viernes, febrero 27, 2015

John Smallman - Jesus - Your loving, peaceful presence is a unique and irreplaceable individual field of energy - February 27, 2015

As we wait for humanity’s awakening, and truly “wait” is the wrong word, it is as illusory as time because there is only the eternal “now,” we can feel very strongly the constantly intensifying field of Love that you are holding and sharing as you align with the Tsunami of Love that envelops humanity.  You already know, yes, you KNOW that Love is the energy field that enables, encourages, and eternally maintains all that exists, that anything else is unreal, so you also know that your awakening is inevitable because it is the Will of God Who is infinite unconditional Love, and Whose Will is for you to live in eternal joy.
Reality, the field of Love, the energy field in which all exists, was created to provide eternal joy for all, and that is what It does.  That is God’s Will, and His Will is constant, unchanging, and in effect now!

The Sky Changed Earth's Axis Has Shifted


The Sky Changed Earth's Axis Has Shifted

Earth's Axis has changed
There will probably be more bad weather over the next month.
Possibly into March and early April as well.
Northeast is being pounded with historic levels of “Snow hurricanes”

The sun which should never be farther north than the tropic of Cancer in Mid Mexico or farther south than the Tropic of Capricorn in Mid Australia is now significantly beyond those points.

The sun is now about 2000 miles too far north in the summer shining in our northern windows and too far south in the winter shining in their southern facing windows at sunrise and sunset.
The orbit around the sun had possibly altered the direction of the angle

observations and measurements of the abnormal position of the sun due to a significant shift of our axis in Dec 2004 is now verified.
However, it has also significantly shifted again in the past year for the first time since 2004.

You can measure it for yourself when you see the sun position is too far north of your home in June (northern hemisphere) when it should never be north of the Tropic of Cancer and too far south in the winter.

Many people are not aware of the situation.
You can check out the sun position and verify the weather changes

Read more here:
Earth's Axis has changed

The Inuits are indigenous people that inhabit the arctic regions of Canada, the United States and Greenland and throughout history their very lives have been dependent on being able to correctly forecast weather.... and they are warning NASA and the world that global warming isn't the cause of what we are seeing with extreme weather, earthquakes and other events.

The earth has shifted, tilted or as they put it, "wobbled" to the north and they all agree "Their sky has changed!"

The elders maintain the Sun doesn't rise were it used to, they have longer day light to hunt and the Sun is higher than it used to be and warms up quicker than before. The elders who were interviewed across the north all said the same thing, their sky has changed.

The stars the Sun and the Moon have all changed affecting the temperature, even affecting the way the wind blows, it is becoming increasingly hard to predict the weather, something that is a must on the Arctic.

The elders all agree, they believe the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted to the North.

Read more here: "Earth Has Shifted" - Inuit Elders Issue Warning To NASA And The World

Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field

"Their Sky Has Changed!" Inuit elders sharing information with NASA regarding Earth's "WOBBLE"

Clips credit: ESA/NASA

EARTH OBSERVATORY Tima-lapse video from ISS

Aisha North: Welcome to the March Gathering Around the Pond, Sunday, March 1 - Feb 27 2015

Aisha North
Dear family of light! Time seems to pass faster and faster, and this upcoming Sunday it is already March 1, and at 21:00 Oslo time we will once again have our monthly Gathering around the Pond. This is what the CCs want to share about it:
“And so it is time for all of you to come together once again to make way through the ethers by way of organising your own energetic fields in such a way, the combined effects of it will once again be sufficient to move mountains out of the way, not just for you but for All. Let us explain.
By now, you have become accustomed to the fact that this task that you have taken upon you, is one that encompasses so much more than what you see about you in your daily life. For you are not just here to set yourself free from the old drudgery of being a third dimensional human, no, you are here to elevate ALL, and that includes those not even inhabiting your planet or your dimensional form in any way.

Christine Day - The latest message from the Pleiadians - February 27, 2015

The latest message from the Pleiadians

Beloved ones we great you,

With the new energies working within your planet, within your energetic field you are being called to move into a new state of being. The focus right now is to open up to an acceptance of all people regardless of the 3rd dimensional reality of differences. It is the time to let go of judgments which create separation, understanding the importance of self acceptance, and acceptance of others.

You can witness someone without judgment, understanding that each person has their own individual journey to take and each person has the right to do what they need to for their own experience.

It is a time of sacred union with others, to let go of the “I” and join in collective energies to move into your next step of your work experience. Your planet needs the energy of community without ego now. It requires each individual to bring in their own unique divine quality to the whole community so that there is enrichment to all within that community.

Brenda Hoffman - Te Estás Preparando para el Rol de tu Vida - Febrero 23, 2015

Por Brenda Hoffman

23 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Tal vez sientan que tienen los nervios a flor de piel, que están volviendo a enfrentar asuntos que creían abordados hace tiempo, o que se enojan por poco o sin razón. Sepan que están atravesando una transición importante en este momento.

Toda la tierra está ahora bajo la influencia de energías que se acumulan dentro de tu entorno.


Ascension Path - Equinox and Christ Consciousness

TerriNewlon – Djwhal Khul – “Justice and Karma” – 27 February 2015

(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Essentially we have the afternoon light streaming in here so making a nice effect on the video. And this week I want to put forth the concept of Justice and Karma.
Now Karma is something that can be transcended. It generally is balanced at some point in your existence after several lifetimes. And when you clear or what I call, tip the scales of Karma, you’ve cleared at least 51% of the Karma, then you start really making good headway and you can really sort of be released from Karma. That does not release you from cause and effect because that is the operating system so to speak.

SaLuSa - February 27, 2015

You are living in dramatic times when changes are going to take place very quickly. They are going to introduce you to the New Age that will eventually change virtually all aspects of your life. They may take time to manifest but they are already taking shape, as the old set up is being dismantled. It was specifically meant to keep you in the dark and prevent you from realising your true potential. The dark Ones intentionally concealed the truth of your true heritage, but that time is now coming to a close and those souls that are enlightened are leading the way forward. It means that those who cannot release themselves from their old belief system, will gradually become more isolated. There is no shame or retribution where they are concerned, but is does mean that their next experience will be a continuation of what they have already chosen. Be assured that many helpers are with such souls, encouraging them to have the desire to lift themselves up. Since time is an illusion it does not matter how long it takes for them to awaken.

jueves, febrero 26, 2015

Mahala – Life In Perspective – 26 February 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on February 25th, 2015
Guest article by Mona Delfino @
When I woke up today, a feeling came over me that ignited my joy. I wasn’t sure at first why suddenly I’d wake from a sound sleep with such a feeling of bliss. So I went into my heart, still laying in bed, and simply asked as I delved into the joy.
The answer I received was clear; “You are in a moment of clarity as to who your soul is.”
So I began to look into that. A deeper, qualified explanation of soul emerged as I was still enjoying this feeling. It was all encompassing, all oneness within everything without any preconceived idea, judgment, expectation, hope, or anything the mind has been used to. I was simply happy.
I do presentations and events, speaking about ascension in the human body.  Being a born Shaman in consciousness and retaining memory since I was 6 months old, I clearly was born a true healer. Therefore, after 32 years of really helping people heal, teaching, recognizing truths within and without about medical conditions, emotions, etc., I pondered this entire connection in one moment upon my waking. So today, I’m sharing with you some special truths about greatness of times we are in.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young - The Power of Certainty ~ Channeled February 26, 2015

Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for doing the sacred task of coming to anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet, at a later time.
By this time you are well aware that there have been profound energetic changes in you over the past twelve years on your planet, but especially since mid 2012. You are all very aware that you have been shifting and evolving, releasing, and moving back into your energetic truth. There has been much work that has gone on to release anything that was blocking you from your inner core.
This has been an arduous process for many of you, but it is also a very sacred process, and it has been creating the foundational energetics necessary to enable you to move forward in earnest for the entirety of your life expression, in a far more empowered, enlightened, and authentically embodied way.

Selacia – Wise Navigation Of March Energies – 26 February 2015

SelaciaWith March and its wild energy ride just around the corner, consider preparing now with these insights about what’s in store and how you can shift personal outcomes in positive ways. Foresight and advance planning can make all the difference – helping you to take advantage of opportunities for a brand-new start and to avoid reaction to surprises and crisis.
Every month has its intense moments, so what’s unusual about March?
First is a peak moment on March 16 when we have a rare lineup of slow-moving planets Pluto and Uranus. This cosmic dance of energy is directly related to a long cycle of radical revolutionary change – impacting all of us and how we relate to one another on this small planet. March 16 is the seventh electrifying lineup since 2012. Keep in mind, it’s not about just one day – cosmic events like this are felt long before and after a planetary lineup. See my previous articles for more on this. Soon after the historic lineup is the March 20 Equinox occurring at the New Moon with total Solar Eclipse – a very spiritual and transformational moment with a ripple effect.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, Feb 26, 15

I am here today to tell you of a new change that is taking place as I speak. I am St Germain, and I bring you this news because it is part of what you have been dealing with in the money matters around your globe. This is a time for you all to demonstrate your patience and offer your good will to those who are in the vestiges of distributing the funds to all of those who have submitted their information.

It is a time in which the currencies are in the distribution process and that means that as this progresses there will be more events that will slow it down. Despite this it will not stop them. It will prove to be a better and clearer distribution that will freely come to the ones who are in place and ready to move forward with their projects. I bring this information to you in order to appease the issues that you have been facing. It is a common occurrence that has been plaguing this planet since its beginning of being populated, in whatever way the energy has built throughout the habitation evolvement.

