Lord Metatron brings forth a higher spiritual message for the Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21st, 2017 assisting us to learn how to walk through the Entranceway of Light for the Ascension of Humanity and GAIA. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa, Integrative Channel, brings forth background information on what this eclipse means for each initiate in our personal pathway.
On August 21, 2017 we will experience a Solar Eclipse around the world which can be seen across the United States starting in Madras, Oregon at 9:06 AM Pacific and finishing its journey at 4:06 PM Eastern in Columbia, South Carolina. This is the New Moon of Leo which occurs late within the sign so it can bring a sense of urgency to finish things up that have been left unresolved.
Many souls will treat this rare USA total solar eclipse as an earthly phenomena that must be experienced as a physical festivity. There is so much more to this event that could occur for humanity however. Here is the higher spiritual information, and more importantly, the messages of the higher frequencies of light that each soul now has the opportunity to embrace… if they are ready to set aside their 3D self and seek the path of the Fifth Dimensional self. For those that are ready and willing, we are also providing a Guided Meditation to assist each individual to do so.
The Solar Eclipse brings to us the essence of the Feminine Divine as the Great Central Sun of Helios and Vesta representing the Alpha and Omega assist the planet to bring all things into balance.
A solar eclipse represents the external world whereas a lunar eclipse brings forth the inner desires to become manifested.
We each went through the inner revelations of what we could not easily perceive about our lower shadow self becoming more revealed during the full moon on August 7th with the Lunar Eclipse. Now with this event it become the focus of having the movement to bring forth the higher aspects of ourselves to become reflected outside into our physical lives. It is a time of great change while bringing forth the ability to make the necessary steps to create a new experience to occur in our physical self.
The Sun brings forth the Masculine Divine whereas the Moon represents the Feminine Essence. The Solar Eclipse of August 21st brings both elements into focus on a more tangible basis. It is a very powerful movement of allowing the Sun and the Moon to assist Gaia to bring her existence into a more balanced state of awareness.
The United States of America is considered the Ascension Capital of the World through the teachings of the Ascended Masters. This means that as this solar event is focused on America, it is allowing the initiation of the Higher Focus of the Ascended Frequencies of the Masculine and Feminine Divine to be more grounded into Gaia than at any other time of the last 375 years, well before the United States of America was established.
The Total Solar Eclipse in the United States is exceeding rare as a Spiritual Force for Transformation in terms of Ascension Mastery for individuals to step it up and place a proverbial “stake in the ground” to hold forth the Creation of a New Reality much more than what occurred in 2012.
Through these alignments every soul upon the Earth is rewiring themselves to step into a new part of themselves. The individuals that are not consciously aware will go through some extreme moments of acceleration and change that may be very challenging for them to experience. Those of us that are fully aware of our higher consciousness and Higher Selves have a grand opportunity to delve deeper into our Soul’s Essence to start to allow the reality of who we are as a soul to become the experience of our Physical Selves. It is a time of great transformation for each of us to become better and more aligned with our highest purpose.
Lord Metatron would like to say a few words of how we can move through these energies with ease and grace.
Greetings My Dearest Beloveds:
It is an honor to come to each of you; I am Lord Metatron at your service.
The Spiritual Hierarchy and the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimensional State of Oneness is very excited that Gaia is ready to handle the magnificence of these energies that will be occurring.
Our dearest Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logos and the Great Central Sun will be insuring that the onset of these energies of the Solar Eclipse will assist the planet to start to become more focused with the Alpha and Omega, the Masculine and Feminine Divine to allow the creation of this Light to be more focused by Humanity and all of Gaia’s inhabitants.
Those of you that are aware of these energies have probably been feeling very challenged throughout the last couple of months. This is because your Soul is preparing you to step into the Light like you have never experienced before.
During this preparatory phase, it can be very overwhelming to realize the magnificence of whom you are becoming so the focus becomes what is being realized within yourself. As you learn to steady your energies, you will understand that this process is ongoing and you will accept the challenge of not knowing, while allowing yourself to be in a state of understanding from your highest perspective.
This Solar Eclipse is bringing all of these elements to light.
