divine Light, pouring into the planet and being received and actively engaged with by Earth, in ways you have not previously witnessed.

John Smallman - Saul - God would NEVER hide Himself from any of you! - 04/19/2017

All is One, there is only One, all of creation is eternally connected to Itself. All that exists is lovingly and joyfully held within the infinite vastness that is God, the Source of Supreme Intelligence and infinitely loving Wisdom, and the best word that you have for this state, this condition – which is Reality – is LOVE!

Focus on Love because there is nothing else. What you experience that is not Love is unreal and has no presence, no consciousness, and no power, so focus on Reality and find It within yourselves – the brilliant Light that embraces and supports you in every moment – and delight in the peace, the comfort, and the contentment It offers you ceaselessly. God’s Will for you is that you be aware of His Love for you, of your inseparable Oneness with Him, and that you in turn share the wonder of that with all consciousness by constantly holding the intent to do so.

Méline Portia Lafont - Equinocio de Marzo ~ Compasión, Reconocimiento, Oscilación, Reciclaje e Intensidad - Marzo 20, 201

Querida Tribu del Amor:

A medida que gran cantidad de basura, suciedad y energías bajas suben a la superficie dentro de cada mundo, reino y conciencia, a medida que cada uno se transforma y transmuta el ego de la conciencia más baja y los profundos dolores que ha soportado en vidas pasadas y momentos del Ahora, se nos está llamando a abrazar estos procesos con compasión. Las energías de la Madre María se están alineando ahora con cada uno de ustedes y con la Puerta del Equinocio pues esta puerta es llamada la Puerta de la Compasión.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 19, 2017

Many of you have swung wildly from selflessness (which excludes the self) to the other end of the spectrum to a self love practice which also involves separation. It is good to experience both extremes, for you are gathering all of the information required to find balance and inclusion with your love practice.

Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Abril 2017 ~ EL IMPULSO HASTA LA CIMA ~ Abril 19, 2017


Para finales de marzo, o bien terminamos los proyectos en los que habíamos estado trabajando o tuvimos que dejarlos a un lado. Parecía que mucho de aquello en lo que habíamos estado trabajando desapareció casi de la noche a la mañana, y toda una nueva ola de proyectos creativos totalmente ajenos tomó inmediatamente su lugar. Ahora estamos en medio de cambiar de marcha.
Abril representa el empuje final hacia la cumbre que alcanzaremos en mayo. Es similar a escalar una montaña alta como el Everest.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Galactic Cycle Ending of the Blue Ray Starseeds 1st Mission - April 19, 2017


You are experiencing an ending of a galactic alignment of a great cycle where soul agreements and deep emotions are coming up for review and completion, and where the 1st blue ray starseed mission has completed.
The galactic alignment occurs once every 26,000 years, where your ancient indigenous people have prophesied great change, earth shifts, social and economic upheaval, the return of the star people, peace or war and the choices humanity would take for their destiny. 444 You starseed and blue ray are here to create a new evolutionary timeline.
Galactic alignment is a result of the procession of the equinoxes, where the Earth, Sun and Galactic Center are in a straight line with the galactic plane. This is a time where we receive DNA energetic encodements from the Great Central Sun Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades.

Steve Rother - The Group - Do Something Different - April 15, 2017


Greetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

I have come in this day to intersect with your timeline for just a moment, to tell you what the view is from Home. Humanity is experiencing a major stretch on the planet. Because of all the challenges, it has decided that you would move very quickly. That was your choice, dear ones, and you have certainly gotten your wish. However, you are also starting to see that there are those who wish to influence your choices. So, now it’s going to be determined exactly how much of a free-choice-planet you are on. No matter where you live, your political systems, or whether you are female or male life is changing on your planet for all of you. It is something you have chosen. For quite some time this has been something you have been hoping and waiting for, and now it is much closer than you think.

Jennifer Hoffman - AA Uriel - Be In Peace to Be At Peace - April 19, 2017

How can you know the peace of peace, the calm and confidence that is your sacred soul space of empowerment, soul wholeness, energetic congruence? By seeking and embodying the energy of peace so you can be at the state of peace. The desire for peace in your life can happen when the energy of peace, which is non-resistance and non-judgment, is part of your energetic space. You cannot be at peace within also having the energy of peace in your life, just as you cannot be at peace when you are angry or upset. The energy of peace is required for congruence and movement along the ascension path as it puts you in the flow of your divinity.

martes, abril 18, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 18, 2017

Yesterday we spoke of being aware of everything that follows the word "but" being an indicator of a self imposed limitation. We would like to expand on that today.

When you speak a sentence that contains the word "but" the beginning part of that statement is spoken by your inner creator - the part of you that wishes to grow and expand. It is the part of the sentence that contains your dreams, your desires, your preferences, and what your soul sees as potential. It is spoken by your highest self, the part of you that flows, and seeks to move, unimpeded, into your next great creation and expression of self.

Crop Circles 2017 - Cherhill, Wiltshire, UK - 16th April 2016 - UFO 2017 United Kingdom

lunes, abril 17, 2017


http://solara-surf-report.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Solara-Avatar-150x150.jpgA SMALL FRAGMENT OF SOLARA'S APRIL 2017 SURF REPORT ~ THE PUSH TO THE SUMMIT ~

By the end of March, we either finished the projects we'd been working on or had to set them aside. It felt like much of what we had been working on disappeared almost overnight, and a whole new wave of totally unrelated creative projects immediately took their place. Now we are in the midst of shifting into a new gear.

April represents the final push to the summit which we will reach in May. It's similar to climbing a tall mountain such as Everest. We are now leaving the various base camps stretched out along the mountain. The push to the summit takes massive effort and requires our full focus. We have to utilize old skills that we have learned throughout many lifetimes and bring forth new skills which we didn't know that we had within us.

Tom Kenyon - Meditación Mundial Hathor - El Ojo de la Tormenta


Una Meditación Mundial Hathor a través de Tom Kenyon

Usamos la metáfora de un huracán o un ciclón para describir la situación que está enfrentando ahora tu mundo.

En el medio del poder destructivo de estas “tormentas” metafóricas, existe un lugar central de silencio. Se le llama “el Ojo de la Tormenta”.

A medida que el actual Nodo Caótico aumenta su intensidad, las fuerzas caóticas y destructivas de múltiples orígenes se arremolinarán a tu alrededor, en forma similar a un huracán o un ciclón. Descubrir ese centro con el “punto de quietud” en tu interior es una necesidad espiritual para sobrevivir intacto en estos tiempos.

Brenda Hoffman - The Spark is Lit - April 17, 2017

The following was channeled Easter morning, Sunday, April 16.

Today is a joyous day and an example of the possibilities for your earth. For different reasons, today is one of peace and joy for many – peace and joy that is echoing throughout the globe as you prepare for the coming days ahead.

Perhaps you do not feel joy for you are not of a particular faith or you do not sense a reason for joy during this time of chaos. It does not matter for even those who do not understand the ‘vibes’ of joy, proclaimed throughout Christianity today, are receiving them. For indeed, any spark of light is now expanded far beyond what you of the earth expect.

Kryon in Monument Valley - part 1 to 8 (Apr 12-18, 2017)

Aisha North - My soul flows like water - April 17, 2017



Dancing around any obstacle.

Finding my own way.

Irrigating the desert.

Awakening dormant seeds.

This painting is from the second series I made using water from our ceremony on the International Water Day.