viernes, octubre 11, 2024

Natalia Alba - Behind the chaos that now reigns in many regions of our planet - Oct 11, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Behind the chaos that now reigns in many regions of our planet, is the annual response to unification that we are unfortunately accustomed to witnessing. During the year the battle against freedom is a constant. However, for all who see beyond our earthly realm, in the 10/10 portal onwards due to the unity frequencies that we are anchoring, there are many opposite responses.

Non-benevolent tactics to continue infusing reversals, inserts, and many other tools to create more fragmentation, in soul, mind, and spirit, for when you control that, you control minds and power. Many of you, as I see often now in sessions, are retrieving your authentic 12th-dimensional template.

This is a time to focus on template restoration, correction, of symmetry, and how our two-star tetrahedrons spin, commanding our DNA to retrieve its original Divine Order and Programming, for many are the reversals geometries and inserts destined to distort what God made in His-Her image, for we All are Divine Perfection and Design.

Many of you have your 12th-dimensional template manipulated, something we continue witnessing even in the spiritual community, through many images showing the 12th-dimensional template, what is often called the tree of life, with tenth or eleventh orbs rather than 12th. We are all in nature 12th-dimensional beings, not tenth or eleventh-dimensional ones.

There are many images, and false information circulating everywhere in the spiritual community, as the more false geometries and reversals are imposed upon us, the more fragmented and hence soul disconnected we will be.

We exist in 12th dimensions, we do not have the true potential to manifest the totality of our 12th-dimensional template, as we will not be humans anymore. However, even though we chose to start by incarnating within a three-sixth dimensional template, as many of you already came with sixth-dimensional DNA strands developed, we can all start rehabilitating and reconnecting them, embracing higher essences of who we truly are, soul memories, and above all, the recognition of ourselves as Divine beings.

This is a time when behind chaos many of these reversals are hidden, to continue keeping you small, limited, and distracted. Look beyond all that is taking place and as I previously shared, be aware of where you put your attention, for it is the most powerful tool you have to see the Truth.

During this time, being united, in our Higher Hearts with unconditional love, respect, and neutrality to all we are witnessing is pivotal. Judging will foment chaos and separation, while remaining in a space of love and dedication, in the way we can, to unity consciousness, and will expand the love, light, and healing energies required to support all who are suffering at this time.

Taking time to focus inward is also vital during this time, for we may be missing important imbalances/revelations that need to be addressed, as our attention is focused outside.

Be loving towards yourself as you too are with others. You are required in the field at this time, but from a replenished and empowered space to be able to act as the Divine healer and energetic transmutater that many of you are.

All of you with your courage, devotion, and unconditional Presence create a healing impact that reverberates beyond our earth's confines.

Continue trusting, surrendering, and BEing.

Thank you for being a channel of Divine Love, Truth, and Unity, Beloveds.

May the Truth shine bright for All who want to see and receive it.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Art by: Dakina