viernes, enero 16, 2015

Selacia – Tips To Thrive In 2015 – 16 January 2015 - Sugerencias para Avanzar en el 2015 - 15 de Enero 2015

SelaciaRegardless of how uncertain our world has become, you can take key steps now to thrive in 2015. And with our first new moon of the year just around the corner on the 20th, this is a perfect time to focus on your intentions and plans for constructive actions.
Our new moon falls on a high-energy day – with a rare planetary alignment combined with the sun moving into humanitarian and world-changing Aquarius. All new moons are powerful opportunities for shifting energy and intention setting, but this upcoming one carries amplified potentials.
The key to preparing for this energy is inseparable from what is required to thrive in 2015:  set in motion now what you want to see unfold over the long term. In other words, have a big-picture view and regularly take conscious heart-centered actions matching that view.

Wes Annac - The Secret’s Out - Jan 16, 2015

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
The secret’s out, and everyone’s waking up. Steadily but surely, people all around the world are becoming aware that there are higher realities beyond our conscious perception, which we can tap into with focused, dedicated inner work and practice.
People are becoming aware that our reality and every reality beyond is innately spiritual, and we’re learning that the aspects of our mainstream culture that seem designed to keep us from living any kind of positive or wholesome life have, in fact, been orchestrated to hold us back.
We’re becoming aware of the corruption of the people in power who’ve long stopped representing the people, and we’re taking a stand against them as we ready ourselves to create something better. And we’re being assisted with all of this by what some have called our ‘higher self’ and our spiritual guides, who, in my opinion, we can communicate with if we make an effort.
What was once a hidden and practically inaccessible reality is becoming common knowledge for those of us who are ready to make real and lasting changes (inner and outer), and the elite lose more power and influence by the day.

SaLuSa - January 16, 2015

It has taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, but we observe a new energy rising that is taking hold on Earth that is bringing co-operation and peace. After years of wars and confrontation, the new energies are awakening people to the peaceful pursuit of ways to bring about a harmonious co-existence between all people. Now when war threatens there are still those that respond in a like way, yet at the same time many, many more pursue peaceful solutions. We will certainly do what we can to influence and aid those who seek peace and a total end to war and find a peaceful solution. The voices of those who are tired of death and the waste of your Earth’s resources through aggressive behaviour, are gaining power and influence that will lead the way to peaceful co-operation and statesmanship. It will take time to persuade some people that war only benefits the few who have invested very heavily in it. However, time will bring forth many truths and reveal those who are its beneficiaries.

Sandra Walter - A Profound Exhale of Creation - January 16, 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The final merging of the grounded Earth grid systems, the crystalline grid, and the 5D/6D New Earth  grid systems – which are a much more flexible, less static system – was completed on January 12. Some of you may have received the nod from your Higher-level teams or directly from the SUN itself confirming this alignment.
On Tuesday afternoon I was meditating the SUN, connecting with the SUN’s core, when a huge surge of golden light shot forth into my energy fields and knocked me backward with a sudden overwhelming YES. I went into the laugh-cry of gratitude, continued my meditation, and that evening I was guided to spend the night on the mountain. I grabbed my Arctic sleeping bag and headed up. It was an icy, clear night with the usual lightship traffic, including that massive golden lightship which a few of you have experienced. Downloads flickered like speedy filmstrips, and I spent most of the next day in bed integrating.

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - El Sendero Diamante: La Nueva Aventura Creativa de Amor y Abundancia en 2015 - Dic 31, 2014

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En este primer día del año 2015 estás entrando en un nuevo comienzo y una nueva aventura en el planeta Tierra. El 2014 fue experimentado por muchos como un año difícil y caótico con retos personales para muchos de ustedes. Pero, Amada Familia de Luz, también fue el año en que los pórticos y portales de Abundancia y Creatividad Mágicas fueron anclados en la Tierra. Los retos a los que te has enfrentado ayudaron a que te pusieras realmente de pie en tu poder y seas el Creador de tu propia Realidad. Esta es la esencia de un Maestro Multidimensional de Luz.

En el año 2015, se te dará la oportunidad de desarrollar más tus habilidades y capacidades ya que las poderosas energías de Luz Diamante crean una mayor aceleración de la conciencia y nuevas activaciones de los códigos de ADN para la evolución espiritual y física. Llamamos a esta nueva Espiral del Tiempo el Camino Diamante, y en este camino descubrirás el poder del Amor y la Compasión Infinitos. Vas a descubrir tu poder dentro de las energías Galácticas y Cósmicas y las enfocarás en la creación de una realidad amorosa y armoniosa mientras viajas por el Camino Diamante como Maestros y Creadores multidimensionales.

Eliza: On Embracing Your Humanity - January 16, 2015

April Clouds
Eliza: On Embracing Your Humanity
Yesterday as I strode into my workplace through the foggy blackness of early morning, a thought occurred to me, “If I didn’t walk-in to this world, then I will not be walking out.”
Most everyone assumes that they arrive into this world the regular way, by being birthed and having two physical parents. Last April, I was told that I was a walk-in soul, who entered into a pre-existing vessel, after the original occupant left it vacant.  Yesterday, I took the time to check within and intuitively came up with my own answer.  I was born into this world, as a babe within my mother’s belly… my poor suffering mother, who was alone while her husband was off serving during the Korean Affair.
Yet, for a time I took the two people who assured me that I had walked in rather than being born here at their word, not questioning or listening to how this information resonated with me. Actually that’s not quite true, as I was always troubled by the concept that I wasn’t a part of my physical family. And this uneasiness has existed within me for some months, finally bursting forth last month in a sense of despair and depression. My heart was unsure of what I was being told, what was apparently being expected of me… what these other people actually believed would take place for themselves as well as me.
Even though I didn’t feel very much at home on this planet due to its low frequencies, there was always something here that caught my heart. A part of me wanted to linger here despite the enticement of going “home” to someplace of which I had no memory.

Suzanne Lie - Planetary Ascension

jueves, enero 15, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Hi To Higher Vibrations, and Bye Bye Bridge - January 15, 2015 - Hola a las Vibraciones Superiores y Adiós al Puente

Emotionally and energetically, we are in an all or nothing kind of place - and that refers to 2015 not just when there is a solar flare, although they will certainly help the process along!

What this means is, we became accustomed to living within two frequencies simultaneously. We were on a bridge between worlds for a long time. Now however, that bridge while perhaps still there in some form, is no longer there as it used to be - and certainly it is no longer one that we can stay on. It can't hold us, support us or sustain us anymore.

Lauren C. Gorgo - 2015: constructing the collective dream - January 15, 2015

5DHappy New Year!
Happy” might still be a stretch at this point, but this much I do know: I am thrilled to be entering into this new vibration and even more thrilled to be exiting 2014and 2013and 2012, respectively.
Tho I definitely say that every year knowing full well that the cosmic forces only increase in power and successioneven still, there is a definite sense that 2015 is the year when we start our meteoric rise to the top after so many years (decades?) of bottoming out.
Our downward journey, deep into the dark bowels of human separation draws to a close, and we begin again.  This time toward the light and not away from it.
So first, a quick round of applause for those still standingwell, sitting likely. Who am I kiddinglaying down, obviously. The last two years (specifically since the 12/12/12 portal) may well qualify as literal hell in your life, but for those who made it thru the very long and very difficult trial by fire, heaven awaitsour assembly.

Dianne Robbins - Mikos from Inner Earth - Earth's Lost Firmament

Q: Why did our lifespan shorten after the Firmament was destroyed in the Atlantean and Lemurian war?

I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos, located in the very Center of the Earth, that holds all the records of our Universal and the Elemental Kingdoms ~ I will answer this question.

A: The destruction of the firmament was a backward step taking you backwards in time, to where you don’t know who you are. You not only lost height, you lost your sight.

The Firmament was composed of crystalline ice particles, many miles high that surrounded and completely protected the Earth from the harmful radiation of the sun’s rays. It provided a perfect ecological system, totally in balance, and the divine blueprint of all life forms responded wholeheartedly to this benevolent environment by reaching their divine potential on their step up the spiral of evolution.


Greetings everyone, what I wish to share with all of you today is of great importance and tremendous benefit for ALL of you who are ready to activate the SUPREME ATOM of your being and your 8th and 9th chakras.
A few days ago, as I was about to retire for the night, I saw a beautiful figure appear before me that of an old wise man with a long white beard. The energy surrounding him was spectacular, very calming, peaceful and yet incredibly inspiring. He swirled around me and disappeared from view. Then the next day I was sitting at my computer when all of a sudden I heard a “knock” of sorts and a message that you will see below started to flow through me. I was later shown a vision and given directions on the dimensions of the image that you now see here before you. I had this image commissioned for me by a very talented graphic artist named Kashif.

Judith Kusel - Karma: Releasing old contracts, vows, etc. especially dowry agreements, marriage and business contracts, etc. - January 15, 2015

When humanity lost its innocence with the proverbial fall from Grace, which was really a matter of free will and choice, and choosing the wrong option which separated mankind from the Divine, and unified cosmic laws and Tree of Life,for the first time ever karma was created and with it the karmic board.
Karma was basically created because of humanity willfully breaking the cosmic laws, and sometimes out of sheer ignorance, and there needed to be lessons in balance.  It basically has to do with the lesson of CAUSE AND EFFECT – what you sow you will reap and mastery of such.
All energy moves in a circular pattern and it understood that at some point the negativity created would need to be transmuted back into peaceful Love and cleared.
We are given the lesson of experiencing the outcome of our actions or inactions, making wrong choices and ignoring the Divine and all Divine Cosmic Laws of Creation, in order to learn the correct use of power.  Yet, at the same instance, we at any time have the freedom to bring all back into balance, clearing the karmic debt, and therefore releasing the old harmful patterns we created somewhere along the line.  We may ask the Lords of Karma for a dispensation, or we can ask help from certain of the Archangels to help us to release outdated vows etc.  If this is for our greater good and soul growth it will be granted.  

