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Schumann Resonance Today
30 March 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 30/3 17:00 From 10 UTC, while the Primary Frequency stabilized just above 7.30 Hz, Frequencies 2, 3 and 4 began a slow and gradual descent that is still apparently taking place. This condition led to a further increase in activity and increasing peaks in Amplitude, high values that reverberated on all four of its measurements; after touching Power 49 at 11 and shortly after 13 UTC, Power 42 was recorded at 14 and finally at 15:30 UTC the highest value of Power 60 so far.
Schumann Resonance Today 30/3 11:30 Yesterday afternoon the descent of the Primary Frequency below 7.60 Hz, accompanied by sporadic oscillations of the other frequencies, started a phase of instability that is still continuing. This instability took on a more significant character at 9 UTC this morning when a sinking around 7.30 Hz of Frequency 1 was accompanied by similar decreases in the other frequencies, this movement led to a rapid rise in Amplitude which after of the first fluctuations around Power 10 between 9 and 10 UTC has significantly increased the values by registering Power 23 at 10:30 UTC and Power 46 at 11 UTC.