domingo, agosto 20, 2017
Shekina Rose - Solar Eclipse - Aug 20, 2017
For Mass Meditation to take place during the Solar Eclipse, August 21, 11: 11 AM~ Special Vortex mystical experience of this video a transmission blessings of the Portal. **Find out what happened as this video was being published for the Blue Ray Pleaidian Message 22 ~ 44 ~444 ~ 13
Living in the Vortex of Sedona AZ is a very powerful with increased acceleration of healing and mystical experiences; It is living in different dimension. I have recently moved not because I wanted to though my place was no longer available. And as a local in Sedona we know that we can get moved a lot. It’s the nature of you and the relationship of the vortexs and to be able to live here in Sedona, for the mission. One Sedona Author, who has written many books on the supernatural and contact experiences of the vortexes, moved 27 times in 30 years.
In my new place I am now connected to new vortexes and portals and as I type on my computer my new view is the Cathedral Rock Vortex. I have an amazing tree 10 feet from my window and it feels like I am in the tree tops. As this video was being published for the 1st time here a red tail Hawk flew in the tree a very close experience and then two doves. The Cathedral Rock Vortex is home of the nature huge twin flame rock statute of the native legend of the Sacred Beloveds counterparts, the Pleiadian Portal and appearance of Mother Mary of Rose Ray.
Here is the message from spirit animals
Hawk you may have an inclination towards using the power of vision and intuition in your daily life. The hawk totem provides wisdom about seeing situations from a higher perspective, using the power of observation, and focusing on the task at hand. It’s a good companion to develop spiritual awareness.
• Hawk is the messenger of the spirit world
• Use the power of focus
• Take the lead when the time is right
• Power to see, clear vision
Strong connection with spirit, increased spiritual awareness
Hawk spirit animals belong to the realm of bird medicine. It carries the symbolism that comes with the ability to fly and reach the skies.
Dove ~Pleaidians of Peace/Inner Earth ~ the Pleaidian's would send me doves as their representative messengers, when they did not send their physical ships or presence. Represents peace of the deepest kind, symbol of motherhood support, twin flame healing, love you are not alone, It is said that if a dove flies into your life, you are being asked to go within and release your emotional disharmony. The dove helps us to rid the trauma stored deep within our cellular memory. Doves serve as liaisons between intuitive thought and common reality. This ability to move between two worlds (sky and earth)
Ascension, communication, devotion, divinity, gentleness, grace, holiness, hopefulness, love, maternal, messenger peace,promise, prophecy, purification, sacrifice
44 and 444 came as signal with making these video
444 Messages
We are together working your angels and support teams, the realms and veil and very thin now. We send you constant love and our signature of light to let you know we are from the same place as you. We are your lineage.
Message from this video:
In these amazing energies of the eclipse of the Lions Gate, oneness, unity and revelations, you are the energies of the New Earth, the New forerunners. Something may come up from you past unexpectedly, perhaps hidden, that you were not aware of and where you will be called to forgive, release and see with a higher vision and awareness. You are being called to hold and be a greater love and compassion for yourself first and then for the world.
To allow this love to shine in the radiance of your true essence and expression and see with an expanded new reality. To remember Joy is your birthright where creativity is asking to express the freedom of your spirit. Anything that the world has told you about your body that is not empowering of wholeness, mass shame, rejection, any limiting beliefs about self and health conditions and the environment. You are being shown in a very personal way to let them go to a higher Divine BluePrint.
You are a Key code carrier activator of the New Earth. There are no incurable diseases that can’t be healed or environment issues that can be corrected. All things that exist their counterpart exists as well, the cure, the solutions, the remedy and the frequency harmonic. It is just that you, and we collectively have not found, embraced or discovered them yet.
New Earth Now ~ Oneness ~ wholeness ~ Unity ~ Revelations of the New Humanity ~ Angelic Divine Human ~ Planetary Alignment of the Higher realms & Animal Kingdoms ~ Galactic Higher Vision ~ Divine Mother’s Love/Healing/Balance/Radiance ~ 22 Twin Flame Healing/Love ~ I am DNA Sovereign Healing Upgrade New Template ~You are the one you have been waiting for!
Video Created by Shekina Rose at the Sedona Vortex with Mary Angelico Song and Vocals
Shekina Rose, Angelic Starseed, Peace Emissary and Channel of the Blue Ray, Harmonic Vocalist for the Language of Light in the 528 Hz Miracles and Love, Galactic Contactee, Author and Healer.
Mary Angelico, Artist, Singer, Song Writer Blue Ray Anchor of Peace, Healer, Soul Portraits,
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Shekina Rose / Blue Ray