miércoles, agosto 23, 2017
James McConnell - Ashtar & One Who Serves ~ We Are Willing and Ready Now to Bring This All to Conclusion ~ August 23, 2017
Commander Ashtar and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell
I AM Ashtar. I did not announce myself to James but here I Am.
And I Am here to continue this process, to continue to let you know that all is in motion. All is in preparation. We are all prepared, we of the Ashtar Command and all of the other various commands within the Galactic Confederation and the Galactic Confederation of planets, we are all here ready, willing, and able to assist in any way that is needed as these times continue on.
As you have heard many times there are changes in the wind, major changes. And we know that you’ve become impatient just as many of us, if you can believe it, we also sometimes become impatient. Not to the point that you are but we are just willing and ready now to bring this all to conclusion. But always understand that even though you are waiting and expecting, always be in the now. We cannot tell you that enough. You have to learn to always be in the now. Not to live in the past.
Your programming has kept you living in the past in very many ways holding onto the past, holding on to the hurts, holding onto the grievances, holding onto the grudges, all of this. But it is time now to let go of all of this. Whether it is those memories within this lifetime or memories from other lifetimes it is time to let it all go. Remember those things that happened in past lives are but memories. That’s all they are. And since they are only memories, they can be erased at any time. You only need to let it go.
Use the Surrender Protocol that you have been given to also do this. If it is something that is holding you back, holding you to the three-dimensional illusion, holding you to the programming, it is time to let it go. It is time to move on. It is time to be in the NOW.
Look toward the future but do not live in the future yet. You do not need to be … you can be expectant but do not be down fallen when that future does not develop quite as you are expecting it to. Because it is coming, these changes are coming.
You are a part of these changes. As a matter of fact you are the changes. And that’s what you have to come to understand more and more. We are all here ready. We are all here backing you. Here to guide you, to move you along in any way that is needed at the time, but you’re the ones that have to do it first. We can only nudge and guide.
We know the One Who Serves has said many times we are only here to guide and nudge you but we cannot do it for you. So let go my dear friends, let go and let God. Let your Source within you take over in any way that is needed here.
As you have heard our ships remain out here. Many of us are parked now. We are ready in the atmosphere; many of us have come into the atmosphere and we are cloaked, yes. Many of us are so large we cannot be in your atmosphere for we would block out the sun’s rays and that, of course, cannot happen.
You will find yourselves when the times and the frequencies come, you will find yourselves here on our ships. You will be on the great motherships if you wish. You will be down in Inner Earth if you wish. All of this will come down to what it is that you want, not what it is that someone else wants for you. That is going to be the difference. That is going to be the New Golden Age.
I AM Ashtar. It is wonderful to be with you and I will be seeing many of you in the times coming. Because many of you have been with me before.
Peace and love be with all of you as you continue on in this endeavor in this program to bring about the many shifts and changes here on this planet.
Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om, Om. Greetings to you!
We are back! Here we are again. Here we go again and you know what? You know how we have to start this one off here? We have to sing! Are you ready to sing? I start it off and then you continue on, okay? “There’s a party going on right here. A celebration to last through the years..… [All continue: “Celebrate Good Times, Come On!”] ??? [Open phone lines over power OWS’s comments.]
Q: Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you Ashtar for being vigilant to this lovely planet we really appreciate all the support and all that love and tenderness for billions and billions of people that have come to help. We have been very desperate and you heard our crying. We’ve been crying, supplicating and we finally would have the freedom that we have been searching for, for billions it’s been dark.
OWS: We want to add something here to that. That is wonderful but we wish to correct this one thing. You already have the freedom. You are already free. The only thing that makes you not free is the programming that has created that. You are free! You have always been free. You have never not been free because whenever you are connected to your higher Godself there is only but freedom.
As you have heard there is only but Source and that is all that matters here. Do not think in terms of what is coming in the future. Although we say many times there are changes coming — this is going to happen, this and this and this — but it all comes down to just living in the now being in the perfect moment and see every moment as perfect. See every moment that you are in as a joyful moment. Be in party constantly. Be in celebration constantly. That is what you are working toward. That, my dear friends, my brothers, my sisters, that is the fifth dimension. That is the New Golden Age that you are heading toward and already have entered. And that is something you may not be hearing from all. You are already in it. You have already entered it. You just need to continue to work on letting go of the programming. Let go. Let go. Let it be.
Let it be and you will find everything that you need right there in front of you always. Okay? [Callers start singing again] Hold on, please. Hold on. The One that normally is the funny one has left the building you might say for right now. We have taken over here and yeah we are a little bit more serious here but these are serious times, these are joyful times. This is all a part of the great expression of remembering who you are. So continue in that respect.
Now we will open it up to questions. Are there any questions here? And you may find the other One jumping back in. He is standing by you might say. “Waiting in the wings,” that is what he just said. “I Am waiting in the wings”.
Q & A
Q: I have a question about numerology. we’re talking about the energy of numbers. I’ve been receiving and I’m sure a lot are receiving lots of sequential [???] master numbers like the Tibetan numbers have had zero through nine. Could you tell us if these are going to continue on until we get to the Golden Age and beyond or just to get us to the Golden Age.
OWS: Are you saying are the numbers or the numerology going to continue on? Is that what you are saying?
Q: Well the numerology tools — I want to say they are tools, part of our spirituality and giving us messages what the numbers represent to us.
OWS: Yes now we understand. They are not only going to continue on they’re going to become more and more and more important because this is the universal language. This is what is spoken in many respects across the entire universe here. Not spoken in numbers directly but understood in numbers, understood in the sequence of numbers, in the concept of numbers, and how it all comes together.
You are definitely moving toward this. This is the higher level of mathematics you might say. You are only in the infancy of mathematics at this point but many civilizations communicate in this respect, in the use of numbers and numerology.
And even the cabal here has used numerology in many different respects to bring about those programs, those things that they have attempted to hold you back with in using these numerology in terms of certain dates that come up and they do their dirty deeds, you might say, on those dates. Another one is coming up which is August 21st. They’re going to attempt something here. It will likely be stopped but they are been working on something to do all that they can to dissipate the grand event that is coming as far as the solar eclipse here. You see? So it is all part of the whole here. You will find this more and more as you continue on into the New Golden Age.
Q: Could you tell me what was going on. Every time Sananda would come on to speak I would get really sleepy and eventually I’d find myself dozing.
OWS: The connection that you particularly have with Sananda is strong. There is a very strong connection and the energies are at times too great for you so it puts you into a different state of balance at that time. That is all we are allowed to say about this at this time. We cannot say your direct connection with this one. That will come. As we are always prone to say we do not want to spoil the surprise for you. These are things you must come to realize on your own. If it is meant for you to know, Source will give it to you. This is how it works.
Q: I would like to ask about numerology because that’s been my thing. Where did it originate and I figured it always was, I would say. But also on the temple that were created, that it was taught there and people would come to these temples like the Temple of Truth, that that is what they would come to learn. Is that true?
OWS: That is correct, yes. And the numerology, the use of numbers is, as we say, universal. It has been there for a very long time because it is … it is creation itself. You see? This is what eventually you will come to you in your science, in your understanding. Creation: It comes from this level of understanding here.
Q: I’d like to add something about that. Math is music. So music is all mathematically orchestrated. Everything in music equates to math and if we remember the movie Close Encounters of The Third Kind they first had to figure out the math behind the communication and then the math translated into music which created a communication. So it’s all one. Music and math are one. [Yes] It’s really cool! [Yes]
Q: I’ve always been intrigued about numerology. My number is number five. That’s what I’m associated with. The problem I’m having is that I see myself hopping from one job to another just like one time I was at a job for like 8 years and then after that it was 1 year, 2 years, 3 years. No longer than that. Is there something maybe some meditation I can do that will help make ground myself because I’m always looking for constant change?
OWS: Meditation to ground yourself it is not necessary to have a meditation in a sense but you can meditate all the time. Whenever you are in nature, whenever you are in a position where the vibrations seem higher you are in a meditative state at that time. If you are grateful for something in your life you are meditating. If you are singing you are meditating. If you are joyful, if you are laughing you’re meditating. You see? The idea of formal meditation …
[unmuted telephone interference] Do not know what that was but there is some interference on the phone there. It is necessary for others who are not speaking please to what you call mute your phone. Very good.