The challenges that you have undergone is tremendous. You have been in a battle within yourselves and on the planet as a whole. But isn’t it time to truly stay strong in who you desire to become and allow this magnificent event to take to grander heights within yourself?
I see so many times that individuals truly want to hold onto their lower ego through the process of their spirituality.
It is the worst mistake that any person can make. It will cause you more pain than you realize and when you step into the power of surrender you will see that your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I Am Presence will guide you in the right direction.
The energies that you have been experiencing through the cycles of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are preparing you for this most magnificent event. It is a time of great acceleration, I do not mean in terms of your physical engagement with it, but in allowing your higher consciousness to help you through the process.
This eclipse represents a new doorway of light; it is powerful and very accelerating to the advancement in the physical self. By allowing yourself to fully step into the movement of this Eclipse, then and only then, can you move forward in your real pathway of light. Do not allow your physical mind to tell you how you should experience it, but step into your Higher Mind and allow the flow of the energies to take you to new heights within yourself.
At the moment of the first initiation of the Solar Eclipse in your time zone, take time to reflect upon what you desire to occur in your life.
What issues have you been dealing with presently?
Allow them to be sent through the movement of the Eclipse of the Sun and Moon, let the old elements be burned away. Then, and only then, can you fully accept the new elements that are awaiting to be received by you through your Higher Self and I Am Presence. Accept the energies as they come to you.
If you can take time during these moments of the Eclipse, then you will be able to let Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logos to take you to new heights within your consciousness. And, believe me, it will not only be in the higher states of awareness but within the physical self.
We suggest you don’t try to look at the eclipse but to experience it from your own Heart Essence of your Divine Self so that your Physical Self can fully feel the beautiful entrance-way of light that is awaiting you in your consciousness and your life.
The Eclipse will be very brief but extremely powerful if you allow it to open up a new doorway of your pathway. You can allow this energetic exchange to wipe away elements that you are dealing with that seem so challenging to purge. Allow the Sun and the Moon of the Masculine and the Feminine Divine to assist you in accepting the challenge of being an Initiate to walk the pathway of Mastery as you never could fathom before.
It is a time of great movement into the higher realms of light to become grounded within your Being upon the Earth.
We need each of you to do your part; become One with the Alpha and Omega, receive the assistance that you need to understand that who you are in this present moment can and will change if you allow it to become your focus of your Divine Healing. As a Being of Light, it is your responsibility to hold this light as much as possible. Do not let anything interfere with this process.
Become One with your highest consciousness to bring forth the existence of Oneness within yourself so that you will be that beacon to others.
Many will not do this and will suffer at these times. There will be arguments, fighting, and trying to find equality in the world by protesting or forcing agenda. This is not the way of the Light. We cannot control what any one person decides to create in their lives but we can help by holding vigilance with these energies together. Each of you, as the awakened ones, need to step up and take responsibility for your own healing. Your Etheric Self is healing through this process so allow this healing to occur for you and be the beacon for others to see. Not by verbalizing it, but by Being This Light that I know you all can be.
I, as Lord Metatron, walk with you in Oneness, with the entire God Force of the Office of the Christ, with Lord Melchizedek and the Mahatma of the 352 levels of reality calling upon the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimension to assist each and every one of you to be the Aspirants of the Light.
In Blessings and Love, we walk with you.
So Mote It Be; Let it Be Now and Forever More.
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE FROM THE ASCENDED MASTERS FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE: Due to the Highest Spiritual Energies that can potentially be grounded into Gaia with this Celestial Event, with an individual donation of support we are offering a very special higher frequency vibrational meditation for your use during the Solar Eclipse time frame. Using it will assist you to connect to Helios and Vesta of the Solar level and the Cosmic Master energies just as Lord Metatron suggests for us to do. The alchemic vibration within this audio frequency is the highest available for individuals to assist Gaia and Humanity at this time. Using this meditation in group settings will enhance the power of the Ascension Light to become more grounded. If you are not living in the USA area of the visible eclipse geography, using this meditation will still assist 100%. Please click here to use the Walking Terra Christa Ascension Guided Meditation “GROUNDING THE ENTRANCEWAY OF LIGHT”.
To find out where the Eclipse will be occurring in your time zone, please see Nasa-Eclipse 2017 for more information.
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