The secret’s out, and everyone’s waking up. Steadily but surely, people all around the world are becoming aware that there are higher realities beyond our conscious perception, which we can tap into with focused, dedicated inner work and practice.
People are becoming aware that our reality and every reality beyond is innately spiritual, and we’re learning that the aspects of our mainstream culture that seem designed to keep us from living any kind of positive or wholesome life have, in fact, been orchestrated to hold us back.
We’re becoming aware of the corruption of the people in power who’ve long stopped representing the people, and we’re taking a stand against them as we ready ourselves to create something better. And we’re being assisted with all of this by what some have called our ‘higher self’ and our spiritual guides, who, in my opinion, we can communicate with if we make an effort.
What was once a hidden and practically inaccessible reality is becoming common knowledge for those of us who are ready to make real and lasting changes (inner and outer), and the elite lose more power and influence by the day.
Now that we’re becoming aware of the existence of higher dimensions and the misaligned, self-serving actions of the people in power, we’re being led to ask ourselves what we want to do with it all. How do we want to move forward with the knowledge we have at our disposal? What do we want to do with our newfound understanding of life and the universe?
The first thing most people who awaken want to do is seek out others who’ve made similar discoveries.
Luckily, all we need to do is look around to see that the world’s teeming with conscious seekers who are eager to come together with like-minded people to discuss how we can use our knowledge to build a new world. As long as we aren’t shy, we’ll find plenty of others with similar revolutionary ideas as us.
Another thing most aware people want is revolution. Conscious, spiritually aligned revolutionaries have sprung up throughout the generations, and the most recent generation of hardcore revolutionaries came to us in the seventies with people like Bob Marley.
There are a lot of hardcore revolutionaries in this day and age too, but for the most part, the revolution we’re creating right now is spiritual. Instead of focusing solely on the elitist forces who need exposed and dethroned before we can create a new world, we’re giving them some of our focus while we place the rest of it on what we can do to change within.
As we fight the elite, we’re also taking a serious, discerning look at ourselves to determine what’s out of alignment with a spiritually rooted way of life that embraces selfless service over greed, pride or any other quality that holds us back, and we’re learning that changing within is the best way to fight corruption.
The external corruption that grips the elite is a manifestation of the internal corruption we’ve all fed at one time or another, and as we’re learning, to focus only on fighting the elite is somewhat counterproductive and wasteful.
As long as we have hatred or corruption within, those qualities will continue to manifest in the world, usually in the form of an elitist force who oppresses its people. In order to truly bring corruption and elitism to an end, we’re learning to look within and find what it is about ourselves that keeps the old world in motion.
Despite how distant we seem from Source, we’re learning that he/she is in everything.
Not only are we learning to see God in everything around us – we’re learning to see God in us. We’re empowering ourselves with the understanding that we, as our seemingly distant creator, created everything around us for the purpose of growing, learning and playing around, and we’re awakening others to this liberating concept too.
We created this reality (and the realties beyond it) to have fun, and this is exactly what we’re doing as we seek to change the world.
We’re reclaiming our godliness (and the inherent spirituality that comes with it) and making sure the elite know that we’re aware and we’re ready for their unjust reign to come to an end. We have the stars and the heavens on our side, and when we have trouble, we know we can turn to our higher self or our guides for help.
The cat is out of the bag, and no matter how hard the elite tries, they’ll never put us back to sleep. We’re awake, aware and willing to do what’s required to change things from the inside and out, and the first item on our agenda is to help everyone wake up and contribute to an already strong revolution of consciousness.
Dreariness and unawareness are being replaced with upliftment and the willingness to finally change our broken world, and however unfixable things seem right now, they’ll be easier to fix when everyone’s aware and willing to do the work that’s required.
No matter what happens, we have our awareness and that’s all we really need. Now that we know the things we do, it’s time to get active with our awareness in hopes that we awaken as many others who are ready to awaken as we can. As we do, we empower even more individuals to step up and use their voice, which is exactly what we need right now.
We need everyone to be aware and willing to contribute, and after centuries of unawareness and unwillingness to change, this goal is finally in sight. Let’s not give up now, because we’re closer to utopia than ever.
At this crucial stage, we just have to keep reaching our arms out and accepting the gifts we’re receiving from within, which are allowing us to contribute with so much enthusiasm. The end result will be worldwide utopia if we stay strong and committed to our goals, but we have to create utopia within before it can manifest in the world.
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I’m a twenty-one year old writer, musician and blogger, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.
I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter.