jueves, octubre 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - Today, as the 10/10 confirms - Oct 10, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Today, as the 10/10 confirms, the descension and subsequent ascension into a new cycle begins. We start gradually ending a cycle to begin a more harmonic one within our personal timeline. Many are the tribulations happening worldwide, and many are the advancements made to retrieve Divine Order.

Judith Kusel - In the inner planes... - Oct 10, 2024

In the inner planes, so much is happening, as the old Earth Timelines have been closed and we have stepped into the New Earth existence, in which the past has completely gone, and the only moment now, is the present. The Future at this moment is still in the unmanifested, yet manifested, by Divine decree.

Divine Will is now superseding free will, as the Divine Masterplan is fully on track, despite the seeming chaos, as everything is surfacing which has been hidden in the dark for so long, and the last death throws of the same.

I was reminded again of focusing on Joy, or what inspires us, what uplifts us, what we truly love doing, being, expressing and that which nourishes our souls, rather than give more energy to what is occurring. This does not mean there is no empathy, nor compassion, but to rather now focus on the good things, which are always simultaneously everywhere.

Is it not that when disaster strikes, everyone rallies around, and help comes from all directions, and human angels appear, and from all quarters?

I am reminded of an incident with Dr. Leo Buscaglia mentions in one of his books, where a man was sitting on a park bench and was crying. A little boy, came and sat next to him and started crying too. When the mother asked the boy, afterwards, why did he do that, he answered: "I helped him to heal." 

Now that is love!

The most poignant part of me, where the photos shared of the Mule trains and how these animals were being used to get supplies to those totally cut off from the outside world, as the roads have been washed away. Who would have thought that mules would be utilized in this way again?

It shows the purity of of the human heart when ego's step out of the way, and when love comes to the fore. It immediately counter balances all the other stuff. This was and is a huge wake up call for all of humanity and this will spread out to more areas of life in the next few weeks and months.

Let us not forget that with every dark side, there is a light side.

With every calamity there is the loving support.

And more than this, the power of prayers, the power of combined energy, and power of communities when they stand together.

The big and open hearts - all are showing us home to the fact that we in truth are all one.

In truth, the knowledge that somebody cares, that someone is there to shed a little light, that one can share even the little one has, and that indeed, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. 

When we truly see with the eyes of love, we find miracles everywhere.
And where is the miracle greater than in hearts who truly care?
Hearts filled with love.
And so much more!
Let us for one moment close our eyes, open our hearts, and just say thank you!
And we can all send love and healing to those places on earth where all need it the most, knowing that every soul is exactly at the right place at the right time, and indeed our light and love and communities are spread all over world, like shining beacons of Light and Love!

You matter.

I matter.

We matter.

And in truth, in this present moment, the New Golden Age, is already here, forming within us and then manifesting without!

Judith Kusel

A Massive CME Will Jolt Earth's Magnetic Field - Severe Geomagnetic Storm Watch For Oct. 10-11

James McConnell - Saint Germain, OWS, Shoshanna - The Light That Is Ridding The Planet of Darkness - Sep 28, 2024

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain and I’ve come to be with you at this time and these Moments and changing times, yes, changing times that are happening now and will continue to happen but the changes are going to become stronger, and stronger, and more and more are going to become awake and into these changes. More and more are going to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear just as you have now. So know that as you have affected the collective with just this experience you just had just now (referring to the guided meditation just concluded). And all of the experiences you have had before. And all, all of the experiences that all of the groups across the planet are having. All of the experiences that those that broadcast the truth and the light to all that are ready to hear it are bringing about change, great change. This is the beginning of the great change over.

Ascension Update

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Access Your Spiritual Gifts the Ascended Master Way - Oct 10, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We would like to inform you of the gifts that you have inside of you and to get you feeling more comfortable with accessing and expressing your gifts to your fellow humans. We came to Earth, incarnated, and became your ascended masters because we wanted to show you what the human was capable of doing when that human feels that connection to Source. Once you access the feeling of love inside of you, don’t you feel capable of doing anything? In fact, it is only your mind convincing you that you are incapable of doing something that ever takes you out of that state of being that love is.

miércoles, octubre 09, 2024

Another Major X-Flare and Massive Earth-Directed CME - S2 Solar Radiation Storm Alert - Comet & CMEs

Unlock the Power of Ascension: The Gateway to Eternal Paradise and Ultimate Freedom!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Most Important Place on Earth - Oct 9, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have been observing you, witnessing you, and recognizing your growth and evolution, and of course, we have some comments to make about what you are living there on Earth as well. We see how beautiful humanity can be in your desire to help one another and in your willingness to feel for others who are suffering in some way. We see every disaster that you experience there on Earth as another opportunity for you to grow the amount of compassion that you have within yourselves. And of course, there is usually also an opportunity in that to forgive.