jueves, abril 18, 2013

Council of Angels, your Higher Self, and Source via Goldenlight: A Message About Abundance - April 18, 2013


Good evening we are the Council of Angels, your higher self, and Source, bringing you a message today about Abundance. As the channel took her daily walk on the beach today, the concept of Abundance was materialized everywhere – in the massive mounds of seashells that were piled on the beach, the plethora of cat-tails swaying in the breeze, the billions and trillions of grains of sand on the beach, and the sun shining everywhere in the clear blue sky. The sun, and abundance, shine indiscriminately on everyone, with no one left out.

Abundance is the natural state of the universe, and indeed, of everything that I, Source, Am. Everything is created so that there will be plenty – from all natural things on your earth up into the heavens, the galaxies, the stars, the universes and beyond….everything that I Am and everything that I have created is naturally abundant. There are no shortages where I Come From. I have created everything to be plentiful. Notice a field of grass….how many blades of grass sway in the breeze….or a flock of birds…..all flying in formation together. As you look up into the sky at night, you see just a small area of the billions of stars in your galaxies….and there are many, many, other galaxies, and many other beings in all of the other galaxies and in the multiverse.

Valerie Donner: A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council (Currently Serving On The Earth Council) – 17 April 2013


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Currently serving on the Earth Council through Valerie  Donner April 14, 2013
Greetings, I am Mira. I welcome you into my heart and into the heart of the circle of Pleiadian love and Light enfolding the Earth. We realize that you need an extra boost of love energy from time to time. You are working hard on multiple levels. We have never seen such diligence in any previous ascensions in which we have participated. You are remarkable beings of light serving our Creator in a most dedicated manner.
We know that many of you are experiencing trials and travails in your lives. We observe your challenges for we monitor all that is occurring on the Earth plane at this time. We also work with the inner Earth for they are participating in the ascension process to. In fact, there is not a single place in all of creation that is not affected by what is going on with the Earth right now.

Nancy Tate: Wake Up Call – Hatonn & Altros – 17 April 2013

I am here today to let you know of something that is taking place in your world. There is a great deal of energy being put into a deed that is being completed in the interest of the many aspects of earth society. As the financial, social and educational factors of your society come to a place in which the people are having more voice, there is a rising independence that is being reclaimed with the people. It may not seem that way to many of you, however if you look under the calibrations of so many media sources and exponential news reports, you will see the truth of what is actually taking place come forward.
I am Hatonn, and I come this day to tune you in to the power that you are regaining and taking to the utmost places that are in the works with us. Yes, as you all take your steps in whatever ways you are doing, whether it be physically, through the internet, and other sources of communication, or through your inner intentions it is working. We are being given the signals by all of you to do what we can on our part to see to it that your free will is allowed top priority.

miércoles, abril 17, 2013

Popocatépetl, ¿base extraterrestre?

Popocatépetl, ¿base extraterrestre?
El Universal informa que  decenas de avistamientos de OVNIs se han registrado en los alrededores del volcán Popocatépetl; las cámaras de video de dependencias gubernamentales, televisoras y vigilantes del cielo los han captado.
Experimentados montañistas afirman haber visto seres de más de dos metros caminando sin ninguna protección a más de 4 mil kilómetros sobre el nivel del mar; los lugareños mencionan que en las entrañas del volcán hay seres extraños habitándolo.

Why You Can’t Connect With Some – Brenda Hoffman - April 17, 2013

Dear Ones, Perhaps there are family or community members you cannot understand because their actions and thoughts seem so different from yours. As a child, you may have even dreamt of your ‘real’ family rescuing you from this foreign home.
Even though you cannot remember your pre-entrance to earth, many of you lined up for the opportunity to be part of this transition despite the lack of interest of your previous spiritual family members.
You merely remember how uncomfortable you felt for much of your childhood as you tried to interact with the strangers who were your family or community members.
You might also have selected families you interacted with in past lives to complete specific karmic pieces in this lifetime. Even though you do not particularly like interacting with them, there is a bond of sorts with those people with whom you have had previous lives on earth. Those individuals are not the topic of today’s discussion.

Clearing Yourself with Archangel Raphael Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn Clearing Yourself with Archangel Raphael April 6, 2013

Ask your angles to help you release any toxic energy that you may have absorbed, or are holding in your energy field. Ask Archangel Raphael to work with you, supporting your healing and your healing work.
Many of you are empathic and oftentimes the challenges and problems that you are feeling are because you are carrying the energy of others in your auric field. You are not sure where you leave off and they begin. This can be troublesome on an earth that is changing so much as it is. It is therefore important for you to regularly clear yourself and your field. This will not only help you feel better, less emotional or even less anger, it will help you know what is yours to be working on and getting the chance to work on your things.

Valerie Donner – The Ground Crew – 17 April 2013


Dear Ground Crew,
Here we are in 2013 and I wouldn’t exactly call these changing times easy. The challenges that we are having are quite intense. The big focus seems to be health issues or with relationships. Everyone gets to clean up the past, let go of the baggage and start anew. The health issues can be serious. Several people I know are facing the Big “C” and one person might be making her transition as I write.
We get to choose whether we are going to live in love or fear. Fear is an old 3D energy. It no longer fits with the fourth dimension or higher. Longstanding issues are up for divine resolution. Some people who do not want to live in the higher vibration of love are leaving. Even some Lightworkers are facing their big concerns with emotions such as anger and lack of forgiveness.

Wes Annac – Giving Ourselves To The Restoration Of The Earth – 17 April 2013

I’m posting this today despite the tragic Boston attack, as it increasingly seems to be cabal-caused and when things like this happen, the work being done to rebuild our Earth tends to fall by the wayside in favor of continual coverage of the event. The attack is discussed more toward the end of this writing and there are as well, fruitful places you can now go to understand the truth of what has happened. 
Despite what has happened, we have a movement to strengthen and along with continuing in our goals as valiantly as ever, I would recommend sending those affected by this bombing the purest Love and compassion we can muster up.
A balance of understanding the higher realms and understanding the injustice that has been wrought upon our world will aid us tremendously as we greet the future we have been Creating. We will all be playing specific roles that will likely require specific understandings in this future but at this very moment, it is important for us to have the understanding of realms beyond our conscious perception, as well as the injustice that continues to take place in every moment.

Suzanne Lie – The Galactic/Earth Alliance – Landing Party – Part 7 And 8 – 17 April 2013


Dear wonderful readers,
I have not written anything in my blog for a while, as I had to take some time out to just BE. I love that saying, “take some time.” Can we actually “take out time?” Perhaps, we can, for when we live in the fifth dimension and beyond, we are “out of time.” In fact, I have been feeling very “out of time.” I have been extremely fatigued while being active in 3D time. Then when I close my eyes, just for a moment, I leave time and step into a NOW in which there is NO fatigue.
In fact, the feeling of fatigue that I experience while in “time” becomes a NOW of bliss when I close my eyes, take a few deep breathes and allow my consciousness to return to its true resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond. Within the ONE moment, all my cares and stressors are GONE. They are gone from my mind, gone from my heart and gone from my life. Then when I open my eyes to perceive my 3D life, the fatigue returns like a huge wave.
The interesting part of this experience is that my 3D life is actually very happy. In fact, I love my 3D life. I love my home, I love my family and my friends I love my job, I love my new office, I love every part of my life. In fact, right now I am on vacation sitting comfortably in a cozy chair. Looking out the sliding doors I can see the ocean breaking on the shore, while is also expanding out into the horizon of the unknown.

Blossom Goodchild – 17 April 2013

blossom-blog-new shortGood morning! Well I have certainly found my mind to be in some miserable places lately … yet today FEELS so much better , so I thought it best to pop in for a chat whilst the going’s good. Someone asked if we would have integration with you within our life time … (don’t know if they were 75 or 15 … guess that could make a difference) yet you surely get the gist ?
Welcome to you and your more chirpy persona. We would answer your question with a definite ‘yes’. Over these next few years the changes that you are all to encounter will be widespread and phenomenal. The more the soul merges with the Higher vibrations the more quickly ‘plans’ can come about.
Yet … do we not have to wait for a certain percentage of ‘man’ to wake up? So many feel that they are being held back because of this.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 17 April 2013

13 Cib, 4 Kank’in, 9 Eb
Selamat Jarin! We return! Let us begin today by reviewing what has transpired so far. As you know, our Earth allies have set up the basis for a new monetary and financial system and the Agarthans have used their diplomatic skills to establish the nucleus of the new governance that is to be run by a coalition under the auspices of your Ascended Masters.
The Ascended Masters under the guidance of Quan Yin in the East and Count Saint Germaine in the West have ensured that a new system of banking and monetary policy is emerging. These changes are intrinsic to the sacred decrees which are preparing this world for our mass landing. These divine directives are guiding us as we establish a way to set up the new reality for surface humanity. Freedom is a necessary condition for all that is planned and your realm is on an accelerated path to creating those prerequisites for your return to full consciousness. Our many liaison teams are monitoring everything and meeting every day with those who are to forge your new governance. As of now, these many programs have put all the necessary elements in place.

Mind Control : Rock Stars : Hollywood : Science : Sport : Education : Spiritual : Cosmical : Religion : Mainstream media : Total control : Cosmic Consciouness wins against this evil control :

Settle down and take a good look around you to see how well you have been attacked from the inside out:
It is time to take your spirituality back and quash this mind bending control :
In Love and Light: Knowledge is power : Open your eyes and see who is doing you over :
For those of you watching this who think we are doomed : 
We are most certainly not : We are winning and the Cabal are doomed doomed doomed: 
Just look at the Gold and Silver prices for comfort: 
Now settle down for some eye balling and some mind control :
Part 1 It is in every part of life and I have not even mentioned M K Ultra and Tavistock Institute yet owned by our ruling Royals : Do not forget Royal Society means MIND CONTROL Please do you own research : Namaste Dave 

My Higher Self on Saturn, Jupiter and Europa by Multidimensional Ocean – 15 April 2013


Laura: Have we as humans ever lived on Saturn, Jupiter, Io or Europa?

