miércoles, noviembre 23, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 23, 2016

There has never been a time on your planet where it was more important to shine in your truth brightly, beautifully, and authentically, for it is your glorious energy that will continue to drive the Shift and create the world you wish to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jenny Schiltz - Walking in Your Empowerment - November 23, 2016

The other day as I was waking I saw very clearly in my mind a metal circular door, with lots of markings. I found myself standing in front of it and as I stood there waiting for it to open I heard clearly “put your hand on it”. Laughing to myself and feeling a little silly, I placed my hand in the smooth spot and the doors opened. I stood there surprised and a little in shock as I realized I was looking into an observation deck of a ship. I walked in and was happy to see my highest aspect looking out the vast windows. She beckoned me over and I looked out the window at the beautiful earth below and was just amazed at the sheer number of ships in the sky.

Planet Trump: Magazine Cover Illustrates Judgement of America In Tarot Cards

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energy Report - Nov 23, 2016

These quantum timeline collapses/jumps are huge lately loves. A collapse PUSHES you.... to step it up... these are bigger/huger than ever before, so the push is bigger.... you don't get to keep playing in the old, you don't get to slack and live from that safe place of unconsciousness anymore.

YOU will be challenged and you'll have to deal with anything not in-alignment with your higher consciousness existence.

Realities are collapsing in every way for those who are at the point of "getting the point".... Where do you let other's chaos become yours? Where do you go unconscious or do you become more conscious, aware and deal with appropriately?

Aisha North - Water Speaks - November 23, 2016

Posted on November 23, 2016 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - Feel Again How It Used to Be

Dear people, I am the voice of Mother Earth. I carry you through the journey of this, your human life. Feel me in your bones, in your flesh, in all the cells of your body. I supply the building blocks of your human body.

However, I am not only present in you on the physical plane, I am also an energetic being that is very old. I have a soul-energy, a spiritual life, and as soon as you are born on the skin of my body, I endow you with my energy, the energy of the Earth. The energy of me, of the Earth, moves along with those who live on me, i.e. all humanity. My energy is receptive to yours; I absorb it, learn from it, and try to give to you what is supportive and good for you.

martes, noviembre 22, 2016

Blue Star Solstice 2016 "Memory Complex Codes" (Royal Houses of Sirius, Pleiades and Lyra)

Sheldan Nidle Update - A sacred plan is underway...- November 22, 2016

2 Cib, 19 Xul 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! At the present time, an operation is working toward the goal of isolating the remaining illuminati rogues left in power positions in the American corporate government. This process has taken longer than was first expected by the Chinese and European Elders and Royals. In a preliminary mode, the new legal American government was declared in the latter part of what you know as the Gregorian calendar month of October. What is left is a more formal declaration that is to be made shortly. Meanwhile, a mopping-up process is under way. We are overseeing all of this and setting up parameters that are to make this operation successful. We expect this to clear the way for the new American Republic, and NESARA to be publicly announced. We have continued to carefully monitor all that is developing and to give a full report to the special council that is to be the guardian of the new GESARA governances. Our liaisons form a key part of this vital council for the Elders and the Royals. Our goal is to see these new governances come to power as efficiently as possible. This action would also bring disclosure ever closer.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 22, 2016

There is a flow that is available to you at all times that is incredibly intelligent and knows how to get you to your perfect matches, your best experiences, and exactly what you need at any given time. This is your own personalized flow of Source energy that loves you unconditionally and knows how to bring you to your highest outcomes in the most supported way possible. It is always available to you for you to choose whenever you like.
Surrender is how you enter that flow, and faith and trust is how you stay there until the magic happens. Isn’t it time to finally accept the endless supports that are waiting for you, right now, and allow yourself to be led and nurtured into your greatest expression of you? ~Archangel Gabriel

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, November 22, 2016

Good Morning Dear Ones,

I awoke early this morning and starting blinking my eyes. Within at least 6-8 blinks I saw an image of a partly cloudy sky with a sun beaming throughout the sky. Each time I saw the image I heard, “A new day is dawning.” I have not had this sort of thing happen for me in a long time. It brought a feeling of something new coming for us all. Just a few minutes ago, I got the feeling that a message was here for us all. Here it is.

Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, November 22, 2016

This is the time to get through the encumbrances that are seemingly all around you. It is time to look at them in a different way and see them as messages of release. There is coming a new way to see things and that is taking it in a different place than before. As you do this you will begin to see what the inner cause for such encumbrances may be about. They may be the opportunity for you to go in a different direction. They may be for you to deliver a message to the ones who are involved in what it is that seems so out of harmony. This can bring to your world a new flavor, a new way to believe in the outcome of what may come from it. As you do this you may experience a new way of feeling about what gave you cramps, or uneasiness. It could be the very message that you’ve been missing due to the old way of looking at something.

