domingo, abril 30, 2023
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - April 30, 2023
Good morning to you. So, week after week, we have these informative, Loving chats, which is wonderful. Yet, where are we going with this communication? Where do you see this heading?
The most Brightest of greetings to you, Blossom, and all who partake in our conversations. For, although you feel it is ‘you’ asking particular questions … it is really the collective consciousness that is doing so.

Aurora Ray - Reclaim Your Power and Enter The New Earth Right Now! - Apr 30, 2023

The Great Shift is upon us!
It is an opportunity to step into a new frequency, one that aligns with our highest potential, one that supports us on our journey, and one that will give us the tools we need to thrive, succeed, and evolve.
The Great Shift is about reclaiming our power and stepping into a new age of awareness, understanding, consciousness, and light.
It is about rising above the chaos and transitioning from duality to unity consciousness.

James & JoAnna McConnell - AA Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - Brace For Impact - Apr 23, 2023

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these times of continuing great change.
And yes, indeed, those three words that were given for this discussion this morning: brace for impact. What does that mean? Well, it meant many different things to all of you.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 30, 2023
APRIL 30, 2023
Dear readers welcome once again to our message. You are known and your courage admired as those on this side observe your struggle to break free from the dense cocoons of belief that have served only to hold you in bondage to illusion over lifetimes.
It is difficult to move past the many commonly accepted beliefs you have lived in alignment with through hundreds of lifetimes. Many of them seem ordinary and “harmless” causing you to question why they are important in the larger scheme of things. Any belief regardless of how simple and unimportant that is believed to be good or bad can only be based in duality and separation–from God, people, and other life forms.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - We’re Giving You Channeling Attunements - Apr 30, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always on the lookout for new recruits, for individuals who want to work with us. There are many ways in which you can work with this particular Arcturian Council, because we are nonphysical now, and so we do work with so many in the astral plane, and we also are channeled through other humans, besides this one, but we can also work with you on projects that you come up with.

sábado, abril 29, 2023
Aurora Ray - Unlocking The Mystery of Indigo Children: What You Need To Know - Apr 29, 2023

We've all heard about children born with special gifts. They're called "Indigo children."
However, some parents are wondering if it's something to be concerned about and what their children might be up to.
Indigo children are being born into the world at an incredible rate. They have a wide range of talents, abilities, and emotional lives.
So what is an indigo child's ultimate secret?
Are they different from the rest of us?

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Apr 29, 2023
Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear One, whenever you experience lack of anything, instead of turning to your outside world, we invite you to turn to the Abundance of God/Source/Creator.
Your true Abundance comes from God.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Make All Your Problems Melt Away - Apr 29, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in the way a human being becomes enlightened there on Earth. We are interested in the process that must take place in order for this to happen. Many of you have heard of the idea of the death of the ego, the dark night of the soul, so to speak. Others who have had addictions recognize the power of hitting rock bottom, and many awakenings have occurred from the pit of despair, but it doesn’t have to go that way.

viernes, abril 28, 2023
Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Poder de la Vida – Efecto sobre el Futuro - Miércoles de Sanación 22 de marzo de 2023
Miércoles de Sanación 22 de marzo de 2023
El Poder de la Vida – Efecto sobre el Futuro
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Esta es la cuarta semana de un mensaje que he dado otras tres veces. Y esta es ligeramente diferente, pero contiene ese mismo, mágico, maravilloso, nuevo mensaje que he dado antes. Hay algo en este planeta que es nuevo. Es tu impronta, tu impronta esotérica, que ahora tienes, allí sentado o de pie, que es diferente. La llamamos el Poder de la Vida.
Es nueva debido a las mejoras, realces, de lo que es el Cambio y también los realces dentro de tu propio ADN que hemos discutido antes. Esto ha creado un ser humano con un impacto sobre el planeta mayor nunca.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - Apr
Law of One – Now we can disclose everything, you are going to have technology that is going to eliminate your need for fossil fuels. It will eliminate your need to pay for energy, and it is happening a lot sooner than you think.
You are having to change your outlook regarding your future, as it is becoming increasingly apparent that you may shift to a new timeline that avoids the Great Flash of Light that has been predicted. Humanity appears to have raised its vibrations and if it continues to do so it could alter the outcome. So it remains to be seen which path you will take but either way progress will continue, as the changes are necessary to create a new and better way of life. There will come a day when you will look back and wonder how you ever survived the continual attrition. You were of course meant to do so but your freewill has been the overriding factor.