As we are saying, meditation is not needed to be formal. You do not need to go into a cross-legged lotus position — although it helps, there is certainly reason for it – but you do not need to do it. You do not need to find yourself in a meditative state for hours and days and weeks at a time. That is not for you for the Western culture here. You can do it if you want. If you are feeling guided to yes certainly. Cross those legs, get into that lotus position, put your hands into a mudra position, the fingers, all of this, and it will help if it is meant for you. But if it is not meant for you simply meditate 24 hours a day as much as you can just simply by being. Being in the higher vibrations at any given time and as you are knowing many things bring you into those higher vibrations. See the beauty all around you. That is a wonderful meditation. Okay?
Q: Okay. The question I had was I’m a number five when it comes to numerology and mythology and I read that one of the issues number five people have is they have a tendency to hop from job to job. Their realization comes towards the end of their life. That’s when they settle down.
OWS: Yes we did not answer that directly but we can tell you that there is as far as the number goes, for you specifically you are after balance. You are after finding balance within your life so that this flitting back and forth between different jobs and all of that that is part of what you are expressing or what you are needing to go through at various times. It is not anything to be concerned about. It is simply that your soul, your inner consciousness is looking for balance in your life.
Q: Last night you brought up the 13th, which is today, as some event or occurrence. Any comment or information about that?
OWS: Yes there are many energies that are coming into the planet at this time now preparing, getting ready for the next weekend and specifically the 21st of August. That is a major time frequency change here that is coming and this is preparation now. The idea that you find yourselves together as a group and all of you that are on the phone and all of you that will read and listen to this after, this is all a preparation for getting ready for what is coming. Okay?
Energies are going to ramp up drastically. The energies you have been feeling … what is you’re saying, ‘you ain’t seen or felt nothing yet baby’. Not quite come off as the other One does but we try. We do our best here. He is one-of-a-kind.
Q: With all of the energy that’s coming in and increasing – and there’s a lot of discussion about timelines and timeline splits and things like that. I’ve been continually resetting my intention almost every day and I feel that the energy is changing so fast that I need to reset that intention every day. And in that manner I’m almost always reaching for the next highest timeline. Can you give us some guidance on how we can utilize those energies and reset those intentions so we have the highest possible outcome?
OWS: Yes. As we are saying, as Ashtar said, as many of us have said many times: Be in the ‘Now’. Do not worry about timelines. Do not worry about are you on the right timeline or the wrong timeline, are you going to get your marching orders, do not be concerned about any of those things. Just be in the now. Be in connection with your Higher Godself, the Source within you just as we did here with the rainbow bridge meditation last evening. This is all a part of becoming and being who you are and realizing that you are perfect exactly as you are right now.
Q: So in terms of the aspects I’m trying to figure out if you have someone who is an aspect of Lady Nada and Sananda do they have the same Higher Self? And also are our reincarnated selves those that we can remember, are those aspects of us or are those multi-dimensional parts of us? How does all that work?
OWS: First of all if you are aspects then there are many different aspects, but if you are aspects of your self, yes you have the one higher self. That is correct. It goes all the way back to the Source or what many have called the monad and this is the connection that puts down the various personalities, the many multidimensional personalities that you are and all of this continues on and on and on. And as you come together or as you go through your ascension process you begin to merge back with your various dimensional personalities here and into your higher self, fully into your higher God self.
Q: And the reincarnated selves? Is that different or is that the same?
OWS: That is all part of the ONE. If you have been other personalities – not if – you have been different personalities in other lifetimes you are all part of the ONE here, part of the ONE great soul you might say. That does not mean though that they are not individuals within the soul. Okay?
The soul is only the “record of mind written in spirit”. It is a record. All that you have been from the beginning, although as you have heard many times there really is no beginning, and all the way to the end, but as you have heard also many times, there is no end.
Q: One Who Serves may I please ask: is different incarnations different aspects of myself? Is that correct or no?
OWS: Yes that is what we just answered here. Yes. That is correct.
Q: And we are all together at the soul level, all the different aspects of my selves are together at my soul level.
OWS: Yes.
And these, by the way, are things that you will come to understand more and more certainly as you merge more fully with your higher self… Let us correct that. You have already merged with your higher self. You are already merged with your Source you have never not been merged but it is the mind that has not come along yet. That is the difference here. Your heart is willing but your mind is still yet in programming. This is the entire letting go process; the surrendering process, to bring the mind along with the heart.
