jueves, octubre 03, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we transit into a new harmonic timeline - Oct 3, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we transit into a new harmonic timeline, we become more aware of the bifurcation of time that we are experiencing. As we cross the veils between our three-dimensional world and move into the soul dimensions, we become more aware of the opening in time that planet Earth has recently had, as it continues reconnecting with the many dimensions that were distorted to impede free communication between our plane and God Worlds.

Many of you are now aware of the advances in the fabrics of time and space, which we have incessantly worked on since March. Stabilizers and new Earth's Anchors will be busy now working on the reparation, realignment, and stabilization of the time Earth's fabrics, for there is a new opening that the last solar eclipse in Libra has facilitated.

Last night I received this symbol at 3:33, which my Guides shared are the physical coordinates for Arizona, Phoenix, USA (which is at 33°N latitude, 112°W longitude) where important advancements have recently occurred to allow the consciousness expansion that many of us are having.

As you know, Arizona is the earth's portal associated with our DNA time codes, for we cannot travel through time and space if our DNA time codes are not rehabilitated and healed of all manipulation and of all earth's structure alterations.

This portal connects to the universal time that still needs to be repaired for our DNA time codes to be fully recovered and reconnected to Universal Time.

I saw this symbol, that as my Guides invited me, tried to translate the best I could, which is a symbol to open time. This symbol must be looked at the center of it, for it is when our pineal gland will start receiving the activation required for us to open our 3D minds to a more simultaneous time, for universal time is yet far away from where we are now.

As three-dimensional beings, we need a sense of time. However, our Consciousness was always meant to travel freely between the many God realms that exist, not controlled to keep us in delusion and soul disconnection.

As you integrate this symbol, if you are guided, your Consciousness will start moving from the linearity and fixity of our limited time-space zone into the soul dimensions, which as you know are the fifth, and sixth ones, as the fourth belongs to the astral plane.

Decree to only reconnect to the God Dimensions, aligning only to Divine Truth and all you are meant to be revealed, and retrieved, at this time of your personal ascension journey.

When we experience soul disconnection, through trauma and other painful experiences, parts of us remain in our auric field, others even in other timelines. We need then to retrieve our soul parts from these timelines, which probably have already collapsed.

Ask to retrieve all your soul fragments that dwell in unlove, in pain, and bring them back Home, that is to say in your Heart, for they belong to you and the love in you resides.

Continue retrieving all you are guided, as you know your personal experience and where you are and need to work with.

For this symbol to work, we need to be in perfect resonance and communion with our soul, and our silver cord needs to be straight and reinforced.

I share it with great love and humility as I cannot beauty it, or it will lose its original form.

Thank you for choosing to always remain in your Higher Hearts, Beloveds

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba