jueves, octubre 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - Today, as the 10/10 confirms - Oct 10, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Today, as the 10/10 confirms, the descension and subsequent ascension into a new cycle begins. We start gradually ending a cycle to begin a more harmonic one within our personal timeline. Many are the tribulations happening worldwide, and many are the advancements made to retrieve Divine Order.

Do not let your Consciousness be controlled by the many traps to engage yourself, as the current planetary weapons to maintain attention and focus are impeding many from seeing the benevolent, only the unlove, the disasters, and the many handmade non-benevolent creations.

We are at the beginning of a New Era marked by Pluto in Aquarius and many other planets as well moving from Pisces to Aries, as Neptune, that will help us retrieve sovereignty, freedom, and above all, consciousness retrieval, for many are yet trapped within the 3D veils.

As ascending souls we need to remember the importance of neutral witnessing and compassionate support to our planet and those who are experiencing the many challenges we are now seeing all over the world. Our task is not to interfere, for what seems a beginning holds a precious start. Our task is to hold the space, and the love for those who are masterying themselves through the many life lessons they need to face to retrieve wisdom of who they are and their power.

We are now within a void, where many will see nothing but darkness. However, we need to trust and understand that this is precisely the space where endings and new beginnings intertwine. It is vital to be conscious of every moment to recognize this void and begin the inner creation of what we wish to bring to fruition next. And even though many times we may not see a way out, we need to just be in this space, allowing the universe to take care of us, while we are in this process of creation - letting God-Source orchestrate all the details that we, from our limited human perspective, cannot.

This is a unique time within our planetary transition to revise our journey, our present timeline, dissolving old ones, and begin the inner process of creation by allowing the Illumined Forces of the Universe to take care of us and of all the details, while we remain centered into our Higher Heart, for us and All, aligned with our God's Will.

During this time where you choose to focus will determine the timeline you will be stepping into. Therefore, even through the chaos and the pain we are all feeling too, think, feel, and be only Love.
May you remain in the highest loving and compassionate frequency, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba