lunes, agosto 21, 2017

Lisa Renee - The Sun and Solar Activity

The Sun and Solar Activity

With the masculine body corrections underway with the recent Solar wind transmissions, the alchemical transformation of humanities consciousness evolution has come to merge with the greater scientific understanding of DNA Activation. DNA activation plays an important and direct role in spiritual ascension and consciousness evolution for the entire planet. The Cosmic Father principle returns the imprint of humanities original DNA architecture through the ascension cycle when the Solar and Stellar body’s transmit intelligent plasma forces with geometric coding to the earth. The Cosmic Mother principle returns the original record of Mitochondrial DNA through the magnetic shifting happening on the planet, which helps to reinstate our blood, brain and neurological system blueprint into higher functioning in order to bond with the DNA of our true origins. The original instruction set of our DNA is a lattice work of pure liquid crystal, an ideal

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - 2 Arcturian Meditation Download for the Eclipse - 8-20-17


Arcturian MEDITATION for the Eclipse:



SEE the Transcript for "Being In the Calm"


Resetting Your Mind

The Arcturians

Allow yourself to recognize when you need to reset your computer/mind. This overload is often because they have had too many programs open and too many things going on at once. Then, your computer/brain becomes overwhelmed. It is fine to go into a “shut down“ of all of the different browsers you have open and “turn off the computer/brain “and the leave it off for a while.

NOW, take a moment to look inside your self to find how many things are going on inside of your mind within the NOW. Can you forget the grocery list, picking up the kids from school, having a meeting or something you forgot to pick up, really have to do, or what is going on around you.


Lord Metatron brings forth a higher spiritual message for the Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21st, 2017 assisting us to learn how to walk through the Entranceway of Light for the Ascension of Humanity and GAIA. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa, Integrative Channel, brings forth background information on what this eclipse means for each initiate in our personal pathway.

On August 21, 2017 we will experience a Solar Eclipse around the world which can be seen across the United States starting in Madras, Oregon at 9:06 AM Pacific and finishing its journey at 4:06 PM Eastern in Columbia, South Carolina. This is the New Moon of Leo which occurs late within the sign so it can bring a sense of urgency to finish things up that have been left unresolved.


Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training in relation to the Solar Eclipse of August 2017 and how we, as the Initiates, can make an important stand for humanity and Gaia for this important event. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agartha Council of Light.

Aisha North- Water Speaks - Eclipse activation - August 21, 2017

Eclipse activation

 As the Sun

is darkened

the light quickens

igniting the hearts

of countless

dormant souls.

Posted on August 21, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Eclipse Solar Agosto 2017

domingo, agosto 20, 2017

Kara Schallock - Eclipse Energy - 20-Aug-2017

As we move into the energy of the eclipse, I want to say that, as with all eclipses, it doesn't matter whether you physically see the eclipse or not, for energy is energy; Light is Light; it affects you wherever you are. The energy of this eclipse will be with us for at least many months. It's just that when it is occurring it is most potent. Eclipses bring change, so not only does this affect you, it affects all on Earth and Earth itself. High frequency Light Codes are coming in and are now entering us even before the actual eclipse. This eclipse most likely affects our Heart; the core (coeur) of our being. Within our hearts is the Hieros Gamos: the sacred marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. This helps dissolve any separation we might hold within.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Co Creation in the 2017 LeMurian Eclipse

The Total Eclipse Issue

August 20, 2017 Special LeMurian Eclipse Issue

Timings of the Mega Eclipse
The August 2017 Eclipseical Gravity Amalgam
Ark-Lantis 2017 in the Crystal Vortex

Highest Good Manifestation - Total Eclipse Guided Meditation
Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn

Co Creation in the 2017 LeMurian Eclipse

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet you in a vector of unconditional love.

The total eclipse that will occur on August 21st, is an opportunity for enlightened humans to influence the planet for the better.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek -August 20, 2017

Dear One,

Just as a ship at sea can find the land it is seeking through the beacon light on shore, so is the power of your prayers. The guiding light of your prayers sets an intention for your life that leads the way to all you require for an abundant, healthy and joy-filled life. Prayer is an alignment with God's energy. It connects you to the abundant Source where all is provided. Prayer is not something you save until there is a dire need. Prayer is a way of aligning your thoughts to create the opening for miracles in your life.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – Aug 20, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Earth Angels and Co-Creators!

We speak with you today, in this beautiful eclipse moment on your timeline, with joy and anticipation of all that these particular energies are bringing to and drawing forth from your world.

For this is not only a one-day event you are looking forward to now.

The August 21/22 total solar eclipse is a shining moment, a time when a flood of higher energies is being released onto your planet, and will continue to flow in high levels for some time to come.

Shekina Rose - Solar Eclipse - Aug 20, 2017

For Mass Meditation to take place during the Solar Eclipse, August 21, 11: 11 AM~ Special Vortex mystical experience of this video a transmission blessings of the Portal. **Find out what happened as this video was being published for the Blue Ray Pleaidian Message 22 ~ 44 ~444 ~ 13

Living in the Vortex of Sedona AZ is a very powerful with increased acceleration of healing and mystical experiences; It is living in different dimension. I have recently moved not because I wanted to though my place was no longer available. And as a local in Sedona we know that we can get moved a lot. It’s the nature of you and the relationship of the vortexs and to be able to live here in Sedona, for the mission. One Sedona Author, who has written many books on the supernatural and contact experiences of the vortexes, moved 27 times in 30 years.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday August 20, 2017

Dear Ones, as you move forward into the next phase of your journey, many of you will be changing service, or stepping into service in a tangible way for the first time. Just as each person's enlightenment path is individual, so will be your service offerings.

