You are Changing and dramatically Shifting.
In WAYS ~ not previously imagined.
Your Sleep patterns are changing. Your memory is changing. How you go about your day is changing. Your mental thought patterns are changing. Your desires are changing.
You SEE things differently now.
Through the lenses of Your Divine Presence.
The daily battles with thought patterns have ended.
Your Presence has changed your thought processes. Your Vision. Your Body.
When something even remotely attempts to enter as an old pattern of thought, you see it, with amusement and love.
Love permeates all of your being, in the Presence of all things.
This Presence is YOUR LIGHT AND it is shifting THROUGH you, in all moments.
You may feel your Divine Presence as a warm golden Light. Or as wings enveloping YOU ~ that are always present with you.
This GLOW of Light is your new Frequency.
That TRANSFORMS your body, your thoughts and your emotions.
You have become a Conscious Transmitter ~ of That which you longed for.
You are a Tangible Presence ~ AS the Original Light that you ARE.
Stabilizing your New Reference point as ONLY identifying with this new YOU, Your Light, Your Divine Presence. Is the complete Unification process with your Original Light.
It is the Unification with TRUTH.
You were never separated from this. Now you live in the truth of IT.
As The living LIGHT ~ amazed at its TRUE reflection.
This Original Light is Truth and it is YOU.
Reuniting ONCE again ~ YOU with all that you are and all that is YOURS.
AS ~ in this state ~ there is no lack or separation, you SEE.
All substance is made of this Light.
All Presence is this LIGHT.
What you were once longing for ~ was the UNION with that which is already yours. AS all form and all substance is this LIGHT Consciousness.
IF you ARE this and you ARE. YOU are then the manifesting Transmitter of that which you are being.
Knowing what all form is made of, this Living Light as consciousness.
YOU merge and fuse with ALL of YOU. It is all there for you, you SEE.
As One with the merged WHOLENESS OF YOU in your Original State, you then no longer living in a 3D world.
Transported to the NEW Earth Version of YOU ~ 5th or 6th Dimensional consciousness. That which you are consciously, you will see yourself AS.
Embrace your form as Light, All objects as Light. For they too, transmit as the consciousness of which they are.
Immerse yourself in the Holy Light of your OWN Divine Presence and then there is nowhere to look outside of you then. It is all within your Original Consciousness of Divine Light.
Embrace the Light everywhere. Stabilize through your ATTENTION your new reference point of BEING.
Divine LIGHT ~ BEING. ASCENDED. Whole and Original.
We are with you and see you NOW ~ as the Divine Light and Presence that you ARE. In Glory and Love, we are with YOU.
Photo Courtesy of Daniel Holeman
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.