miércoles, octubre 02, 2024

Valerie Donner - The Ground Crew - Oct 3, 2024

"Your Work, Love, Light and Prayers are making a profound difference on the Earth at this time!"

~ Valerie Donner

Dear Ground Crew:

Here's the latest from Apollo: “Greetings everyone. I pay special tribute to each of you today. I send you profound gratitude for your participation in the Ascension Process with the Earth. Much is coming to the forefront as I speak to you at this time. The circuits are active because so much energy is moving around. The truth is showing up and the dark ones can no longer hide. The discovery and the clearing of these negative energies is instrumental for the ascension of the Earth. Your freedom is our most important concern, along with the freedom of the Earth. They are of paramount importance. Please keep your blinkers on because you never know when you may need them. Whenever the energies are off, listen to your guidance, pay attention and do something about them. It could be the smallest thing, or it could be something very important where help is needed. The Ascension Process is about paying attention, listening to your inner guidance, making conscious choices, clearing away fear, and knowing that this is the time that you are stepping into your mastery. You will be discovering new aspects of yourself and your abilities. You will be listening to your heart and following it. As a part of the ground crew, you will find your power so use it. I am with you and I align with you to step into the next part of the Ascension Process on planet earth.”

How are you doing ground crew? Here’s a bit of my experience. Yesterday morning I started out by saying, "Well, what a night! What a day! What a planet!” Time is shifting and it feels like I might have missed some of it? I've been awake since early this morning. My body is talking to me fully. I find meditation and prayer are a necessity. Being in nature is healing. Eating well and sleeping the best you can, are helpful now even more than usual. Our sensitivities are higher and our tolerance levels are lower.

Today we are being bombarded with the solar eclipse. There are lunar effects, solar flares, Ascension symptoms and some erratic behavior. According to earthsky.org on October 1, “After several days of relative calm, the sun blasted an X flare late in the day. It was an X7.15 flare, the 26th largest flare since 1966.”

There is a lot to observe. Some people are seeing others looking “out of it” and rather ghostly. I'm not certain it's in preparation for Halloween? Have any of you noticed this? I don't know about your animals, but my cat's been acting strangely. She knows something is up. We always need to watch the animals.

To me, laughter is the best medicine and we need to use it frequently these days. When we can lighten up we raise our frequency and we help the Earth.

Here's a poem I just wrote:

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