Sheldan Nidle - 15 de Agosto, 2017

8 Ik, 0 Uo, 1 Ik Dratzo! 

Todo sigue avanzando rápidamente. Aquellos con conocimiento esperan que un cambio de energía importante ocurra con el eclipse solar de este mes. Se ha predicho que este evento galáctico debe tener lugar después de una importante liberación global o revalorización de una gran cantidad de monedas. Este evento solar pondría entonces en marcha la República NESARA y el lanzamiento mundial de GESARA. Es esta serie de eventos globales los que realmente podrían hacer diferente a este mes.

The Solar Eclipse Gathering - Critical Mass for the New Plasma Body Formation Blueprint

sábado, agosto 19, 2017

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual para Agosto 2017 - 1 de Agosto de 2017

1 de Agosto de 2017

Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El tema principal de Agosto es RE-EVALUACIÓN/ REINICIO.

Este es un mes que brinda una gran oportunidad para reevaluar lo que están haciendo en su vida, eliminar lo que no funciona, e ir a por un cambio a gran escala. Es un mes muy intenso de altibajos emocionales, de confusión sobre lo que es correcto y además es un momento de lidia profunda con verdades difíciles.

También es un mes en el que tomamos lo que "HICIMOS" en julio, y re-evaluamos su ubicación en nuestras vidas para luego llevarlo al siguiente nivel o bien, decidimos que no es para nosotros. Cuando "se busca algo nuevo", se tienen que cambiar las rutinas establecidas para permitir que el espacio (y el tiempo) se apoderen de ello. Esto generalmente significa que algo más que era receptáculo de un lugar enérgico tiene que ser cambiado y/o liberado. A veces esto sucede naturalmente, pero la mayor parte del tiempo es cuestión de tomar una decisión consciente y el consiguiente compromiso. Conseguiremos muchas oportunidades de hacer nuevas elecciones y mover las cosas para acomodar los nuevos aspectos que deseamos anclar.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Vieja Energía Adictiva - Stanford, Connecticut, Agosto 12 de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Stanford, Connecticut, Agosto 12 de 2017

La Vieja Energía Adictiva

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado, como siempre. Les daré un mensaje ahora del que él no está enterado, o que no está enterado de que sería dado. Así es como funciona, querido, que la información que se da desde el otro lado del velo, es información que no esperarían, dada de maneras que podrían no afrontar. Esta noche es una revelación que avanza más que nunca en las diferencias entre la vieja y la nueva energía.



August is one of the key, transformative months of the year that will move many of us out of our comfort zones and bring us completion on many levels. It's an "Expect the Unexpected" month that will bring huge change. August is full of Wild Cards in which anything can happen. And at this moment, we don't know which Wild Cards are going to be dealt to us.

We are experiencing heightened polarities as humanity splits into various divisions. There's the ever growing separation between those living in the two reality systems of Duality and Oneness. There are the obvious divisions between religions, races, political beliefs and between the rich and the poor. Splits within splits are taking place.

Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Agosto 2017 ~ FORJADOS EN LOS FUEGOS DE LA TRANSFORMACIÓN - 19 de agosto de 2017

Agosto es uno de los meses clave y transformadores del año, que sacará a muchos de nosotros de nuestras zonas de confort y nos traerá culminación en muchos niveles. Es un mes de "Esperar lo Inesperado" que traerá grandes cambios. Agosto está lleno de Comodines en los que cualquier cosa puede suceder. Y en este momento, no sabemos qué Comodines nos van a tocar.

Estamos experimentando polaridades exacerbadas conforme la humanidad se fracciona en varias divisiones. Hay la creciente separación entre aquellos que viven en los dos sistemas de realidad de la Dualidad y la Unicidad. Hay divisiones obvias entre religiones, razas, creencias políticas y entre ricos y pobres. Se están produciendo divisiones dentro de las divisiones.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday August 19, 2017

The act of surrender is like putting your car in drive after you've programmed your destination into your GPS. Intention is step one. Activating your help is step two. But neither one will do you much good if you don't get into the flow that allows you to be guided to where you want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 18 de Agosto, 2017

Estad seguros de que todo marcha bien a pesar de las apariencias externas. Las nuevas energías se están estableciendo y en consecuencia las viejas están luchando para mantener su posición sobre la Tierra. Es parecido a una batalla por la supervivencia, excepto que las viejas energías ya han tenido su tiempo y están perdiendo el poder para seguir existiendo, y más tarde desaparecerán. Es muy parecido a lo que pasa con las energías negativas de las que dependen los Illuminati y sus secuaces para continuar con su existencia, que es por lo que perpetran el miedo con sus actos. Pero están perdiendo su poder poco a poco y ya no pueden controlaros como antes. La campaña para eliminarles de forma que les cierre la posibilidad de seguir en el poder sobre vosotros está teniendo éxito, y silenciosamente y con poca publicidad las Fuerzas de la Luz se han convertido en la fuerza dominante del bien. Eso significa que no pasará mucho tiempo antes de que sea seguro avanzar e introducir las diversas innovaciones que elevarán vuestra calidad de vida.