Higher Self: we have yes indeed, not under physical 3d form , mind you. Although the conditions on the gas giants were more “friendly” towards organic life as well. Our favoured home was Saturn for many millennia, it is there that most of our species was born, or rather conceived my dear. The human form was created by our ancestry, who were indigenous to Saturn. Our creators were realizing that there was a good chance of populating solid planets with more dense life forms.
Many other species have taken part in this project, as it was soon seen as a necessity to descend into the higher densities by many species and learn, expand consciousness from there.



de Karen Bishop

Las personas que deseen compartir estas publicaciones en sus propias páginas web, blogs, facebook o entre sus amigos y en redes, están invitados a compartir el enlace a cada una, mas no el texto completo. Agradecemos su colaboración.

por Karen Bishop

Traducción: Margarita López
Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo



April is not easy to describe because there are so many things happening on myriad personal and planetary levels. We are in the midst of unprecedented completions laced with massive new beginnings. We are shedding lifetimes of old skins. We are being influenced by extremely different reality systems until we completely pull out of duality and anchor ourselves in the Ultra Greater Reality. The collective turmoil that is occurring all over the world is strongly affecting us by creating extremely Choppy Surf. The air around us is so full of the swirling currents of chaos and rebirth that it can be quite a challenge to remain grounded and clear.
Some people are grieving or feel Null Zoned that our journey through the 11:11 Doorway is over. This grief will be instantly gone as soon as they realize that the most important part of this magnificent journey has just begun. Some are feeling insecure and scared because they don’t see the hoped for evolutionary changes that we’ve long been working for. Instead, they only see the violence and corruption that is rising to the surface all over the world. This makes them feel as if they don’t know which way to turn. This is causing some to turn back to old belief systems, while others are simply confused or in a state of shock.

martes, abril 16, 2013

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You Are An Amazing Sight To Behold – April 15, 3013


We have noticed, and would speak for a moment about, a very gratifying development. More and more in these recent days, ideas which were introduced by this channel and others are being accepted and spoken of by others.
This, of course, is the whole purpose of our communications, and it both makes those of us doing the communicating happy, and bodes very well for the increasing progress toward your goals.
Ideas, like precious seeds, must be planted, nurtured, and cared for carefully until they become strong enough to thrive, and that has happened, though you may not notice in your day to day rushing about. This is true over your entire globe, also, and not just in the few places which read and speak your particular language, whatever that may be.

James Gilliland: 5D Incoming and Relationships - April 12, 2013

http://lightascension.com/images/twinmalefemale.jpgJames Gilliland, April 12, 2013
After the great deluge of emails and phone calls asking what is going on with all the chaos, turmoil, relationship splits, and people basically wigging out everywhere, I felt it is time to write this article. Some of the information will be a godsend, to others they will find major resistance to this information.
This is often determined by which side of the fence one is on and if they are ready to heal, and take responsibility for their choices and actions. Nonetheless, universal law, and karma will have its way despite our delusions and denials. We can mentally justify many things our soul and spirit do not. Soul and spirit always have the last word.

Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: The Santa Fe Galactic Command Center Already Exists in 5D Apr 15, 2013

sf-renderingChanneled by Goldenlight, April 11, 2013
Goldenlight: A very rudimentary sketch of the vision I was sent today about the Galactic Command Center in Santa Fe. I tried to illustrate this a little more clearly digitally last evening, without much success. I am going to attempt to paint this at some point soon! The digital version is below.

Expansion and Creating Change from Within - Wes Annac - April 15, 2013

The impetus for change must first be found and acted on from within if we are to properly act in alignment with the new paradigm we wish to build.
I am not suggesting we Create a narrow vision of ourselves and try to push ourselves into acting in alignment with such a vision, but I am suggesting we thoroughly examine every tendency, mechanism and emotional-reaction pattern that creeps up and makes itself known to us, so that we can see if it is in alignment with those of the higher dimensions we are growing toward.
The strong impetus to be a part of the enacting of change across the world is being felt more than ever in plenty of awakening souls who see that the work is simply not going to be done for us, and I would like to present the viewpoint that our actions in every moment and how we go about our existence on this Earth in general are the most prevalent determiners of what is manifested next on the world stage.

The manuscript of survival – part 300 - April 16, 2013 - Aisha North

As you see the light approaching on the horizon, you will hear the clarion call from all of those souls starting to wake up to this new dawn. For now, it is not only you who will be singing the praise of this dawn. As we have said earlier, this heavenly choir you have been putting together on this little blue planet will start to amass so many new voices. And so day by day, the volume and the complexity of your song will increase in so many ways. For you were the first ones, and in the beginning, your voices where few and far between, and they were easily lost in the ongoing drone of noise being emitted from all sorts of sources around you. For if you were not listening intently, this heavenly song was easy to overlook amongst all of the clamoring of fear, voices of discontent and the hubbub of downright deafening proportions. For you were not easy to spot in this veritable mass of wall to wall noise, and as such, you yourselves felt how your sound was drowning in a sea of emotional turmoil.