Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training in relation to the Solar Eclipse of August 2017 and how we, as the Initiates, can make an important stand for humanity and Gaia for this important event. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agartha Council of Light.
Greetings of Love,
As the planet is moving towards an unprecedented event of the Solar Eclipse , I wanted to share a few words to assist you to understand how to work with the energies and not against them.
This Solar Eclipse of August 2017 is bringing forth a combination of energies that have been brewing for quite awhile, since 2012. It has been decided by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Master State of Consciousness through the Unified Whole that it was time to allow the highest light frequencies into Gaia to help individuals to become more focused upon their own Light Essence instead of what is occurring on the Earth.
It is important to realize that many of you have been asking for change to occur. We hear your prayers and requests consistently but it has not been until now that we feel each soul is ready to handle the transition that will occur with this Eclipse.
The light frequency coming forth is bringing the essence of Helios and Vesta, the Alpha and Omega, to be realized within the earth. This is the 10th dimensional level of the Great Central Sun to be ignited through the exchange of the Eclipse as the Sun and the Moon become integrated within the process.
This means that the Masculine and Feminine Divine is becoming more acute than it has ever been in any other planetary alignment. We have been seeing this happening for quite some time with the planetary alignments. This is especially true for the Lion’s Gate of 2017 which the Lunar Eclipse in early August along with the full moon cycles since June of this year.
We have to remember that this year represents Oneness, of the Divine Mother Father God to be created within the Earth. This all starts with each of you.
So it can be a very challenging time depending upon your intentions for the Eclipse energies as this is a very important element to consider.
Are you intending to act as a third dimensional person by purchasing your special glasses and looking at the Eclipse for those few short moments?
Or are you intending to take advantage of the energies by assisting your physical self to access your Higher Self in bringing forth a new doorway to fully accept the Solar Eclipse as an awakening of sorts within your physical consciousness?
These are important questions as it will depend upon who you are as an Initiate or as a Physical Being.
You can be both by accessing the energies within your Spiritual Self through your Higher Consciousness which will help your Physical Self to fully accept the higher level of acceleration within your body.
Looking to the sky for a moments in time is truly an act of a third dimensional person yet accessing all avenues through the Spiritual Self will set you on a course of acceleration that you will thank yourself for acting upon. This is a time of change and each of you must make a choice of what this event is going to do for you.
It is a time of great decision for you within your Pathway of Ascension and how you will go about creating the change you desire to see.
Your body will experience this Solar Eclipse no matter how you go about it, but will your Higher Self be part of the experience? This is the question you must ask yourself.
It is decision time for all of humanity. Every soul will make a choice whether it is conscious or unconscious this Solar Eclipse in August is a movement into realizing that things must change. This will come from each of you.
Know that challenges will result in the fourth dimensional world. Fighting will continue and become more prevalent in your society. Do you want to be part of the problem or change it for the better?
The choice is now and the more you concentrate on your desire from your Higher Mind, the easier the transition will be.
Please know that allowing yourself to be in silence either through meditation or connection to the Great Central Sun through this event will give you more benefits than you can ever realize. The potential for this energetic exchange to create abundance in all areas of your life is unprecedented.
It is the most powerful acknowledgement of the Masculine and Feminine Divine that has ever been experienced within the planet, but the imperative part of this movement is that each person much step into their own silence in order to receive the higher acceleration that is being ignited. It is a matter of being within your Divine Essence so that the Full Body System can accelerate more rapidly through the process.
Otherwise, you will be experiencing the effect from a third dimensional construct and it will work upon those issues that represent that style of living, thinking, and feeling. It can make them feel more challenging, frustrating, and cause the lower mind to have issues of wanting to have control over the higher mind.
I ask each of you to make a choice for enlightenment of this earth as you are very important in how this will play out for the acceleration of the planet.
I hope you will join me and all of the Agartha Cities of Light to stand tall and allow change for the betterment of this world to become part of your pathway presently.
I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Agartha Council of Light
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
To receive a more detailed explanation of the Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21st, 2017 please read Lord Metatron ~ Walking Through the Entranceway of the Solar Eclipse.
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