sábado, junio 14, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The great Angels awaken, 
the Gods in human gestalt become aware of their mission; 
instead of ignorance of all life, the awareness of the cosmic 
connections comes forth and human Beings go from ignorance 
to knowledge.
The Great Spirit of the One lowers itself over this world, 
the One Creator of all Life enters into the reality of the 
awakened ones, and the One immutable Source of all Sources 
reveals itself to mankind.

John Smallman – Saul – The Demands Of Your Human Lives Can Be Very Intense – 14 June 2014

john-blog-pics-0135In the spiritual realms we can clearly hear you calling for your awakening to happen, now!  And, like you, we also look forward most enthusiastically to its imminent and inevitable arrival.  No doubt to many of you it seems to be forever coming but never arriving, but its apparent non-arrival is just part of the illusory environment in which you are experiencing your human existence.  Yet to know that is not much comfort when it seems that you have to keep on experiencing all the problems and suffering in which the illusion immerses you.

viernes, junio 13, 2014


In the middle of his ongoing ITCCS trial for murder and satanic rituals, the Pope takes a leave of absence from being the Vicar of Christ.
Is he leaving for good?
Better be.
pope takes leave
So Pope Francis isn’t a man of steel or ironman after all. Or just so we thought? The incumbent spiritual leader of the 1.2-billion strong Roman Catholic church has for the very first time filed for a leave of absence from work since taking on the post in March 2013. Vatican assured believers and skeptics alike it was nothing major, just that the pope was tired.

Christine Meleriessee - Understanding How to Create the New Earth - Jun 13, 2014

New Earth Terra Christa
How do you interpret this?
“The hard part is over. The only thing left to do now is alter your expectations and enjoy the ride. You are a divine being of light and your true nature will soon be all you know. The pace is now accelerating and the coming changes will also be met by shifts in monetary systems, the political landscape and well as modifications in social and economical infrastructures. This will happen sooner than later, but likely before the end of this year. Many of these events will happen simultaneously and when the greater cycles begins, you will know. It will be difficult, but that is the time to be centered and focus on seeing all the good that will come in the age of empowerment. You are a truly empowered humanown your mastery.” – http://thespiritscience.net/2014/06/12/6-shifts-in-consciousness-we-are-experiencing-right-now/

Pamela canaliza a Jeshua - Hacer Vuestras Propias Elecciones

Pamela canaliza a Jeshua


Traducción del inglés por Sandra V. Gusella

Queridos amigos, los saludo a todos desde el corazón. Sientan mi corazón, porque estoy conectado con ustedes. Respírenme. Hay una hermandad entre nosotros, una afinidad mental entre ustedes y yo y un grupo más grande de almas amigas, de trabajadores de la luz. A algunos los conocen, a otros no, al menos no en el sentido terrenal, pero hay una conexión, una unión mayor de la cual ustedes forman parte. Sientan esa unión dentro de ustedes.

Wes Annac – Spiritual Guidance: Connecting With Spirit Is A Sacred Right – 13 June 2014

wes-annac-300x229Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
When you attune to the energies and impressions of the higher realms, you connect with something that constantly sits within and waits to be utilized. Your reception of the energies we’re offering can be very smooth and free-flowing, but you have to have plenty of energy and willingness to interpret and expand on the impressions you’re being given.
You have to be in as receptive of a state as possible if you want to open up to us and the energy we’re sending you, and you utilize your creative energy when you channel us or do anything else that’s intended to help humanity become aware.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Humanity Full Moon” – 13 June 2014

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
We’re at the Full Moon of Humanity, one of the most sacred moons that you can have. And we want to celebrate the fabric of our being, so to speak, or the fact that humanity really comes from one cloth.

John Smallman – Jesus – You Are Divine Beings On Earth To Assist Humanity To Awaken – 13 june 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Humanity is on the edge! Awakening is imminent!  Yes, you have been told this many times already, and, as time is of the illusion, it is absolutely true.  Nevertheless, to humanity it seems that the flow of time is unavoidable – slow or fast depending on how you are personally experiencing it – but it does seem that you are enclosed in it, enveloped within it inescapably, and when you are waiting for something for which you long the waiting can seem interminable.  So we have been telling you that your awakening is imminent first because it is, as time is illusory, and second because it is you who have to awaken, and you will do it in an instant once you are ready.

Wes Annac – Enlighten Yourself: Anger And The Transcendence Of Duality – Part 1/2 – 13 June 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Here, I’d like to talk about anger and the manner in which it holds us back from our greater growth and development. Anger, like a lot of other qualities, clearly hinders our growth because it takes us out of a naturally loving frame of mind that isn’t easy to get back into, and there are plenty of other reasons it just isn’t good for us.
Anger holds us back from accessing and feeling a greater, more wholesome part of ourselves, and it stops us from feeling the sense of wellbeing that helps us thrive. Plenty has been said about the manner in which anger hinders our spiritual development, and I’d like to examine some of what’s been said here.

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa 13 June 2014.

We come to assure you that all proceeds well, but for reasons of security we cannot always reveal what is taking place. As we have done for some considerable time we work mainly in the background, to fulfil our responsibilities to ensure that the Light spreads as intended. This means that we closely monitor the activities of the dark Ones, so as to ensure that their activities are not allowed to interfere with the positive changes that are taking place. At present your world is going through a testing period of changes that are going to see an end of the dominance of the dark Ones. Some are taking place on a level that is obvious to you, but they also occur out of your sight and without your knowledge. Since time immemorial we have accompanied you through your travels, although we have never interfered with your freewill decisions. We do however use our influence to keep you on the Path of Light, as the end times are to release you from the dictates of the dark Ones.

Patricia Cota-Robles - EL IMPULSO PARA JUNIO DEL 2014 ES ASCENSIÓN (Parte 2 de 2) - Jun 1, 2014

Por Patricia Cota-Robles - Junio 1, 2014

Traducción: Alicia Virelli

El Próximo Paso en Este Plan Divino que se Está Develando

A medida que los milagros se develan paso a paso, el sendero está siendo despejado para la próxima fase del Plan Divino que implica los esfuerzos unificados del Cielo y la Tierra.

La Compañía del Cielo dijo que la Actividad de Luz que nos han pedido orquestar, catapultará a la Tierra y TODA su Vida hacia arriba a la Espiral de Evolución hacia las maravillosas frecuencias de la Nueva Tierra. Este plan está diseñado para hacer disparar en el interior de los corazones y las mentes de las masas de la Humanidad el CONOCER que no somos víctimas de nuestras vidas, NOSOTROS SOMOS LOS COCREADORES DE NUESTRAS VIDAS. Este conocimiento sagrado traerá a un nivel consciente la profunda Verdad de que NOSOTROS somos los co-creadores de la Nueva Tierra y que a través de nuestros esfuerzos unificados de manera tangible manifestaremos los patrones de Amor Divino, Abundancia Infinita, Paz Eterna, Salud Vibrante, Unidad, Reverencia por TODA Vida y cada uno de los otros patrones de perfección asociados a la Nueva Tierra.

Blossom Goodchild – 13 June 2014

bloss arizona biggerMy friends, at last I am home and able to once again link up with you. What a tremendous journey my soul has been on over the last three months. Are you home?
We, dearest one, are always home. For we live within our Peace and this therefore, would be what we know as home. For many, they FEEL that they are walking the path homewards and yet we would say one is already home. It is a question of sitting by the hearth and gazing through the flames of Love in order to KNOW where one is.

