lunes, mayo 18, 2015

Jim Self - Webinar - BELIEF: You Only Know What You Know and Don't Know What You Don't Know - Part 2

Gerrit Gielen - Los Agujeros Negros Dentro De Nosotros

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Muchas personas se bombardean continuamente con pensamientos negativos: “no puedo hacer esto, esto no es para mí, soy débil, debo esconderme porque quien soy es malo, el mundo no es un lugar seguro, probablemente esto saldrá mal”, etcétera.

¿Cómo sucedió esto? ¿Por qué hacemos esto? La razón de esta conducta auto destructiva es que todos nosotros tenemos en algún punto, sea en esta vida o en otra pasada, un trauma. Los traumas son experiencias negativas que son tan intensas que nuestra personalidad no puede manejarlas; una parte de nuestra percepción se ‘congela’ y se mantiene atascada en el tiempo.

Lena Stevens - Actualización De Luna Nueva 17-5-15 - 16 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Nueva es el Domingo 17 de mayo a las 10:13 PM Horario de Verano de las Montañas

Este es un tiempo de profundo reinicio. Pueden experimentar una caída en su energía y sentirse como si estuviesen hibernando la mayor parte del día. Esta es una asimilación profunda y debe ser honrada como un punto de quietud en su vida. Reconozcan la tierra y el anclaje que les brinda esa Pacha Mama. Honren al Sol y a sus propiedades dadoras de vida.

Este es también un buen día para revisitar sus prioridades y determinar nuevamente qué puede estar fuera de equilibrio. Hagan un compromiso de re-equilibrar lo que sea necesario. Si todavía hay cosas que necesitan despejarse para que puedan estar más equilibrados, hagan un plan para que esto ocurra (nuestro soporte mensual en ingles). Es importante que sean capaces de parar, descansar y llegar a un punto de equilibrio alrededor de esta Luna Nueva. Está bien que se sientan desmotivados. La Luna Nueva es una oportunidad excelente para re-visitar el VACIO y para comenzar de nuevo.



Brenda Hoffman - Has Captado el Anillo de Bronce Que Eres - 11 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Este es un tiempo de regocijo. No en el sentido 3D en que ustedes, sus amigos y familiares saben que ustedes han logrado una meta largamente añorada. Sino una alegría interna al saber que ustedes han logrado algo que no pensaban fuese posible antes de entrar a la vida esta vez.

Se han afirmado a sí mismos en toda su gloria.

Quizás todavía no lo sientas totalmente. Quizás haya hasta una sensación recurrente de “¿es eso todo lo que es?” Pero sabe en cada segmento y célula de tu ser que has captado el anillo de bronce que eres.

Quizás sientan poco o nada. Quizás hasta se sientan huecos. Como les sucedía cuando a veces lograban algo en su vida 3D. Trabajaban diligentemente para completar esa tarea 3D – solamente para descubrir en los primeros momentos de culminación una sensación de vacío.

Earth Changes - The 2015 Colorado Upshift & Planetary Crystallization


Kryon por Lee Carroll - Consciencia acelerada - El aumento en el sentido común espiritual Introducción - Asheville, Carolina del Norte - 9 de mayo de 2015

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Asheville, Carolina del Norte, sábado 9 de mayo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Muchos no han visto esto. Cuando estás en el salón, es diferente. Están disponibles para ti energías que no recibirán los que escuchan. Para ti está disponible una conversación en ambos sentidos, porque está sucediendo en tiempo real, que los oyentes no tendrán. Sin embargo, con todo el potencial de esto, en este momento muchos tienen sus cerebros hiperactivos preguntando, "¿Esto será real?"

Así es la realidad, querido ser humano. Si nunca lo viste, si te dicen que no puede ser porque es demasiado raro, extraño con respecto a lo que tú harías, la psiquis del ser humano lo pone en una caja que dice "Lo veré luego, es un poco raro."

En tanto, en el salón hay una presencia angélica; Dios está aquí; Dios siempre está aquí. Los Maestros del planeta te dijeron esto una y otra vez, sin importar cuán extrañas eran las cosas que hacían y los milagros que realizaban. Siempre es el resultado de que la Fuente Creadora está en ti, está en el planeta, en el polvo, a tu alrededor siempre; te ama y te mira mientras tratas de decidir si la canalización es real. Podría haber aquí entidades que te conocen tan bien como para iniciar un proceso que tú pediste de rodillas, mientras tú calculas si el individuo en la silla es real. Eso es lo que está sucediendo ahora, aquí.

