Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Equinoccios. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Equinoccios. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, marzo 02, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - March 2023 Energy Report - Mar 2, 2023

Buckle up and hang on tight because we are entering a period of intense activity that is a mixed bag of energies, transformation, potentials, and truth. You may want to take some time to rest and regroup this month because there is a lot going on. Or you may want to pick your battles carefully as you get used to managing your energy with greater intention and attention to what you need and want in your life.

sábado, febrero 11, 2023

Sandra Walter - Cambio a la Creación Infinita - Feb 9, 2023

Bendiciones Amados ~

Se prevé un cambio masivo antes de finales de marzo. Los constantes saltos de frecuencia y luz están desmantelando las viejas estructuras. Esto amplifica nuestros temas de revelación, muerte, colapso de la inversión, y la nueva forma de ser.

Las nuevas frecuencias de luz cambian literalmente los parámetros para la creación, abriéndonos a la expansión Infinita – en medio de sacudidas que destruyen las estructuras densas por dentro y por fuera.

domingo, septiembre 25, 2022

Sandra Walter - Equinoccio, Elección de Reinos y el Campo Krístico Infinito - Sep 21, 2022


Traducción: Margarita López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

Bendiciones Amados ~

Este es un Equinoccio único. Puede que no se sienta como la típica energía equilibrante que esperamos del Equinoccio.

Estamos entrando en una nueva fase de la Ascensión que amplifica la elección de reinos y, por lo tanto, la división de reinos. Ya no podemos esperar las mismas energías de las alineaciones, fechas o eventos – ni los mismos resultados.

martes, septiembre 20, 2022

Natalia Alba - Equinox and New Moon in Libra - Stabilizing Forces - Sep 20, 2022


Equinox and New Moon in Libra - Stabilizing Forces

Beloved Ones,

In a few days, we will be immersed in the portal that the Equinox opens together with the New Moon at 2 degrees Libra, the Sun in this same sign, and Venus too joining on September 29. This is going to signify a very important phase for those who are stabilizing all the previous inner work done. Balance during the next two weeks is pivotal, as Jupiter in opposition to the Moon in Libra will strongly expand, and reminds us.

A time to heal and reflect for the next phase, as the Sun and Moon invite us to do, for both conjunct Mercury and Venus in Virgo, and soon the eclipse season comes, and with it, many transformational changes. Changes that will come to reshape our entire being and lives, in ways that we may not know but that, as conscious creators, we have been weaving from within, for a while.

lunes, septiembre 19, 2022

Celia Fenn - We are only days away from the September Equinox Portal - Sep 19, 2022

We are only days away from the September Equinox Portal. So much is happening in our world. Today was the funeral of the Queen of England, an event that touched on the lives of millions. There is much emotion of many kinds flowing out there, and in the powerful run up to the Equinox I have chosen to take the path of "innocence" and "compassion" and to see events with the eyes of love, beauty and compassion.

As Humans we are growing and evolving, both individually and as a species. We are still stretching and unfurling our wings as newly evolved Human Angels stepping into the New Earth. We are needed to hold the energies of Higher Consciousness at this time.

lunes, marzo 21, 2022

Lauren C. Gorgo - Resurrection Season: the physicalization of GOD - Mar 20, 2022

Happy astrological new year! Today we leave the Piscean void and return to zero point via the equinox…the balance point between opposing forces of light & dark…in preparation to plant the seeds for our beautiful beginnings. The astrological new year is when we officially move into the growing season of this (universal 6) “harvest year”, when the decades of inner work begin to pay off…when our Tree of Life has grown to full maturity and we are permitted to reap the ripened fruits of our hard-earned labors, year after year. This is the year we get to put the lessons of duality behind us and start to utilize the skills we’ve honed along the way to progress us further on our True path.

Why This Equinox Is Important

domingo, marzo 20, 2022

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Planting the Garden of Your Soul - March 20, 2022

 Planting the Garden of Your Soul
A Message for Equinox from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future.

The Equinox is always a moment of Profound Balance — a time to reassess your life and choose anew. You are in the Equinox portal from March 18-23. When you plant clear intentions for your most empowered future, the manifestation of your dreams can become your new reality.

sábado, marzo 19, 2022

Celia Fenn - ¡Estamos llegando a un fin de semana energéticamente poderoso! - Mar 18, 2022

¡Estamos llegando a un fin de semana energéticamente poderoso!

A partir de hoy con la Luna Llena en Virgo.

Virgo es un signo de Tierra, por lo que esta Luna Llena nos insta a estar conectados a tierra y a conectarnos con la Naturaleza a medida que cambian las estaciones.