Aurora Ray - What Is Your Mission As A Spiritual Being On This Planet? - Apr 28, 2023
You are here to make a choice.
You are here to choose what you want to do.
There is no time limit on your ability to do this. The only thing that can stop you from doing it is your own fear of failure.
You have been given the power and the ability to do this, but it must be done by you.
It cannot be done for you by anyone else because there are many people who want to control you, who want to destroy your true self, who want to take away your individuality and make you into a mindless zombie-like being with no thoughts of its own and no individuality at all!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Get All You Want & All You Didn’t Know You Wanted - Apr 28, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are highly-evolved beings, and yet we still do not understand everything. We still have a type of mind, and our minds are not able to grasp everything about this universe and about Source, and that is because we are ninth-dimensional, and there are twelve dimensions. There are three dimensions that are higher than this one where we dwell in right now. What we have come to know through our experience is that we don’t need to know everything, and this is so true when it comes to humanity. You think you need to know everything, and that’s largely what your sciences are based upon.

jueves, abril 27, 2023
Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Poder de la Vida – Efecto sobre el Planeta - Miércoles de Sanación 15 de marzo de 2023
Miércoles de Sanación 15 de marzo de 2023
El Poder de la Vida – Efecto sobre el Planeta
Saludos, queridos, Yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Nos gustaría continuar en esta semana con un tema que iniciamos este mes. Cada una de estas canalizaciones será sobre el mismo tema, pero única en sus atributos. Entonces, para quienes no han oído las otras, les digo esto. Esta canalización particular es algo, es un tema, que es nuevo en el planeta. Y puede que no piensen que es así. Estoy ahora repitiendo lo que les he dado antes. Lo nuevo de esto es que los atributos del planeta han cambiado.

Discovering Pure Love and Joy Through Oneness!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Help Coming from Arcturus (without Interference) - Apr 27, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have received so many requests for assistance from all of you, and we want to help you without interfering with your natural process of evolution. You see that has occurred there on Earth previously, and other extra-terrestrial groups have inadvertently stunted your growth by intervening and interfering. We who have observed all of this recognize that the best way to help you is to give you teachings and to give you energies, to give you support and to hold space for you.

miércoles, abril 26, 2023
Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Poder de la Vida – Efecto sobre los Otros - Miércoles de Sanación 8 de marzo de 2023
Miércoles de Sanación 8 de marzo de 2023
El Poder de la Vida – Efecto sobre los Otros
Saludos, queridos, Yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
La meditación de esta noche los invita a recordar. E incluso en esa declaración, hay una premisa: que dentro de cada ser humano singular hay conocimiento. Y ese conocimiento necesariamente se ha olvidado. Simplemente no está en la prioridad del recordar. No está arriba en la pila de la supervivencia, podrían decir.
Se pide al ser humano que recuerde. ¿Recordar qué? Recordar con qué entraron. Lo que heredaron, podrían decir, de lo que es Dios, y el Espíritu, y el alma. Y esa herencia es el Poder de la Vida. Una vez que empiezas a recordar quién eres, esa cebolla empieza a pelarse, y las cáscaras se quitan, y son todo lo que te enseñan y que te impide saber quién eres.

Aurora Ray - Who Are The Ascended Masters? - Apr 26, 2023

The ascended human is someone who has somehow reached higher ground, someone who has seen through all of the illusions of this world. He can see beyond the veil of Maya.
This is what allows him to ascend above others; it's what allows him to be on some sort of higher ground so he can see things for what they really are. He has realized the most powerful reality; he has realized the most powerful truth.

Contact with the Pleiadians: Working with the Pleiadian Star System to Co-Create a Brighter Future!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Astral Traveling w/Sirians, Pleiadians & Arcturians - Apr 26, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have established many wonderful working relationships with those of you in human form there on Earth. We know that some of you recognize us by our vibrational signature, and some of you even remember us from your Arcturian lifetimes. We know that to others we seem somewhat familiar, but you are unable to place where you know us from, but suffice it to say that we have a connection to every single being there on planet Earth. And when you fall asleep and travel through the astral plane, that’s when things get very interesting indeed.

martes, abril 25, 2023
Aurora Ray - Manifestation Rule #1 - Apr 25, 2023

Dear beloved ones,
Do you actually think that you are powerless? Or that your life is governed by destiny or fate?
When we open our eyes, we may look at the billions of stars and planets and think we live in a vast unknowing universe, but if we turn back to look, deep inside to the place where we reside as the observer, we may feel like we live in a self-made universe that is formed by our own thoughts and feelings.

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Noticing the Divine Plan within - Apr 25, 2023

Ashian: Greetings dear heart, blessings to you and all who resonate with these words. We are overjoyed to hear from you again.
J: ehm… yes. Tricky times for me. Sorry.
A: There is no need to apologise. Why regret? Why feel bad that energies and events in your life are moving swiftly and – all evidence to the contrary, perhaps – are finding their resolution? These are the end times. Karma is being squared off. Resolution is being found. People are moving towards their vibe and tribe, they are resolving their inner conflicts, pain, wounding.

Alcyon Pléyades 151: Jesucristo, Ángeles, ECM, Años perdidos, Esenios, Viajes Egipto-India-Britania
En los documentales que hemos ido viendo sobre la Tierra Hueca, hemos visto que existe un mundo de humanidad y espiritualidad que ya hemos perdido en nuestro tiempo, temas como los ángeles, seres de la 4ª y 5ª dimensión, nos llevan a un mundo más sutil pero real.La figura del Maestro Jesús la conocemos a través de los textos bíblicos y de las distintas iglesias que fueron apareciendo con el paso del tiempo, pero la Biblia no es un libro completo: las manipulaciones, las censuras, los recortes interesados del clero religioso, nos han dejado sin saber qué sucedió durante los llamados “los años perdidos de Jesús”.
¿Cómo es posible que habiendo sido la figura más importante de nuestra civilización, en una época de escribas y notarios no sepamos qué sucedió entre los 13 y los 30 años? ¿Qué interés ha existido siempre en secuestrar la vida y las enseñanzas de este gran Ser?
Sus enseñanzas fueron escritas para estos momentos, y ahora recopilamos la información que nos legaron autores como el periodista ruso Nicolás Notovitch, el escritor y filósofo hindú Swami Abhedananda, el profesor Roerich y otros muchos investigadores que nos muestran dónde estuvo el Rabí de Galilea durante esos años, la huella que dejó a su paso por Egipto, la India, Cachemira, Tíbet, Nepal, Europa… hasta su regreso a Galilea a los 30 años. Y no solo eso, lo mismo sus viajes durante 11 años después de la resurrección, los vestigios y lugares donde estuvo, su misión en estos lugares, y lo mismo numerosas apariciones y visiones hasta la actualidad.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

Alcyon Pleiades 151: Jesus Christ, Angels, NDE, Lost years, Essenes, Journeys Egypt-India- Britannia
In the documentaries we have been watching on the Hollow Earth, we have seen that a world of humanity and spirituality exists, which we have already lost, in our own times. Yet topics like angels and beings from the fourth and fifth dimensions lead us into a world that is subtler but real.
We know about the figure of Master Jesus through Biblical texts and from the different churches that have emerged with the passing of time, but the Bible, is not a complete book: the manipulation, censorship and cutting that the religious clergy have done, according to their vested interests, leaves us with no knowledge of what happened during the so-called ‘lost years of Jesus’.
How is it possible that despite his being our civilisation’s most important figure, and having come from the age of scribes and notaries, we do not know what happened to him between the ages of 13 and 30? Why has there been such intense interest in hijacking or undermining the life and teachings of this great Being?
His teachings were written for the times in which we live, and we are currently gathering information that has reached us through authors like Russian journalist Nicolas Notovitch, Hindu writer and philosopher Swami Abhedananda, professor Roerich, and many other researchers who have shown us where the Rabbi of Galilee was, during these years, in addition to the mark he made during his passage through Egypt, India, Kashmir, Tibet, Nepal and Europe, until his return to Galilee at the age of 30.
That is not all, however. We are also looking at the journeys he took over the course of 11 years, following his resurrection, the vestiges of his travels, the places he visited, and his mission while there, in addition to discussing the numerous apparitions and visions that continue to occur, to this very day.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

💜💜💜 Queridos lectores y visitantes
Como parte
del Servicio Planetario de los Trabajadores de la Luz iniciamos
Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command hace más de 11 años,
labor que hemos realizado ininterrumpidamente con inmenso amor y
dedicación a compartir las buenas nuevas de la Nueva Tierra.
Solicito su apoyo de forma temporal con la cantidad que gusten si estuviera en su capacidad en lo que encuentro otra manera de subsistir para poder continuar trayéndoles aquellos artículos y vídeos que sean de su interés para continuar este viaje a nuestra Ascensión.
Un abrazo de luz para todos ustedes.
Para aquellos que tengan cuenta en PayPal:

Judith Kusel - We will find that there is a closure now and dissolving of the old - Apr 25, 2023

We will find that there is a closure now and dissolving of the old, negative patterns we created with other souls in all lifetimes on earth, and even beyond.
As we ascend, and finally have forgiven and found the inner harmony, peace, and unity, with unconditional love, we are freed and they are freed.
All which remains is unconditional love.

KRYON - The Year of 2023 – Can we create a New Future?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Galactic Energies Preparing You for Full ET Contact - Apr 25, 2023
We have been witnessing the changes that have occurred in humanity throughout this month of April, and we are happy to say that you have made some giant strides forward as a collective. People there on Earth are opening up more. You are opening up more to your intuition, to your guides, to your higher selves. You have been opening up more to channel, to simply receive energies and healing energies. And we are very impressed by what we have seen. You have been opening up without fear, and you have been opening up without attachment, and you always get more whenever you do receive what has been gifted to you freely from all the beings and all the collectives who consistently want to help each and every one of you there on Earth.

lunes, abril 24, 2023
Aurora Ray - A Message From The Galactic Federation - Apr 24, 2023

Dear beloved ones, I'm happy that you are here.
I'm sure that all of you are aware of the Galactic Federation. They have been trying to contact us for many years now through various sources to help our race advance. Our technology is limited, and we need their help in many ways.
Many of you will receive or have already received communication from them in some form or another. Even though these messages will seem cryptic and strange to you now, they will not be like that in the near future.

Natalia Alba - We continue seeing physical evidence of the immense support that our planet is receiving - Apr 24, 2023
Beloved Ones,
We continue seeing physical evidence of the immense support that our planet is receiving, at this time, through the Aurora Borealis that is taking place all over the world now. We are again being able to witness Auroras in the UK, Germany, and many other spaces where they were very rare or unprecedented. Even though there is a scientific explanation behind them, we know that behind all these human interpretations our Aurora family continues to restore and open new passages all over the world.

Jennifer Hoffman - Eclipsed - Intersection of Intention and Interests - Apr 24, 2023

Brenda Hoffman - I’m Home Within Myself - April 24, 2023
Dear Ones,
Your life is shifting so rapidly that 3D fear is becoming outdated, and the new is prospering.
Even though nothing new may be noted in your day-to-day life, it is displayed in one little act or thought after another.
Perhaps you fear what might happen, only to have that fear dissolve with new information. Or you have new thoughts or actions that would have seemed counterintuitive or wrong just weeks ago – yet, that is who you are now.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Connect to Jesus Christ/Yeshua - Aor 24, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are focusing on what is most appropriate for humankind to know about, so that we can guide you in the right direction, a direction which is not predetermined, not set in stone. Therefore, there is always hope for humanity, no matter how things might look out there in the world, a world that is a projection of your consciousness, as everything else is. Remember that when you think about changing the world and how hard it will be. Remember that it is easy to change your perspective, your point of view. It is easy to shift your focus, and that is what is most appropriate for you to be working on at this time.

domingo, abril 23, 2023
Aurora Ray - Ascension 101 - Apr 23, 2023

Human races are all over the planet, and many individuals are looking for a new way of life that would guarantee harmony and prosperity.
Many people tend to move in this direction and change their lives significantly—they become vegetarians and join some kind of organization that gives them a sense of belonging and connection with higher forces. They feel like they have become more tolerant towards other people and nature.

