Blessings Beloveds ~ A departure and arrival at once.
Reports of surreal, blissful, new light levels this week...wild expansion paired with sadness. The loss of old constructs that will never return, the collective anxieties running in the field, and Source frequencies overriding how we used to create our realities.
Something new and unknown is emerging in these realms.
Infinite possibility. Infinite Kryst. True Unity Consciousness. The undefinable unknown awakening in our DNA, changing our experience, and revealing existence without illusion.
This is a level of the Gaia realms we have not experienced. Frequencies emanating from the cosmos, no longer interpreted through the lens of distortion.
Are you experiencing this multi-layered, multi-realm shift?
The acceleration will unfold quickly; the Equinox Presence weekend, the eclipse opening in April, the Crystalline Convergence in May.
So much transformation in the next 2 months. I AM grateful to witness this acceleration across the realms, and ground it for our Ascension experience.
I was called to Gatework in the Redwoods this week.
The white bag in the photo above holds the 222 double terminated Arkansas crystals for Convergence partiipants. They were on Mount Shasta for the 2.22.2022 (and will be for the Equinox as well). However, this week was unique.
While sitting at the base, leaning against the tree in communion with the realms, the tree said *touch my roots*.
Most Gatework finishes with completing the circuit through touching the ground. I placed my hands gently on her exposed roots. A very strong and unique energy current flowed.
Surreal, multidimensional, cosmic ray flows ... right from the core of the spiritual SUN within Gaia. I have not felt anything like it in my decades of Gatework.
Not electric, not buzzy or crystalline. It collapsed timespace in a new way. New realms unlocked. The forest and Gaia felt more alive and vibrant than ever (and I lived in the wilderness for years).
Gaia revealed an opening in the cosmic flows; the realm-shifting frequencies anticipated for this acceleration.
A brand new realm. Ancient - before we played with form or density - and brand new. Cosmic Gaia. Free from linear constructs. Untouchable purity. Complete collapse of density and all which was created here.
And that realms is shining at us, through the spiritual SUN of Gaia's ascended realms, through our coherent hearts.
The living library remembers everything. These ancient trees are wisdom keepers, similar to the whales. The Venusian gates are restoring themselves. Think of them as Galactic partners, as well as neighbors. Redwoods are a gift from Venus; their presence here is a vibrant part of the crystalline corridor. Keepers of crystalline harmonics for this now moment.
There is something extraordinary happening right now with Ascension.
These new harmonic flows make the outdated realities disappear. It changes the way we create our experience. We must change how we create; unity based on Infinite Kryst principles.
We can feel it in our hearts and fields. The realm where all of our New Earth Now and pure heart intentions for the Ascension have flowed to all of these years is birthing a brand new realm.
This unique energy feels infinite. Purer than anything before our collective experience here. A radically different way of being.
The effect on our lower levels is also radical. Mind, Ego, Emotions ... all of the constructs we used to interpret these realms must change - and quickly.
DNA field shifts cause rapid release of old constructs. A coherent heart (necessary for DNA activation) is the crystalline stargate which shifts your perception, and the way you experience reality. With both of those on, somewhat intense releasing can occur (weeping without apparent cause, positive dissociation.)
Our saving grace during this release and transformation (weepy, sleepy, disconnected, tired and wired) is AWARENESS.
Stay connected to the AWARENESS of this transformation and its purpose. Be grateful and stay curious as the sequences accelerate. As always, get comfortable with the unknown. It opens you to the Now, non-linear beingness.
We will explore the revelation - resolution - resurrection sequences during the next Presence event on Equinox weekend. A perfect NOW to open to these realms shifts and receive these Crystalline field infusions.
Stargates align for acceleration on the 13th-19th for the next three months. Keep those dates in heart for unified Gate and Gridkeeping.
Event Updates
Equinox Weekend Presence Event
March 19 @ 9AM PDT
We are in the pull of the Equinox realm shift already. Unify with the collective for clarity and highest outcomes. Details & Registration HERE
SUNday Unity Meditations - Time Change
Clocks change this weekend in the Pacific Time Zone where the meditations are anchored. Check your time zone synchronization at the event link below.
Crystalline Convergence
May 14-15 in Sedona
This event is just 60 days away!
Please reserve your live seats and Sedona accommodations soon. Bonus videos and the Community Board are now live. Login to receive these gifts and introduce yourself to the attendees. Get in the Room HERE
Almost 30 Podcast episode is now live
I had a brilliant and heart-opening conversation with Lindsey & Krista on the popular Almost30 podcast. We talked about everything Ascension, and revisited my experiences on Mount Shasta. Listen on Spotify, itunes or podcast apps.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible for Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,