Massive waves of high frequency light flood our planetary/Earthly bodies all day again today. These sweep, flood and create Tsunami's/waves, both metaphorically, weather-wise, physically... in every capacity. Our Crystalline Grids are being tuned to much higher frequencies again. Linear went kaput (walking in circles 12 times forgetting what I was doing to finally give up, lol) and go honor my body's need to integrate more again.... trying to push my body through these was not productive in any way.... Huge brain/higher mind expansion, with strong veil removal/dissolving too.... vortexes activating, stargate systems re-calibrating.... kinda everything going on. Barely function-able, which is the norm in these mega-high template rewrites/re-sets/New Earth Grid System upgrades... just BEing is the only thing appropriate right now, even typing is an effort, yet sharing for those who desire/utilize. This is going to be a WHOPPER of a timeline convergence when we complete this week long process that's still going strongly, that started the night before the 8/21 eclipse.... It's been a week of immense integration and upgrades and tons of magic in the non-heavy-integrating moments all around.
Once we start to understand how Quantum, Energetic and the physical correlate, then our whole physical reality shifts huge. Integration is KEY to all of this, so if you are not integrating fully on a daily basis, then your body and physical reality will show this to you..... Full Integration can be challenging, because we have to re-work how we function and not treat it as an inconvenience or an afterthought until we do not have another choice...
You/we are integrating the LIGHT OF OUR MULTI-DIMENSIONAL INFINITE QUANTUM SOUL into our physical body form, in order for the body to awaken/come online with the Gridwork of NEW Earth fully. Our body needs this to live, thrive and flourish, regenerating, re-structuring, re-everything.... it's kind the most important thing..... Just speak "I want to integrate", this listen to/honor what your body/higher self/universe tells you to do. A ridiculous amount of rest/sleep and laying around is necessary when we are converging huge timelines like this. It's an entire process of immense integration & anchoring that occurs up until the moment StarGate alignments occur.

As each integration process is complete (then we start the next phase), portals/vortexes/doors/gateways will open up for more awesomeness to materialize all around you too!

I love you. Happy integrating and anchoring more Heaven on Earth together for us all too.
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