Q: Can I verify something about this whole reincarnation because I remember it as different from like somebody wanted maybe somebody else like some other aspects some other individual sort of prop me up or something but I remember my reincarnated self as I wanted to experience something and so then I went to the next I like in that instant created what the next would be. And then when I was done with that I wanted to experience something else so I instantly created the next. So as opposed to like when I was created without maybe some other beings’ desire to experience something. Is that a fair assessment? Is that true?
OWS: Are you saying that you are creating the next lifetime each time as you are preparing for that lifetime?
Q: I’m creating it out of my desire to understand or know something or understand how something is so in the instant of death there is a desire to know or understand would then create the next being. That’s how I remembered it.
OWS: What you are speaking of is just prior to reincarnation you are somewhat you are sitting, you might say, with your higher guides at that time, your higher selves if you want to call it this, and they are assisting you, guiding you, giving you an indication of what is needed in this lifetime but it is you at that point that is making the choice to go with it or not. But because of who you all are, because of your need for service to others rather than service to self, many of you agreed to go through whatever it is that you need to have in the lifetime to bring about the experiences that you need to continue your development and your evolution in consciousness. All the times come back to the ONE. Do you understand this that was just given?
Q: Yeah I do understand it. [Very good.] And there is no instantaneous creation in the moment of death because that’s how I felt I experienced that like almost like I didn’t have any say in the matter. It was running me. I was not running it.
OWS: No, that is a misnomer. You always have a say in coming back, in how you are going to come back. Now what you may be referring to is the trap of reincarnation that has been set up here and somewhat that is correct but no one is really trapped into it. There are ways to not be in that and many of you have not been in that for some time. Some of you have. Some of you have been caught up in this reincarnation cycle — not completely against your will but somewhat. It is a difficult concept to understand but you all have freedom of choice. You chose your parents. You chose the situation. You chose the blueprint you were going to follow. And you came and you followed it. And you have many guides who are helping you along the way to continue on the path that you set for yourself.
Q: Now that we don’t have a veil we start to remember the past reincarnations. And as we remember the past reincarnation to be conscious about what we have done and what happened and a different experience in the past, is that what opens a consciousness level to rise up and re-integrate with Source?
OWS: Yes it is. But also understand when you say you do not have the veil that is correct. There is no veil as you are hearing now. This is a guidance to help you to understand that just as in [movie] The Matrix, “there is no spoon”; there is no veil. And the idea here though is to bring your mind along with this. Your heart has already accepted this but your mind is still held in many respects into programming that is why many of you — some can and at different points many are also able to — but is why you cannot yet at this point seemingly go out into nature look at the trees and see the many life forces that are there in trees, in the pond, in the waterfall, in the stream, in the ocean. You see? The mind must come along and this is the working through all of the programming that you have had. But you are doing it.
Q: My experience with remembering other incarnations the purpose for me is to implement some skill or some idea that I had previously into the present lifetime to enhance the present lifetime. And also to clarify relationships and experiences and have a more clear understanding of who I am today. Would you agree with that?
OWS: Yes certainly yes. It is not necessary but it can be helpful. It helps in release process. Just as what occurred here earlier there was some release that happened here because of remembering something from a past life experience. And you release a great deal of pent-up energy as a result of that.
Many of you — we go further here with this — many of you have memories of the Atlantean time when you went down in that one fateful night you might say and that has held on to many of you. And there is going to be an experience we are going to conduct or Charles will conduct, one or the other, and it is going to assist you in letting go of those memories from Atlantis and even those from Lemuria of those times. It is very deep, deep, deep within you. Many of you have forgotten it but it will come flooding back to you in the times coming here. Even whether it is during The Event or previous to The Event or just after it, you will have this experience of remembering much. But it is not coming back to you all at once because it would be too overwhelming. You can see from just one memory what can occur. You see?
Q: We talked a little about crystals. Can you give us light about intention, charging of the crystals and the usage of the crystals with our consciousness for staying in the now and in our creation and manifestation?