Méline Lafont - asExperiencing being Multidimensional ~ opening portals

Excellent ! The Sasquatch-Bigfoot Phenonmena - Earth-Keeper

domingo, mayo 17, 2015

Ascension to New Earth [FULL VIDEO]


 “Ascension is a natural function of the multiverse. It’s happening to everybody in the multiverse all the time. Ascension is for everyone.” – Guy Needler (History of God) Capricorn Radio in Partnership with Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Academy. World's Most Advance Professional Hypnosis Therapy Training Academy. Exclusive 5% discount on QHHT Online Class Level 1 Enter Capricornradio888 code during the registration We are all individually ascending through the frequencies. But it is a slow and gradual process. We can become normalized to the slightly higher frequencies without noticing any change. For example: The frequency level that was expected by December 21, 2012 was reached and surpassed by February 2012, even though most people didn’t even notice it. December 21, 2012 was a milestone for planet Earth, which increased its base frequency slightly. Some sensitive people may have perceived that. Contrary to what you might think, it’s not the the best way to have a steep jump from a lower to a higher frequency level. Why? Because then it’s just as easy to drop back down the levels, if the higher level is not sustainable or tolerable.

Planets Lining Up - Big Week Ahead | S0 News May 17, 2015

John Smallman - Saul - Love is VAST. All that exists is God’s divine creation which is Love.- 05/17/2015

Here in the spiritual realms we are well aware of your increasing impatience as it seems to you that the spiritual evolution of humanity is proceeding far too slowly, or may even be backsliding.  The mainstream media continues to avoid reporting on the true issues that concern humanity, and focuses instead on items that serve to increase the energies of fear and anxiety in the general population, energies on which those who do not have humanity’s best interests at heart feed voraciously.
However, all is not as it seems, those negative energies are weakening daily, and those who feed on them are starving.  The Tsunami of Love is all pervasive, it is infiltrating every area of human activity on every continent, and as a direct result change is occurring very rapidly indeed.  Love is the only Reality, anything not in alignment with It is illusory, dreamlike, and is being ineluctably dissipated as you move most purposefully forwards towards the moment of your awakening.  God’s divine plan for his children will not be delayed or interfered with, it will be brought to a stunning fulfillment precisely as divinely planned.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - May 17-24, 2015

Beloved Ones, 
Those who read these messages are well aware of the energetic happenings upon your planet and the reason for them, but there are many, many others upon this world who are seeking answers that do not encompass the possibility of doom on their world. We wish to inform these ones that although there will continue to be Earth changes throughout different areas of the world, humanity as a whole will survive and even thrive. And we strive to encourage everyone to maintain peaceful, loving and harmonious thoughts, for these are very powerful and make a big difference. As you align yourselves each day and balance your own energetic field, it helps in the balancing of the global field of collective consciousness to which all upon the planet are connected to and influenced by. 

Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - Your New Relationship with Money, Part 2 - 17 May 2015

Money Soar Fest from Expect Wonderful
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy

Conscious Focusing is Where It's At -- this New Experience of Money (Part 2 of 3)

Hello Again Beautiful Beings,
We are back to talk more about money. To help you reorient, revise and upgrade your relationship.
The new way you are already beginning to think about money has actually put your body on notice. Do you feel it? It has put those congested energies on notice. You have withdrawn your decision to maintain certain fields in your body. As a result of this you may find you experience drainage. This may have a quite physical manifestation because you'll be draining the energy out of these old patterns because you're not committed to pursuing them any longer. You're not amplifying them with your focus as you allow yourself to truly let yourself let go of these things. Just knowing that by that clear slate decision you made yesterday, you have put all of these parts of your energy field on notice.
You are taking your focus off of old patterns and pathways of consciousness flowing. There will be increasingly more and more space. This wide open spaciousness, which we are so intent upon assisting you in moving into, it is this wide open spaciousness which is truly so native to you. For in this spaciousness you can truly choose freely what you wish to know and experience. The exhilaration of that choosing, and also the joyful experience of connecting to the many demonstrations of these delicious choices, this is what you came here for.

sábado, mayo 16, 2015

Lena Stevens - New Moon is Sunday, May 17 at 10:13 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). - May 16, 2015

Dear Friends,

This is a deep reset time. You may experience a drop in your energy and feel like hibernating most of the day. This is deep assimilation and should be honored as a still point in your life. Acknowledge the earth and the grounding that Pacha Mama provides. Honor the Sun and its life giving properties.
This is also a good day to revisit your priorities and determine once again what may be out of balance. Make a commitment to rebalance what needs it. If there are still things that need clearing out in order for you to be more balanced, make a plan for that to happen. (our monthly support Mp3 has been very helpful) It is important to be able to stop, rest and come to a still point around this New Moon. It is OK to feel unmotivated. The New Moon is an excellent opportunity to revisit the VOID and to start over.
MAY SPECIAL: A new audio by Jose Stevens exploring the tricksters of 2015: “Coyote and Raven: Totems for 2015″ is on special for the rest of this month at .99!


Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at
Taurus New Moon
Sun and Moon in Taurus ~ 27º
Sunday, May 17, 10:13 PM Mountain Time
(Monday, May 18, 4:13 AM Greenwich Time)
Venus rules when the Sun and Moon are in Taurus in the springtime. How sweet is that? Her message is ‘ground yourself!’ Being present for sensations that come from our connecting portals into our physical bodies does that for us ~ our eyes, ears, taste buds, noses, tactile and motion sensors, nervous systems, our gut reactions, intuition ~ all these senses help anchor us to this physical reality. Taurus is our most grounded, feminine power sign. As a fixed, earth sign Taurus urges us to be present for the gifts of ‘Mother Nature’, to attend to ‘being’ not ‘doing’, and to tap into the resources where true wealth and prosperity lie. Take a moment to send a strong root down into Pachamama/Mother Earth and draw up her feminine power, her fertility, her creativity and love into your heart and infuse your physical bodies with her many nourishing gifts. Take a deep breath, and let out a full-bodied tone from your throat and free your voice and vibrate with the power of your connection to feminine, earth power honoring the Taurean rulership of the throat, voice, and neck.
The chart ruler, Venus in Cancer, is in some challenging relationships in this chart. Venus, Taurus and their rulership of the second house of resources and values draws to the foreground issues of relationships, our wealth and finances, and our self worth. In Cancer our emotional needs get activated. How is she aspected?


canneled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

I welcome you Masters among us Masters!
It is time for you to recognize this.


To become Master and to be Master is exclusively a matter 
of consciousness. There is no path and way toward it, no 
discipline and no exercise, which can bring you there. 
The one moment of realization is decisive, when your 
consciousness awakens. 

It is the moment when you realize that everything, which you 
are looking for, already exists. It exists within you and you 
realize that it never required a spiritual discipline or mortification 
of the flesh, in order to attain master ship over your lower nature. 

Suzanne Lie - Morning Message from the Arcturians - 5-16-15

Dear Readers,
The Arcturians have been telling me to send out "Morning Messages," as often as I can. I will try to do so every day, as I know that my "morning" may not be your "morning."

I will place them in my dropbox, which is the easiest for me and for you so that we can ALL dedicate our self to aligning with our higher expressions of SELF every day. The link to the meditation will be under the picture.

Steve Rother - Mucis from Home ~ The Rhythms of Life - 15 May, 2015

Greetings All, Dear Ones. You are so vibrant this day!
It is magic for us to watch you from this perspective and see some of the energetic changes taking place with all of you. The magic has begun on planet Earth and all of you are shifting in a very magical way. Since it has come up several times during the course of today’s progression, we wish to speak about music. What part does that play in your life?
Mastery of Music
Well in most places, people consider music to be somewhat in the background. For the most part you have placed music in the entertainment area on your timeline and rightfully so. The interesting part is that music is so much more than that. Many of you consider yourself to be musical, yet others of you do not. Some of you say, “I cannot carry a tune so I will enjoy the music from a distance, but will not sing aloud.” Well, have you ever considered that if you are tone deaf or cannot carry a tune at all in this lifetime, perhaps you have already mastered what you needed to in terms of music? Here is the interesting part about music, it is cumulative between lifetimes.  There is no right or wrong about any of it, for the reality is that if you pick up an instrument and it fits your spirit then imagine that you have an expression to create the vibration from Home.

Ann Albers - Beyond The Comfort Zone - 16 May, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
When you honor your heart's guidance, it is likely that at some point in your life, you will guided to step outside of your "comfort zone." An acorn cannot grow until it bursts open. A chick cannot mature within its eggshell. Flowers must burst from the bud and babies must leave the womb. At some point in your lives you will find yourself leaving what is comfortable and expanding into greater being.
For some of you this expansion is simple. Open your mind to a new thought, a new perspective. Try a new restaurant where you discover more that you love. Listen to your guidance and help a stranger. For others of you this expansion is a leap of faith. Release your fears and open to love once again. Quit your job and start a new one. Tell someone you care about what is truly important to you. Share a newly discovered talent or thought with the world.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Integrating the Sparkle of the Crystalline Flame for Abundance - May 16, 2015

quartz cluster_800_563The Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance blessed our Abundance of Light-Prosperity Circle with their essence and assistance to create our desires to become manifest within our world with the Crystalline Flame.

Blessings, My Dearest Children,
It is I, Purity with Astrea.
We are so happy to be with you again to bring forth our energies for this beautiful circle of abundance and the creation of your Light within your physical essence.
Today, we want you to concentrate on how beautiful you are from your purest essence. Do not think about your physical structure. Feel the Source of Oneness, as we sit within this beautiful garden of the 144th dimension. We bring forth that essence into the Physical Body through the breath, circling in all parts of your Being. Allow yourself to sit back and enjoy.
You are the perfect Crystalline structure. Feel your Merkabah as that Crystalline structure, from the top of your Soul Star to the bottom of your Earth Star. Think of it as a double pointed crystal.
Within that crystal are many facets. Sometimes, some of those facets need to be cleansed and purified. Just like you would purify your own crystals. Breathe deeply through this process and allow us to assist. We are the 4th step of Precipitation with the Elohim.