Me desperté esta mañana para ver la luna dorada más hermosa fuera de mi ventana.

viernes, marzo 18, 2022

What is the Spring Equinox?

Celia Fenn - We are coming up on an energetically powerful week-end! - Mar 18, 2022


We are coming up on an energetically powerful week-end!

Starting today with the Full Moon in Virgo.

Virgo is an Earth sign and so this Full Moon urges us to be grounded and to connect with Nature as the seasons change.

I woke up this morning to see the most beautiful Golden Moon outside my window.

jueves, marzo 17, 2022

Selacia - Rebirth During Equinox -Go For It- - Mar 17, 2022

The energies of Equinox are bringing a whole new level of rebirth to you and humanity. Side-by-side with the unthinkable tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, Russia's war is uniting people in ways not seen since the pandemic began. Continue reading to understand your opportunities for rebirth and practical steps to take now.

miércoles, marzo 16, 2022

Sandra Walter - Feeling Expanded? Weepy? Whirly? Equinox Events for Clarity and Unity - Mar 16, 2022

Blessings Beloveds ~

I know you are feeling the subtle, and not-so-subtle, energetic shift building throughout this week.

Now we prepare for a strong, unified Equinox Weekend.

The geomagnetic event which ushered in this Gateway passage (March 13-20) last SUNday was one of the strongest yet. Flares continue; it's a powerful Now.

lunes, marzo 14, 2022

Sandra Walter - Aquí viene el Cambio de Reino: Equinoccio, Secuoyas y más - Mar 10, 2022

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Una partida y una llegada a la vez.⁠

Reportes de nuevos niveles de luz, surrealistas, dichosos, esta semana... expansión desenfrenada combinada con tristeza. La pérdida de viejos constructos que nunca volverán, ansiedades colectivas que corren por el campo y frecuencias de la Fuente que sobrescriben cómo solíamos crear nuestras realidades.⁠

Algo nuevo y desconocido está emergiendo en estos reinos.⁠


domingo, marzo 13, 2022



by Patricia Cota-Robles

March 13, 2022

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are revealing to us that there is a very positive shift taking place within the hearts and minds of billions of people all over the World as we watch with shock and horror the events unfolding in Ukraine. Humanity’s collective focus of attention on the unconscionable pain and suffering being inflicted on our Sisters and Brothers is cracking open people’s Hearts in previously unknown ways. This is Creating a collective Cup of Consciousness through which Humanity’s overwhelming invocations for Divine Love, Peace, Mercy, Compassion and Cosmic Forgiveness are now being answered.

viernes, marzo 11, 2022

Sandra Walter - Here Comes the Realm Shift: Equinox, Venusian Redwoods & More - Mar 11, 2022

Blessings Beloveds ~ A departure and arrival at once.⁠

Reports of surreal, blissful, new light levels this week...wild expansion paired with sadness. The loss of old constructs that will never return, the collective anxieties running in the field, and Source frequencies overriding how we used to create our realities.⁠

Something new and unknown is emerging in these realms.⁠

Infinite possibility. Infinite Kryst. True Unity Consciousness.⁠ The undefinable unknown awakening in our DNA, changing our experience, and revealing existence without illusion.

martes, marzo 08, 2022

Celia Fenn - In the next two weeks we will be heading towards the Equinox - Mar 8, 2022

In the next two weeks we will be heading towards the Equinox and that means rising energies. Especially for those of you in the North, Spring Equinox is always a powerful time when the rising energies of the new push up, and out, all that is old and that needs to depart. It is not an easy time with swirling energies and an insistent need to birth something new.

I think many of you may feel like I do, just really tired and wanting to sleep and sleep!

martes, marzo 01, 2022

Celia Fenn - Luna Nueva en Piscis y 3/3 Portal - Mar 1, 2022

Luna Nueva en Piscis y 3/3 Portal

Con tantas cosas sucediendo en el mundo exterior, también es bueno recordar que todavía estamos encaminados con nuestro trabajo de transformación espiritual y ascensión.

Desde el gran cambio del 22 de febrero, nuestra Realidad ha cambiado enormemente y cambiará aún más. Todo está cambiando y cambiando, y la Nueva Tierra activada está ahí para que la encontremos en las frecuencias más altas.

Celia Fenn - New Moon in Pisces and 3/3 Portal - Mar 1, 2022

New Moon in Pisces and 3/3 Portal

With so much going on in the outer world, it is also good to remember that we are still on track with our spiritual transformation and ascension work.

Since the major shift on the 22nd of February, our Reality has changed hugely and will change even more. Everything is shifting and changing, and the activated New Earth is there for us to find in the higher frequencies.