The “reactions”throughout the consciousness of those on Earth
are there to be held in love.
The so-called darkness is there to serve the Light. It is the separation waiting to unite once again with its Higher Self. Consciously.
Love is the wholeness And the “Presence”
That is always here now.
This love is always PRESENT in the Now Moment and Never leaves.
And always will Be.
This LOVE heals the division that appears as arising.
First within and then reveals itself externally.
As the NEW Earth. The GOLDEN age.
It is within. As you live it, it reveals itself.
Love is the ONLY answer that heals the consciousness dimensions that APPEAR as Separated.
Uniting them ONCE AGAIN.
The ORIGINAL wholeness, is the GOLDEN Age once again.
Breathe, feel and read slowly.
I Now Live as my Original Divine Self in the GOLDEN AGE ~ As the Perfect Whole Light~ Being ~ That I Am.
My Light Codes are fully Activated Now, and My Divine Presence is all that I identify with ~ AS That which I Am Being.
I Am Living in complete Bliss as my Divine Light ~ on ALL Levels of my Being as Light Consciousness ~ Now.
I Live NOW as the Eternal LOVE ~ through my Heart That I AM.
Abundance, Health, Freedom, KNOWING All that I am Eternally, is what I know myself to BE.
I Am Whole ~ I Live as the perfect UNION with my Divine Ascended Self ~ BEING ~ Now.
I live each MOMENT ~ AS the ONE in the Golden Age ~ Fully Awakened, Fully Divine, NOW.
I LIVE through my heart and have let go of old patterns of thought, that once had me believing I was those thoughts.
Now ~I am free. Like an Angel of the Golden AGE ~ I spread my Wings of LIGHT. Fully Transformed. Fully merged with all the dimensions of Light where I exist, NOW.
In the Light of the Eternal Golden Age ~ as the Ascended Beings ~ THE Divine Council of Overseers, with YOU NOW, in Unconditional Love.
Photo courtesy 0f Daniel Holeman.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.