miércoles, octubre 02, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Solar eclipse in Libra brings stabilization to the end of a cycle - Oct 2, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

The Solar eclipse in Libra brings stabilization to the end of a cycle. We are moving towards a New Era of liberation and resurrection of our original Adamic Template. Libra's essence is fundamental while we cross the threshold into the new for it seeds the balance required for us to prepare our bodies for the next year's energies, a year of density emancipation as my Guides named this new phase we are stepping into.

At a physical level, the Solar eclipse in Libra is a great source of crystalline plasma that helps us purify our bodies of all lower influences and inorganic patterns. Libra rules our kidneys, ovaries, and adrenals. Many of you are experiencing physical symptoms in these areas. These are organs that are responsible for purification, creation, and regulation in our bodies. If you feel any physical sensations during this profound time of recalibration, your body is informing you of the need to let go, create, or bring more balance to yourself and life.

The seventh ray of Creation, the Violet one, is associated with Libra, for this sign is all about the transmutation and purification of the old. Call upon it to help you transform your body and release all that no longer serves you during this time of transfiguration, for we are on an ever-ending path to transform all that is impure into Divine Light.

Ask it to remove all no longer serves from your bodies, especially the ones related to the three main organs Libra rules. Ask the violet flame to transmute fleur de Lis reversals, associated with our creative second chakra, especially if you have Cathar implants related to it, ask it to remove impurities, and bring back everything into Divine Balance.

Ask it to help you bring equilibrium between your heart and mind, allowing the Divine to rule what we cannot, from our physical perspective. 

Remove all cords, false soul contracts, and anything you feel is not authentic in yourself and your body. Retrieve faith, Libra is about faith, faith in your authentic soul plan, in the Divine acting, at all times, through you, and faith in humanity as species. 

Bring forgiveness, peace, and gratitude into your heart and soul with the Pink and White Rays, anchoring them in your crystalline Heart, expanding, as a Lotus Flower, from Heart to All, Divine Love and Compassion, moving into a neutral and harmonic space. 

Allo the Divine crystalline Light in and out of your Heart center, filling, restoring, and recalibrating all your being and sacred space.
When you feel yourself filled with the love that you are, ask to retrieve your mission, your unique divine assignment for this incarnation if you are not yet fully conscious, and continue holding faith in your path, preparing yourself, with every thought, and act to fill your divine destiny.

Thanks to your Unified Self, personal Guides assigned by the Divine and decree to only serve God's Source.

Ground yourself in nature, eating some nuts, or in the way you are guided to bring yourself back to your body and your physical reality and know you are loved and recognized for your intention to become more healed and whole, for every time we ask to realign to who we truly are, All Creation celebrates, as Guides always share.

I wish you a loving, and healing eclipse Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Art: Found it on Pinterest.