LAS PARABOLAS DE KRYON – Serie 4 – Parábola 4 – Sara y el Zapato Viejo
Serie 4 – Parábola 4 – Sara y el Zapato Viejo
¿Listos para una realmente breve? Amo esta parábola, porque representa cómo pienso, algunas veces. Puedo relacionarme con estar cómodo con casi cualquier cosa, ¿por qué cambiarla? Si la cosa funciona. ¿Qué? ¿Me dices que no funciona? Ahora bien, eso es tonto.
Sara era una mujer iluminada de la nueva era. Entendía cómo hacerse responsable de su vida y que ella estaba por una razón en el planeta. Sara por lo tanto preguntó a sus guías cómo encontrar su lugar ideal, el lugar donde ella había acordado estar. Le dieron buena información. Ella entendió el proceso y se dispuso a co crear lo que sabía que era su pasión. Sara deseaba ser parte de la ecología del planeta para ayudar a mejorar la Tierra y todo lo que vivía en ella. Entonces, por una ventana de oportunidad que apareció de pronto, - ¿una coincidencia? - se le dio una posibilidad de hacer justo eso.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You are always receiving Divine Love, whether you "tune in" or not - April 23, 2023
Dear One,
God’s love is the energy that permeates the universe. It is the essence in which you live, move and have your being. There is no time when you are separate from Divine Love, whether or not you are aware of this fact. Divine Love is always there for you.
If you do choose to be aware that you are basking in the Light of the Universe in every moment, your life can change for the better. When you remember that you are always receiving God’s blessings, you know that you are supremely loved. No matter what you have done, or not done, you are loved. No matter how imperfect you feel, you are loved. You are the beloved child of a benevolent God who wants you to be happy, free, wealthy, and filled with love. This is what you deserve because you are you.

💜💜💜 Queridos lectores y visitantes
Queridos lectores y visitantes:
Como parte
del Servicio Planetario de los Trabajadores de la Luz iniciamos
Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command hace más de 11 años,
labor que hemos realizado ininterrumpidamente con inmenso amor y
dedicación a compartir las buenas nuevas de la Nueva Tierra.
Solicito su apoyo de forma temporal con la cantidad que gusten si estuviera en su capacidad en lo que encuentro otra manera de subsistir para poder continuar trayéndoles aquellos artículos y vídeos que sean de su interés para continuar este viaje a nuestra Ascensión.
Un abrazo de luz para todos ustedes.
Para aquellos que tengan cuenta en PayPal:

sábado, abril 22, 2023
La historia del Titanic y su tragedia nos muestran hasta qué punto vivimos sumergidos en un fabuloso engaño mundial que abarca todo lo que nos rodea: historia, ciencia, medicina... Casi todo depositado en nuestro pensamiento a través de la TV y los medios de comunicación.Cada vez más van saliendo a la luz todo tipo de informaciones, es por eso que actualizamos y ampliamos nuestro anterior documental Extra 18 que cuestionan la tesis oficial del hundimiento del Titanic y apuntan hacia un atentado diseñado, entre otros, por el banquero JP Morgan, los Rockefeller, los Rothschild todo con el objetivo de crear la Reserva Federal de EE.UU, y para ello tenían que eliminar las personas más influyentes y ricas del momento que se oponían a esa idea. Pero para ello no les importó asesinar a 1514 víctimas inocentes que habían embarcado en “el barco de los sueños” rumbo a América.
Comprender los intereses de la banca detrás del hundimiento, nos permite entender en la actualidad los hilos que manejan el mundo, los planes que tienen en contra de la humanidad también en la actualidad, que beneficia solo a los más ricos.
Gracias a toda nuevas información que salen a la luz, hoy podemos observar la tragedia del Titanic desde otros puntos de vista: las causas, el incendio en las calderas, el impacto de un torpedo, uso de remaches baratos, el fraude del seguro... los testimonios de los supervivientes y otros sucesos inexplicables que se dieron en esos momentos.
Todo esto nos permite cuestionar no solamente lo que nos dicen que sucedió en ese momento, sino todo lo que estamos viviendo actualmente.

Aurora Ray - Extraterrestrial Starseeds Among Us - Apr 22, 2023

A benevolent extraterrestrial civilization is essentially peaceful and whose intentions for communicating with us are positive.
We live in exciting times, where it seems that we are on the cusp of contact with benevolent beings from other worlds. There is more disclosure happening every day, and many credible people are coming forward with what they know.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Apr 22, 2023
Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...
Beloved One, within you resides God's consciousness of unconditional Love.
It is clothed by a physical body and often times, your Ego Mind is in charge of your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

LAS PARABOLAS DE KRYON – Serie 4 – Parábola 3 – Aaron y el Globo de Esencia
Serie 4 – Parábola 3 – Aaron y el Globo de Esencia
Queridos, Kryon les da estas parábolas e historias a propósito, porque son metafóricas y usualmente no suelen representar una persona real en la Tierra. Estas parábolas e historias se les dan a ustedes en amor, oh, muy gran amor. Porque tienen que ver con la autoconciencia humana, y con la sanación, y con potenciales de larga vida.