Marlene Swetlishoff - AA Gabriel - February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse of the quality of love known as intuitive. As one’s life becomes more dynamic and less structured, being intuitive gains more and more recognition as an essential decision making tool. Many decision makers are able to directly recognize the best option or course of action to take in many tricky situations. The solution just suddenly comes to them from somewhere in their subconscious mind and rises to the surface in perfect timing and synchronicity. The intuitive mode of thinking is a process that is dominated by a person’s subconscious mind, even if they use their conscious mind to formulate the outcome of the final results. The information they receive is processed in a way where they see the situation more as a whole picture rather than in fragments and sense that something does not feel right, even though there is no clear logic to prove that. The intuitive process works as an advanced pattern recognition tool utilizing one’s emotions to bring a message that comes as their inner voice. The intuitive process will help one to navigate faster through unstructured data and can work around gaps and conflicts in the readily available information. Yet, even the intuitive process can be misled if too many of one’s facts are wrong or missing. One is guided to pay attention to their emotional state. When a person is stressed or in a negative mood, their true inner voice will be distorted or lost in the background of their strong negative feelings. Removing the clutter in one’s mind, just as one clears old data from one’s computer system, is a very important step in the intuitive process.

miércoles, febrero 25, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Pesimistas - Feb 16, 2015

Por Brenda Hoffman

16 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Querídos míos,

Algunos de ustedes protestan por fraude cuando oyen las palabras Nueva Tierra o pensamientos acerca de cambiar su totalidad. Esta transición - ya que es de hecho una transición - no es acerca de ti. Tal vez esa declaración parece dura. No es más que una declaración de la realidad de los tiempos.

Tu estuviste de acuerdo para ayudar a crear esta transición - junto con millones de otras almas. Ahora es tu elección si es que deseas participar en la secuela de esa transición.

Dana Mrkich - Shake It Off - February 25, 2015

It is very easy to write 'don't let other people's thoughts and opinions influence you or define you' - it's a really common phrase and I'm sure I've written it plenty of times myself. However, let's be real: it is one thing to write it or be inspired by it, and another thing entirely to learn to actually be that way.

It is a growth process that can take a lifetime, to be so strong within yourself that you don't sway from your truth and centre when others criticise, misunderstand or judge you. Some people feel completely debilitated by external harshness. Most of us fall somewhere in the range of small, medium or mega wobbling like one of those bowling pin dolls.


Kara Schallock - Ser Auténticamente Tú - Feb 24, 2015

por Kara Schallock
24 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En tanto puede parecer que no está ocurriendo nada, ¡realmente está ocurriendo mucho! Estamos integrando muchísimo, y cada vez más personas despiertan y se preguntan: "¿Qué está pasando? ¡Todo se cae en pedazos!" Bueno, sí, todo debe caer en pedazos para poder construir de nuevo. No podemos simplemente armar una nueva estructura encima de un montón de basura. Debemos sacar la basura y empezar a construir ése en quien nos estamos transformando. He aquí un ejercicio para ti, si eliges dedicar el tiempo para hacerlo:

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Heart Activations: ‘tis the month’ - Feb 25, 2015

As the vibration of the heart peaks out from the snowy hill tops we are asked to look at our human heart and see its true value. There are so many flavors of love, as ‘true love is a many splendored thing’. Once love has touched you, you are forever changed. Love is movement and seeks to fly on the wind like a seed of hope seeking abundant land. Love is constantly evolving shifting changing, never staying the same for more than a fortnight, but leaving an eternal impression that will influence all lifetimes. The saying ‘that love beckons love’ is true. For only when there is love in your heart can you reach out and embrace another. Some flavors of love are only there once for a fleeting moment, never to be tasted again.
Your HEART and the healing of Earth are one in the same, opposite ends of the same rainbow. As this year gains momentum and the sun gifts, us with one solar charge after another, parts of the heart that have been closed down due to past sorrow now awaken with a loud roar. The heart wants what the heart wants, and what it wants at this time in human evolution is to heal and be clear of emotional debris.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Feb 25, 2015

A series of preliminary deliveries were completed. However, it was incumbent on our helpers to stop and shortly this complicated process can start again. The completion of this process is designed to replace the current governance and permit you to put an end to a long history of worldwide debt slavery...

from PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization

3 Men, 13 Zac, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come carrying good news! The process of unwinding the gross influence of the dark continues. The Light through proper prayer and divine actions is very close to unwrapping the final obstacle put forth by the Anunnaki many millennia ago. This set of divine actions is to free the numerous funds and permit them to be graciously delivered. The Agarthans have in their possession keys to special chants and decrees made for this exact purpose. These acts can only be performed when the right divine time is before us. This special moment is now. Hence, Heaven instructs when and how to execute these final hymns. Gaia reaches the point in her travels when such hermetic devices can be successfully applied. Our liaisons are thus working with those of the Light who were selected long ago to perform this most sacred task. This time is indeed special and all the required chants are being executed. Heaven’s chosen emissaries are providing these divine wordings. Their actions are to reset this reality’s matrices and to permit the many events needed to turn this reality toward manifesting the start of your freedoms and grand prosperity.