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Schumann Resonance Today
28 March 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 28/3 17:00 From the early hours of today we can notice a slight decrease in the Primary Frequency which has stabilized just below 7.70 Hz, this did not lead to significant movements of the Amplitude which reached Power 9 as its maximum value shortly after 11 UTC. The most interesting values were instead those of Quality 2 which at 1:30 UTC, in correspondence with a marked oscillation of the Secondary Frequency, reached the value of 57.
Schumann Resonance Today 27/3 17:00 The total calm that characterized today was interrupted by two isolated peaks of short duration which occurred shortly after 1 and 5 UTC and both reached Power 13. This calm situation is due to the four frequencies which remained stable on their respective base values, only Frequency 3 had a slight decrease between 7 and 12 UTC without however altering the calm.