John Smallman - Jesus - Acknowledge and honor these feelings of joy arising within you - Apr 22, 2023
Humanity is moving forward beautifully and very rapidly towards the collective awakening and, as I have told you many times, this transcendent occurrence is divinely assured, and consequently the progress that you have made is utterly irreversible. There are just ‘a few loose ends’ to tie up, and then you will awaken, and your joy will be boundless.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How Mother Earth Affects You All…Every Day - Apr 22, 2023
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much love for humanity, and so much love for your planet, and we know that at times you also have love for Mother Earth. We know that you often celebrate your human mothers on a very specific day there, and that you show appreciation and give special attention to your mothers on Mothers Day. And on what you call Earth Day you give special attention and appreciation to your Mother Earth, and that is lovely. We know how easy it is to get caught up in what’s going on inside your heads and on your computer screens, and certainly inside your homes, your businesses, your offices, but when you do want to acknowledge Mother Earth as the beautiful, life-giving entity that she is, all you need to do is go outside and connect with some aspect of her.

An ever-increasing amount of information is coming to light about the sinking of the Titanic, which is why we are updating and expanding our previous documentary, Video Special 18, calling mainstream theories on this topic into question. Information surfacing suggests a staged attack, orchestrated by J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, among others, with the aim of creating the U.S. Federal Reserve. In order to achieve their objective, they had to eliminate the wealthiest and most influential people of the day, who stood in opposition to this idea. To reach their goal, they had no qualms about murdering 1,514 innocent victims who had boarded the ‘ship of dreams’ headed for America.
Understanding the banking interests behind the shipwreck enables us to comprehend the strings being pulled today, in the quest to manipulate our own world. It also provides insight into the plans being hatched at present, to the detriment of humanity, as they solely benefit the wealthiest of individuals.
Thanks to the plethora of new information that is being disclosed, we can now observe the Titanic tragedy from alternative viewpoints: its causes, its boiler room fire, the impact of a torpedo, the use of cheap rivets and insurance fraud. Survivors’ accounts and other inexplicable events occurring at that time are also worthy of note. Indeed, each of these elements enables us to question, not only what we have been told about this past incident, but to begin asking questions about the circumstances we face today.

viernes, abril 21, 2023
LAS PARABOLAS DE KRYON – Serie 4 – Parábola 2 – David, el Indio
Serie 4 – Parábola 2 – David, el Indio
Esta es la historia de un indio que vivía en una isla encantadora donde tenía todo lo que necesitaba. Pero su curiosidad por saber más sobre los alrededores lo separó del resto.
Había un indio llamado David que vivía en una isla. Y para quienes desean saber más acerca de por qué un indio se llamaba David, tendrán que analizar eso más tarde.
Esta isla en que vivía David era buena, y era abundante. David era del linaje de la realeza en esa isla, porque su abuelo era el Jefe. David vivía una buena vida en la isla. Había abundante comida, muchas cosas crecían y podían comerse. El pueblo de David y su tribu vivieron bien durante muchos, muchos años.
Ahora bien; la isla estaba rodeada de un atributo raro; había un banco de niebla. Era muy espesa. La encerraba. Empezaba a tres millas de la costa. Rodeaba a la isla completamente, y como la niebla nunca venía a la costa, los días en la isla eran generalmente soleados y claros. La niebla permanecía apartada de la costa a la misma distancia un año tras otro, como una señal ominosa. Nadie podía ver más allá de ella.
David creció con esta niebla, y los del pueblo la habían experimentado una generación tras otra. No la entendían, pero la temían, ya que de vez en cuando alguno del pueblo se aventuraba en el banco de niebla y nunca regresaba. Incluso David recordaba, cuando niño, uno de la tribu que era mayor y cerca de su muerte, eligió subir a su canoa y entrar en la niebla. Había muchas historias sobre lo que sucedería si entrabas en la niebla, mayormente contadas de noche, a la luz de las fogatas.
A los del pueblo se les enseñaba que si alguno entraba alguna vez en la niebla, el resto de los del pueblo entrarían en sus casas y villas y no lo mirarían. Verás, había un gran miedo de esta niebla maligna. Pero David, siendo de la realeza, pudo observar unos pocos de estos eventos con los mayores, cuando niño, y luego como adolescente.
El único evento que realmente recordaba era cuando el viejo entró en la niebla. Recordaba que, mientras el viejo entraba en el banco de niebla, él lo vio tomar su remo mientras la canoa se deslizaba suavemente entrando en la niebla. Y según se esperaba, él nunca salió de nuevo, tal como habían dicho los mayores: Nadie que se aventure en ese banco regresa jamás. Y los de linaje real permanecieron muchas horas mirando la niebla después de que el viejo desapareciera en ella, esperando algo que había sido predicho que ocurriría. A menudo, durante un tiempo oían un ruido sordo, gigantesco, un sonido temible que causaba miedo en sus corazones, como un rugido que no podían comprender. David recordaría por el resto de su vida cómo sonaba. Quién sabe qué podría haber sido. Tal vez un monstruo al otro lado del banco de niebla. Tal vez el sonido de un gigantesco remolino o una cascada, esperando para tomar las vidas de quienes la atravesaran.
Ahora bien; parece extraño que David, a los 34 años, tomara la decisión que tomó, pero sentía una atracción de la niebla. Sentía que había algo más en su vida, que él se estaba perdiendo. Tal vez era una verdad que había estado dormida durante años, y de algún modo la niebla tenía la respuesta. Es verdad que nadie había regresado jamás, pero eso no significaba que se hubieran ido, pensaba David.
De modo que David salió con valentía, sin contarle a ninguno de los mayores ni a los del pueblo, para ver qué había del otro lado del banco de niebla. Subió lentamente a su canoa e hizo una ceremonia en preparación para lo que estaba por hacer. Agradeció a Dios por su vida, y por la revelación de lo que vendría. Sabía que, sin importar qué le sucediera, al menos tendría el conocimiento. Y eso es lo que lo impulsó.
Y entonces David remó silenciosamente y suavemente hacia el banco de niebla. Nadie lo estaba observando, porque él no había anunciado lo que estaba ocurriendo. Pronto estuvo al borde de la niebla y se acercaba más. Entonces David notó una cosa rara. Nadie se había acercado intencionalmente al banco anteriormente para observar algo así, pero lo estaba arrastrando adentro. Ante esta sorpresa, el elemento de miedo empezó a aferrarlo. David ya no necesitaba su remo, de modo que lo levantó y lo puso en la canoa. La canoa desapareció dentro de la niebla, con él dentro de ella. Todavía había silencio cuando David entró en el banco de niebla, a medida que la corriente seguía llevándolo hacia adelante. Se volvió más y más oscuro, y entonces David empezó a reconsiderar lo que había hecho. “Soy un hombre joven. Le he fallado a mis mayores, porque yo estaba en el linaje real, y he elegido una cosa muy tonta.”
David estaba asustado, y el miedo cayó sobre él como un manto de muerte, y la negrura empezó a entrar en su cerebro y él tembló con frío y emoción a medida que la canoa aceleraba silenciosamente por sí sola. David estuvo en el banco de niebla durante horas, y parecía que nunca terminaría. Se agachó en su canoa, porque supo que había cometido un error. ¿Qué pasa si nunca cambia nada? Se dijo para sí. ¿Qué pasa si estoy aquí para toda la eternidad y muero de hambre en esta canoa?
De pronto David tuvo una visión de miedo en que todos los que habían ido antes estaban ahora flotando interminablemente en sus canoas, yendo en círculos alrededor de la isla. Esqueletos en la niebla oscura. ¿Vería a aquel viejo de años atrás? ¿Alguna vez habría algún cambio?
Oh, ¿dónde está la verdad que yo buscaba?, gritó David en voz alta en la niebla. Y entonces sucedió: David salió al otro lado del banco de niebla. Quedó atónito ante lo que vio, porque allí frente a él había un continente entero. Claro. Lleno de muchos pueblos y habitantes tan lejos como llegaba a ver. Podía ver humo saliendo de sus chimeneas, y oírlos jugando en las playas. Algunos miraron al banco de niebla y lo vieron inmediatamente y cuando él salía lo observaron e hicieron sonar sus trompetas en celebración, para que los otros supieran en la costa que otro valiente había atravesado la niebla.
Luego David oyó un gigantesco rugido viniendo desde la tierra, un rugido de celebración, un rugido de honor. Lo rodearon con canoas y le arrojaron flores. Cuando llegó a la playa, vinieron y lo llevaron en andas celebrando su salida de la niebla.
David, el de la realeza, empezó una nueva vida enriquecida ese día.
Podrías decir: Yo sé de qué tata esta parábola. Es sobre la muerte, ¿no es así? No, no lo es. Esta parábola se trata de entrar a la nueva energía, e incluso a la ascensión. También trata sobre estar contento dentro de tu pequeño grupo y nunca aventurarte fuera de él debido a la niebla de lo que no es familiar. Trata sobre lo que está delante de ti, si eliges transitar el camino. Porque delante de cada uno de ustedes hay un banco de niebla, que a veces es su miedo, otras veces es su naturaleza que no cambia. Cada clase de niebla es un desafío diferente y lección, para cada persona, en grados diversos.
¿Qué es lo que te da más miedo? Para muchos de ustedes, es el miedo al éxito, y el miedo a estar en su sendero contratado; el miedo a la abundancia. Tal vez es el miedo a la iluminación. Puede que sea el miedo al cambio. Te alentamos a que camines hacia tu miedo, erguido, sea lo que sea que te dé mayor ansiedad, que sabes que es tu lección de vida, que debe ser atravesada, de cara a ella, con valentía, sabiendo que es solo una fachada.
El miedo es el banco de niebla en la parábola, y del otro lado hay celebración. Pero entrar en ella a veces crea un tiempo de oscuridad, un tiempo transicional para permitir adaptarte a lo que vendrá. Quienes te rodean te van a prevenir en contra, diciéndote que no es para ti. Pero una parte tuya conoce la verdad, y algunos de ustedes la buscarán por sí mismos.
¿Por qué Kryon les trae esta parábola? Es para ejemplificar la responsabilidad en esta nueva era nuestra. Este es el tiempo para la habilitación, la responsabilidad por toda la energía del planeta. Y es tiempo para que tú reconozcas tu camino. Es hora de mirar a los ojos de tus adversarios y decir: “Te conozco; sé quién eres; y elijo desconectarme de tu energía.”
Aquí es donde se pasan las pruebas, y donde se elevan las vibraciones para el planeta., porque no hay un lugar más ideal en este planeta que donde reconoces quién eres. Porque todas las cosas que te dan dolor pueden ahora ser cambiadas por tu intención de hacerlo así.
Transcripción y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Aurora Ray - Ascension Update - Apr 21, 2023