OWS: Yes you can look at crystals in many ways. There are many books that have been written. Much research that can be done by going on your Internet and what is you’re saying, ‘Google it’ these days and you can find much information in this way. There is all of this out there. But the crystals themselves this is memories coming back from the Atlantean times that many of you were there, you experienced it. You worked with crystals of all different colors and shapes and sizes and even some of you worked with the Great Crystal. And it was something that propelled the entire technology within Atlantis in that timeframe and those memories are coming back. And as these memories come back to you, also will come the memory and the knowing … and as we are finding it some are already getting this now, receiving this now, how to recharge the crystals, how to work with them.
Soon you will be even coming to understand how to regrow them again. This is also coming here some already know this and it is coming to technology coming out to the public here not too far off as we find it here. You will be able to regrow or grow crystals again in any size and shape for many different purposes. Mostly in terms of healing mostly in terms of bringing the body and the mind and all of this back into balance for that is where we all need to go. We need to be in balance. Okay?
Q: I have a question regarding our pets. Do their souls choose often to come back into this current lifetime that we have to be in our lives again and again or are they a different soul?
OWS: The animals have what is called an oversoul and this oversold is what determines how the continuing life process will continue with these particular souls. They are different than humans. They are at times they can come back and be with a particular human that they left. Some of this is true and it does happen. Sometimes it is only a portion of them but they have a connection to that one that they are coming in because they have been there before. It may be in different forms, different form of a dog or even a cat, or a horse or whatever it might be they can come back. And at a certain point they can move through the evolutionary process and then they can move on beyond the animal soul.
Q: Do animals ever become human souls or no?
OWS: That is somewhat what we are saying here, yes. It is a process. You have all come from long ago you have moved through the various realms, you might say, from mineral to plant to animal and so on. That is not to say that you were caught up in that. But many of you as you came down as a spirit being you ensouled yourself into many different forms of life in order to play, in order to experience different things here. This is where you have had the experiences of flying before. This is why many of you feel like you can fly because you have been birds. You have ensouled yourself temporarily into the bird form. Some of you come from the blue avian background. You are part of the [Ra] collective.
Q: I just wanted to share that about six years ago I went kayaking. I am a swimmer; I had a life vest on and I totally panicked and I wanted nothing but to get on land. And now that you discussed about Atlantis and being in the water it makes total sense to me. I want to thank you for that.
OWS: Yes. Very good. Wonderful.
We are coming to a point here we are going to need to release channel. Is there one more question and then we will release.
Q: Is incarnation based upon astrology where we’re supposed to have 12 signs and then we have lessons to learn in each one of those signs and we choose what lesson we have to learn and when we come down we come down to that sign. Is that true?
OWS: Somewhat yes that is correct. There is more to it than that. It is not so as you are putting it cut and dried here but there is some understanding of that yes. You are largely controlled by the stars in many respects.
Q: Since we are the stars.
OWS: Yes. Now that was a higher level understanding.
You are the stars. You are the planets. You are the sun. You are the Galactic Central Sun. You are All That Is and all that is is you.
Q: I love to tell people they’re made out of star stuff. But most people don’t make the connection that we’re all one; we’re all from the same source for the same purpose.
OWS: That is correct.
Q: So with all of our lifetimes and reincarnations how much, if any, of our lives or experiences are still being influenced by karma?
OWS: What we are going to say about this is that karma as you know it is over. Karma from past lifetimes for those of you the light workers the light warriors those that are on the path here, those of you have been given, you might say, a special dispensation from Source that you have passed beyond the karmic wheel at this point. Now that is not to say in your life time now that you cannot still create a karmic debt here. But we will tell you that if you do something now that creates karma you are in for it! It is going to be much quicker much faster much more powerful than what it would be if it was coming from past lifetimes in that long buffering here. You see?
But you do not need to be concerned anymore about what has happened in past lives other than that there are patterns that continue and these patterns you are working through. And if there is a pattern where in another lifetime that you say killed someone and in the next lifetime you be killed by that one, that is over but the pattern continues on until you break it. You must break the pattern. And you break the pattern not from consciously knowing about it but you break the pattern from releasing. You break the pattern from surrendering to your Source within you, to letting it all go to being you.
Shanti. Peace be with you.
We will be back here you’re the one special one will be here as the emcee again this evening. We thank you for your time that we can be with you and answer your questions. It is always wonderful to be able to be of service. For that is who we are we are the One Who Serves.
Shanti. Peace be with you.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated
“Believing is seeing!”
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James McConnell,
One Who Serves