miércoles, octubre 02, 2024

Judith Kusel - Planetary and Cosmic Events - Oct 2, 2024

Planetary and Cosmic Events

As much as we all are deeply connected to the different planets, galaxies, and all heavenly bodies, I have always tended to just see them as cosmic events, and you can choose how these will influence your life or not.

When I was in my twenties and even later, I was obsessed with wishing to know the future and especially mine, and somehow these never constellated into form and being the way they were predicted to be.

I have since left the future to take care of itself, and since 2009, learnt to live each moment of every single day, as it comes, and to the best of my abilities, with love. 

This happened, after I had my whole life cave in, and lost everything, and indeed friends and family as well. I was called to do much higher work, and see what has been before, simply as a preparation for these momentous times. 

It taught me, that I need not worry, and I will always be taken care of, in some form or another, and that nothing happens, which is not meant to happen at some much higher level, that so often we only recognize the blessings of, in retrospect and not when we are in the middle of them.

This is one reason I seldomly comment on solar flares, or on solar eclipses etc. simply because I simply see it as another day, spent on earth. Whatever constellates then into form and being, always has a greater cosmic Masterplan behind it. For the Omniverse is ordered, even though it may seem chaotic at times, there is order even during seeming chaos.

I do know what is occurring, as the Social Media so often is filled with such events, and this can have a ripple effect on one's own way of experiencing this, because one is anticipating this at some subconscious level. However, this very much a personal choice.

I was reminded this morning on waking up, that during this ascension process to not lose our ability to find joy! To experience joy, to truly find joy in little things, rather than seeking it in grand occasions! To not take life so seriously, and to take more time to truly love and appreciate what is already there, and in such abundant ways. Abundance has nothing to do with bank accounts and possessions, but with your state of heart and mind! 

To me, the current lifetime, is all about experiencing the miracle of the Old Earth disintegrating and the New Earth not only born, but now the New Golden Age. 

So often my Ascended masters, and ones I work mostly with, show me the cosmic view, the cosmic perspective, and then I realize, that when one gains the cosmic view, then indeed, what seems to be a huge event on earth, has not even a tiniest impact on the Greater Whole, although all is interconnected. 

The more a soul gains in cosmic mastery, the less affected he or she becomes in events on earth, for the master rises above it all.
To be on the earth – but not in her!

There lies the golden key.

This does not mean a withdrawal from life, but rather a full activation of life, so that no matter what comes, and what unfolds, no one and nothing can steal your own inner joy, the immense love which is there within you, nor your equilibrium, unless you allow it to do so.

The good news is that you can regain your equilibrium, simply by going deeply inside, and seeking the still space within. There you will find your own sacred space, filled with all the cosmic help, assistance, guidance and wisdom you possibly obtain, but more so, you connect with the truth of your soul and indeed, your soul will always return to the core truth within, and embrace the Divinity within. Still point, wisdom and deep inner knowing, all lie within the heart and soul.

One is never given the ticket to catch the flight to the next phase, long beforehand. Only when the plane arrives! This is, indeed, our saving grace. 

Judith Kusel

Photo: Ellen Vaman