Kara Schallock - We are Light and Love - 22-Nov-2016

We are carrying more and more Light. When this happens, old deep core issues, patterns and beliefs surface to be let go of so that more Light and Love may take their place. Anything within that usurps your True Self and your Power is brought into the Light. This includes fear, anxiety and all that does not belong in you. Relationships that are of the old that have not yet been released show you the toxicity of those relationships. This has occurred with my relationship with my mother especially (although it has occurred with other relationships to a lesser degree). The most powerful relationship you have is where you are most attached to keeping it the same. My mother had mentioned that everything must have rules. That hit a deep chord in me, as I know that the New has no place for rules. Rules are based on old control patterns. It was another great aha! for me, as my relationships with all of my birth family has been slowly shifting. We evolve in gentle waves, so it can seem slow. I had noticed that no-one in my family resonates with me. Had they ever? This all was a celebration for me, as I have evolved so much that literally no-one who clings to the old matrix can stand to be around me and it is extremely difficult for me to be around them (although in a higher Truth, we are One). I know that many of you relate to this. Yet, Love remains. Even within the chasms of the old and New, Love is forever present.

lunes, noviembre 21, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energy Report - November 21, 2016

As you become more light/more energy, more multi-dimensional, you will have to "learn" (Remember) how to merge your holographic realities with your physical ones. You will have to accommodate your new energetic existence, your new LightBody with forming crystals in it, constantly shifting from tuning modes, transmitting modes, receiving modes...as your new body vibrates in and out of dimensions. Challenging and confusing is an understatement for awhile.

You will have to limit external stimuli more to avoid overload, as you won't be able to subject yourself to the density of the old like before. You are not the old carbon-based human like before. You are learning a whole new existence and it's nothing like it was before.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Give the Gift of Light - November 21, 2016

Your light is a gift to the world, a reminder of the divinity and connection that are a part of all of humanity, whether or not it is acknowledged. But it is a gift that must be given freely, unconditionally, and without any expectation of thanks or action because the light can only be given as a gift by those who have the light to give and share. The light is not given to light the darkness, it is shared so those who need it can light their path. You do not give the light to overtake the dark, you give the light to spread light. This is your gift to Source as light beacons, it is also your gift to humanity as part of your ascension mission.

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Update-Living in the NOW - Nov 21, 2016

Posted by Suzanne Lie

Arcturian Update
Living in the Fifth Dimensional NOW
Conversation between Shawnna and the Arcturians – Through Sue Lie
Blessings - we are the Arcturians, we are here today with Shawnna to speak a little bit about whatever we end up speaking about. And what we will be speaking about is living in the fifth dimensional now.
When you are living in the fifth dimensional now, for we the Arcturians are always living in the fifth dimensional now, there isn’t a “time for preparation,” there isn’t a “history of what you’ve done so far,” there isn’t a possible future that you are preparing for, for you are living in the NOW.

Shelley Young - Daily Message ~ Monday November 21, 2016

You are in the process of wrapping up one of the most pivotal years you have ever experienced on your planet. You are markedly changed energetically from who you were at the beginning of this year of your time. Of course, because you are always shifting and evolving, you will continue to energetically tweak and refine through the end of this year but the bulk of the heavy work has been done.

Brenda Hoffman - Surface Wounds Clear Easily - November 21, 2016

Dear Ones,

Many continue to reel emotionally following the chaos of the past few days. Do not worry for such is no longer your natural state. It might take a few days to balance yourself, but you will. For you are no longer of 3D and your step back is merely a step back not a leap. You are healing parts of yourself you did not know were wounded.

This healing phase is quite different from the clearing phase you experienced for months, years or even decades. Of course, you beg to differ for you feel uncomfortable despite the ongoing promises and prophecies of joy.

Think of this phase as a slight skin wound that never quite healed until you discovered a healing salve.

domingo, noviembre 20, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - MENSAJE SEMANAL DEL MAESTRO ASCENDIDO HILARIÓN - Del 20 al 27 de Noviembre 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Los ajustes en la humanidad continúan ocurriendo ya que hay muchas personas que son incapaces de aceptar el choque del gran cambio que ha tenido lugar ante sus ojos. Observamos con interés cómo la gente lo galvaniza vía la acción. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las personas en su país han hecho una elección y ese es el cambio que ahora se está implementando. En este caso, los que protestan y comienzan los movimientos lo hacen sin tener en cuenta que hubo una mayoría de los ciudadanos de su país que votaron por el candidato que ahora es el titular de llevar la gran responsabilidad de la oficina de mayor jerarquía de esa tierra en servicio al pueblo de su país, como resultado del proceso electoral.

Asara - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Nov 19, 2016

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart for our message for you...

As you are turning your attention to your present moment, you will be able to feel the profound Love of your Creator...

You are so deeply loved, Dear One....

Breathe these energies in for a moment...

John Smallman - Saul - You are Real, the illusion is not - 11/20/2016

We are in the end times. This does not mean the end! It refers to the dispelling and disintegration of the illusion. The illusion is a dream or nightmare in which humanity has been collectively enmeshed for eons. It is an unreal state, an hallucination, something unreal but imagined – similar to the misdirection used by magicians – which is very convincing. What you believe in you see! The collective has seen and experienced the illusion for eons and thus it has become virtually impossible not to believe in its reality. Until very recently your scientists were producing “evidence” that proved you lived in a physical universe, and everyday experience confirmed the illusion’s solid reality because objects cannot pass through other objects without becoming damaged.

The Solar System Is Shifting Before Your Eyes!