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 419 – 13 June 2014

AishaNorthAs mankind started to take those first faltering steps away from the old habits of staying stuck in the same rut, it was not an accidental move. Rather, it was the culmination of a long and rather intense fight between the powers that considered themselves as the true rulers of this world, and by the force of the incoming light, embodied in a myriad of different ways. You see, mankind has for far too long been held hostage by those with their own agenda, an agenda that took the presence of mankind on this beautiful planet for their own benefit and indeed as a chance to satisfy their own need to manipulate and subjugate others. But as things started to escalate, the force of the light could not be held back any longer, and as such, more and more of the individuals constituting the population on this planet took to arms in the form of letting go of their own blinkers. And so, when they stepped out from the shadows and committed themselves fully to the light, they armed themselves with that one true and invincible weapon there is, fearlessness caused by love.

jueves, junio 12, 2014

Animal Consciousness - Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn - Jun 12, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
Lift up, rise up, the day of the Light has come!
The great denial and the great expectation of the ascension 
have reached mankind. The tepid and the tepid ones, the half 
and the half ones dissolve. Mankind has decided and this world 
has chosen, because the time of changes is the time of decisions
on all levels. Human Beings have conformed to this necessity 
and have fitted new wings on themselves or have rejected these 
wings out of the hand of the Creator. In the awareness that the 
wheel of time will henceforth keep turning and will not stop until 
the day that is “their ascension” in a far away time.

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Spread Your Wings and Fly - Jun 12, 2014

spread your wings
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the current energy. There are very many of you who are being encouraged to really contemplate what it is you want to create from this point on; to clearly identify what you DO and do NOT want to create.
And in doing so, you are being met with the blissful feelings of trusting in your ability to create the life of your dreams, only to be met with the fears and doubts that have plagued your minds for years that say you cannot.
“Why is this you ask? What am I doing wrong?” To this we smile, as you have done nothing wrong, you are simply remembering how to fly. You see, you are integrating new beliefs which say that you are capable of creating and manifesting any desire, while trying to release the fears and doubts which say that you cannot, and there you sit, precariously perched ready to take flight only to be met with the fear that you might fall.

Master Serapis Bey via Natalie Glasson: The Journey of Separation to Unity - Jun 12, 2014

serapis bey
It is with the presence of love, clarity, and peace that I come forth to greet and share my consciousness with you at this powerful time of transition on the Earth.
Do you feel yourself to be moving on a journey of separation to unity? Are you at this time recognising areas, ideas, and perspectives of separation which seem to rise before you so clearly?

Judith Dagley – The Celestial Team – If You Say It IS…IT IS – 12 June 2014

judithA Hit of the Day
This is Judith, with a BIG hit that I am getting equally BIG celestial encouragement to share with you… so take it in BIG!
It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that it is the perspective through which we experience absolutely everything in our lives right NOW that determines its meaning.  And of course, that means we pulse out frequencies to activate connection with whatever resonates with our “meaning of choice.”
Which means, essentially, that whatever we say is true is confirmed by external reflections. Which means that as energetic beings who create “reality” through frequency, we can do no wrong as far as energy is concerned. What we say GOES.

Suzanne Lie – The Beginning Of The Ending – Arcturian Campsite Message – 12 June 2014

Somewhere in the midst of all that Sandy has told you, we also planned our route to our first destination, the Pacific Ocean. We decided to camp as often as possible so that we could be closer to Mother Nature. We were too excited to camp at what we had determined as our first camp, so we drove all night and started our adventure at our second campsite.

Karen Dover - Human language and the “puzzles” of the old 3D earth created reality - Jun 12, 2014

Many of you who read this blog will be familiar with my statement of  “there is no puzzle, there JUST IS”. This is in reference to the old 3D earth created reality where your outer waking reality is often presented to you as a puzzle that needs to be solved. This invokes the logical human mind and takes you OUT of the heart space, the heart space BEing where the KNOWING is located, it is the very connection to your SOUL.  Trying to work with the New Earth energies from an “outside of self” concept is not supported as it is not TRUTH. Many times you may be tempted to place the focus of what is unfolding through you, around you and within in to outside of your human vehicle but this is not TRUTH. YOU create at all moments of all moments, the way to influence and change what is occurring around you is ALWAYS to alter that which is running WITHIN you.