With the solar eclipse energies still rippling in our consciousness and indeed impacting the world in a profound way, it's time to reassess where we stand and what's ahead.
Most likely, you have noticed subtle or even major openings during this rare eclipse cycle. Some of you may simply feel more energy flowing, or a renewed enthusiasm for moving into new territories. For some, the eclipse impact is more of a knowing that life just got an upgrade of some kind. Another possibility is that you feel a new level of intensity and perhaps a distortion of time. Continue reading to better understand what these things mean and how you can fully utilize the blessings of this eclipse doorway of opportunity.
Post Eclipse Energy Update
Feedback I've had from people who work with me 1-1 or in global courses are sharing some astounding breakthroughs and welcome surprises unfolding during this gateway. In one case, the person said she finally got a green light on a project seemingly stalled for quite a while. In another case, the person shared how jubilant he has felt, a welcome experience after feeling discouraged or simply apathetic in recent times. Another person mentioned quitting her job and opening a business she's wanted for a long time. Still others are commenting about how the energies are quite different, in a good way, even if they can't quite define what changed.
When Time Isn't Clock Time
An odd thing happened to me here this morning involving time. When I came into my office, I noticed that all of the battery operated clocks had stopped overnight. They stopped at different times, too, showing me 3 different times! While it's not that unusual to have a battery operated clock stop when the battery needs replacing, the way this happened got my attention. So I inquired within to know what was going on - and here's what I discovered.
The clocks stopping indicate that we as a collective have had a significant expansion that will allow us to increasingly embody more of our quantum selves. In quantum, we don't operate on linear clock time. We connect with our timeless energy to create here in this physical world. Yes, we still have clocks, but we work with the minutes and hours in a much different way.
Most likely, you are already doing this - acknowledging your quantum nature and resourcing timelessness more than conventional people. In the Divine Changemakers Series I've offered since 2012, participants already are working with this concept in tangible and amazing ways.
What's different now is that we have had an upgrade that will allow us to be even more in quantum. Time, already accelerated for all of us alive now, will become more fluid - allowing for enhanced potentials to create and manifest our highest purposes.
What This Means for You
Based on what I'm sharing here, consider that this eclipse doorway is the mega spiritual opening that you as a soul have been seeking and needing. I suggest taking some time over the coming days to still your mind and go within, contemplating the significance for you both short and longer term. You want to factor in both time frames, for an eclipse such as this will have ripple effects for months or even longer.
One way to tune in to the significance for you is to regularly contemplate the higher view of your soul's incarnation. Consider your gifts and wisdom - known and outside your awareness - that you developed over countless lifetimes leading to now. These are relevant to this gateway and moving forward in the highest way.
Indeed, your gift to the world is to increasingly embody and offer your light and your wisdom. The world needs this now. How you express your light and wisdom will be unique to you. It's not just about what you do for work or service either. It's the totality of your active conscious presence in the world.
A part of you knows this to be true. You understand how important it is for you - as a divine changemaker - to fully embody the light and love that you are. Your inner wisdom can give you reminders and sign posts to help guide you in this next phase. Invite this help daily. Consider that help, and what you can do with it, to be of prime importance to you as you move forward.
Express gratitude for who you are, beneath the veils of illusion, and for the privilege of being alive now for this unique lifetime.
Consider This
Consider this which I wrote on my Facebook page after the eclipse, tuning into what it means for you personally. Allow these words to give you a new inspiration for living your path of light:
"Just like an eclipse experienced one day or a cactus flower that blooms overnight and lasts only a day, you can have a quantum consciousness shift in one day that changes your entire life direction. Contemplate this today and anytime you begin to lose hope about your life. Time is not as it appears. Your life path is influenced by countless unseen factors and by your soul's long journey that brought you to now."
Give yourself permission to move beyond conditioned expectations that were based on a linear reality - to embody your quantum limitless self.
Copyright 2017 by Selacia
- a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * http://selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.