Blossom Goodchild – 15 January 2015

bloss arizona biggerHello my friends. Straight to it, if I may? A video has been put out, of a Lightship and 5 orbs descending from it. First of all, are you there?
Welcome in Loving arms to you and your dilemma.
Indeed, it is a dilemma … for as you know, secondly I am going to ask … is this for real or is this a hoax?
We would say to you in all OUR TRUTH that this Light show is not one from which we would take our name upon.
In other words it is a hoax?
A very clever one at that … is it not?
Indeed. Ok … so, I was thinking about this, depending on what your answer would be. A part of me could allow myself to be annoyed at the prankster. Another part of me thinks … ‘Oh well, it certainly uplifted so many while it lasted’ … judging by my inbox. So … to say to you … if a hoax can cause so much upliftment (only to be thwarted, once Truth discovered) … do you not see how uplifting a REAL LIGHT SHOW from YOU would be? You know … THE ACTUAL REAL THING. I was SO excited going to bed last night … imagining more and more of this kind of thing happening. I FELT it would make such a difference to the Planet and its Vibration. Just saying! Just repeating what I always say … ‘SOMETHING LIKE THIS … EVEN BIGGER MAYBE … FROM YOU … WOULD DO US ALL … THE WORLD OF GOOD!’

Il Ritorno delle Astronavi Aliene in ValPescara (Italy)

The Best UFO Sightings of 2015 (January) Part 3

Shanta Gabriel – The Gabriel Messages – Creating Your New Life In 2015 With Light – Now Is The Time – 15 January 2015

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideDear Ones,
Over the centuries in every generation there were only a few souls who could embody their Divinity. In the new year of 2015, the number of people who awaken to their true divine nature will be unprecedented. The level of creation that is possible will seem almost magical, yet it simply represents alignment with your most Divine, Eternal and Illuminated self.
In this year, you are able to create a new reality from fields of empowered Light weaving forms made up of qualities of higher consciousness. As you awaken into the Light of Divine Presence, you find freedom to soar above the mundane and yet create in clear practical ways. Working within these multidimensional levels allows you to bring Heaven to Earth. From this place you can receive the impulses of your soul’s gifts to activate in this lifetime.
In this year, you will come to know the power of the forces of Divine Light as a Tool for the Creation of your most Empowered Future. The dimensional shifts that have occurred opened the way for you to receive at a new level of frequency. You are here to see your dreams manifest, when they are desires coming forth from your soul to summon the energy that empowers you to bring your gifts into the world.

miércoles, enero 14, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Founders Speak 2015 - January 14, 2015

As your human intelligence and telepathic tentacles reach out deep into the heart of the universe a joining is created. As you search for the highest truth in the deepest abyss you become fluid of nature.  As a species you seek what has been withheld from you. You as reflection of the Creator have a DNA/RNA sequence that holds what you seek to know. In other words you core cell biology knows the answers to all the questions your soul will ask. You seek resolution as all the instincts beat thru your veins. The very thing that has been withheld from you lives deep within the very soul of your being.  It is this that seeks to dismantle and ride your humanness into stardom in an unbridled fashion.
You feel this presence, ancient and older than time itself. You feel this presence as vast beyond the sphere of your own universe. You feel the strength and breathe of the convictions we as a collective light hold. We are but a mirror reflection of your own inner core.  For you were carved from our schematics in a place that time did not exist. You were created to be the best in your region of the universe to live in a place of honor to live in a place of heart and to live in a place of loyalty to that which created you. Most beings keep the best parts of themselves hidden in a desperate effort to not show vulnerability or softness. Yet it is that softness and vulnerability that proclaims itself thorough the cosmos, touching the very heart of the Creator.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians - Who Are The Reptilians & Anunnaki?

Patricia Cota-Robles - Mother Mary's Rosary


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Report: I actually perceive very strongly how the
chasm between human Beings widens. On the one side 
the “unteachable ones” and on the other side the “conscious 
ones”. Whereby the “unteachable ones” are ignorant to such 
a degree that it literally causes “physical” pain. This mankind 
is equally in the process of abolishing itself as the world is in 
the process of dissolution. Also in my closer and expanded 
circle of friends and acquaintances human Beings go in a 
circle, relationships break apart and individual human Beings 
cannot – in most cases do not want to – step out from the 
labyrinth of deceptions.