August Review
I was surprised that August was as smooth as it was energetically. There was plenty of challenge going on in different ways, but the collective energies were a fascinating juxtaposition. The August energies (the electromagnetic influx and response) were ushering in a resonance that had a deep effect on a mental level.
The emotional and physical effect in the immediate may have felt like a back-and-forth of release/resolve repeating. It was stirring up some patterns that needed to be released from the collective through each individual.
Did you notice any ah-ha moments, any changes in your reactions or observations? They may seem minor, but that is what creates the change. Sometimes it’s two steps forward/one step back. Allow the readjustments their time to form.
I saw a lot of excitement and even some hype, but it’s all part of awakening conscious focus so it all serves a beautiful potential. The energies do their work no matter what because the Law of Resonance is the core of our experience.
August energies were a wonderful embracing of hope and possibility that we will now express with a greater capability because of our willingness to receive. I saw a lot of loving courage being embodied, some through challenge and some through creative and joyful expression. It’s all perfect on this path of progression. That leads us to September…
The Power of Focus
September ushers in another layer of Mental Focus. The physical experience is linear because that gives us detailed and unique experience. In this current time of Ascension, we are evolving the human experience into conscious focus of the subtle realms. The subtle has always been there and we’ve always interacted with it. Now we are graduating into conscious creative interaction, hence the increased focus on our thoughts and emotions.
There are some important aspects of this to focus on, especially in September. The September energies are anchoring the August energies into practical application of our new resonance that was initiated through the eclipses (and more).
In order to change the human experience, we are learning, “being in the world, but not of it.” What does that really mean? I interpret it as being grounded and aware, while consciously choosing for the self rather than just allowing the world to sweep you along unconsciously.
Biological Focus
Areon has channeled about our evolution in so many ways over the years. As I mentioned in the video, part of their name was developed to represent the mental focus of humanity (the other part about Time). To become a conscious creator with the subtle realm, and to utilize the immense power of the subtle realm that builds worlds, we are decoding the subconscious, the powerful engine of the brain.
This month, as we expand our mental focus, we are opening to a new level of subtle creation. They have consistently spoken about the importance of allowing our desires to flow into the world. Our positive prayers and focus are important subtle information that effects the new generations born into the Earth’s informational field—the connection of the collective.
An important part of accessing our positive potentials is authentic emotions that create a clarity of resonance. Oftentimes, things like our frustrations, hopelessness and insecurities get lost in the ego structure. This isn’t a bad thing, it is a perfect part of our evolution. Change becomes a necessity—either a necessity of experience or desire. It’s all part of the perfection of the progression.
Authentic Focus
As we desire change, we put information into the grid systems that surround the Earth—the biosphere of information that is in constant relay with us. We access what we are resonant with; by choice, focus or unconscious data. The more conscious we are, the clearer our resonance and flow.
When we are aware of our authentic feelings, we are resonating more clearly. That awareness is a big part of the work, it begins the transformation process. Allow your authentic thoughts and emotions to flow into your conscious awareness and you begin to transform them. This helps you create a more direct path of progress.
If you find yourself with some undesired authentic responses like hatred or fear, nurture yourself into transformation. It doesn’t define who you are, it is merely a moment of recognition that there is information within your subconscious that you can now choose anew. From that space (an openness to the new to form), you begin to focus on the change.
Open Focus
The path of evolution requires looking beyond what is into what may be. Observing what is remains an important foundation. Being in the present is where the power is as you experience life. To maintain that connection and (as appropriate) observe what may be, you are beginning to connect the present with the future potential, aligning the trajectory of your life in a non-linear connection of Time.
This is a key to conscious creating, not just positive thinking, but feeling the potentials of the future within your present clarity. It takes practice, openness and a peace that passes all understanding. Sometimes its two steps forward and one step back, but it’s all part of the perfect progression.
Inner Focus
When I was filming the monthly video, praying mantis came in to teach us. According to Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, it represents the Power of Stillness. It is this powerful stillness that allows us to create with wisdom rather than just effort-filled action. Inspired action becomes swift and meaningful because of the clarity of thought and timing cultivated prior to action.
Stillness and patience go hand and hand. Rather than pushing through things with desperation, inner focus creates a strength and clarity that supports adjusting to the moments that call for action or inaction. It is an openness to potentials that allows the window of opportunity to be clear.
The mantis message also contained a specific message of the power and innocence of youth. Jesus has said, “to enter the kingdom of heaven you must be like a child.” The younger generations are those that come into a resonance of information that is the desires of the previous generations.
As Areon tells it, they are born to manifest those desires through time. They come equipped to handle what is necessary to create improvement. The improvement is unique to the individual as to what they are specifically resonant with actualizing.
Innocence in this sense is not naivete, is the wonderment of possibilities and discovery of life through joy. Joy, a topic we covered in last month’s teleclass, is an important emotion by many different names. It begets an openness to Life because it naturally connects deeply with the moment and the potentials of the future. It has a strength of the past built into it, that all that has come before has not only prepared this moment but desired this moment, this resolution, this receiving and renewal. A joyful moment allows the perfection of the path to create progress.
September Focus
In September, find some time to allow your thoughts and emotions to connect your present moment to future potentials. The good that you observe, enhance it with gratitude and expansion. The negative or challenges that you observe, transform them with gratitude and expansion into new potentials. Use that beautiful mind to connect with your powerful heart and focus the progress of humanity.
As you focus the future potentials into the present moment, your brain connects with the non-linear and creates linearity. As you consciously connect with the non-linear potentials, you are integrating Time and Space within your present. You have always been a gift to Life. Receive that deeply and give Life the gift of your desires so that manifestation continues through you.
Your prayers, your discoveries, your choices allow Life to change. Through you.
Have a beautiful September!
Copyright: © 2005-2017 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.