Our dear sweet Gaia has been in process for many lifetimes, even eons of time. She has moved through her cycles of alchemy, purgation, processing, transmutation, initiation, and breaking through to higher consciousness.
Earth has begun her Ascension. The awakening of all human consciousness is imminent. The frequency shift of this planet is now in process.

Judith Kusel - Hugely powerful keys and codes - Apr 21, 2023
Hugely powerful keys and codes are being activated within all souls on earth and with it the deepest activation of the tools they will need now to ascend into the fullness and truth and full power of their soul knowledge, acculated over many lifetimes, parallel lives, Universal existence. With the new souls born since 1994, these are activated directly from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - April 21, 2023
“Time waits for no man“ is a popular saying and applicable to the conditions you are experiencing at present. The changes are necessary and progressing well and it is regrettable that they are causing so much grief and trouble. Many times we have tried to get you to understand the importance to get matters in hand that acknowledge the urgency involved. Even your own people have recognised the need for immediate action. Failure to do so will only exacerbate the situation as if it is not already calling for urgent action. We for our part will help you all we can but it is for you to take the initiative.

Natalia Alba - Cathat /Essene Planetary Mission Update - Apr 21, 2023
Beloved Ones,
We are heading into another important passage on our ascension path. This is a time for us to focus on the Earth, being grounded to be able to descend and anchor the recent energies, as well as to continue with our planetary mission. For those who have Essene/Cathar lineage, Guides remark on the importance of working with the Emerald Ray, at this time, to expand your heart center and continue with your unique planetary mission.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Powerful Forces in This Universe
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in our best-feeling space when we are contemplating how to best help humanity, because that is where we are most needed. The universe has brought us to each and every one of you who receives these transmissions, because the universe saw that there was a need on your part and that there was a desire to fulfill that need on ours. You can trust universal forces, especially when it comes to your spiritual growth and evolution. When you want to grow spiritually, even if you only want that for yourself, it is still a desire that helps everyone in existence. Therefore, the universe orchestrates it, with very little effort, and sometimes no effort, on your part.

jueves, abril 20, 2023
Parábolas de Kryon - Serie 4 – Parábola 1 –Angenon y Verihoo
Serie 4 – Parábola 1 –Angenon y Verihoo
Uno de los temas favoritos de Kryon tiene que ver con las pruebas de las mujeres en nuestra cultura, y lo que las lecciones significan para ellas personalmente. Kryon no es un “él” ni una “ella”, como no lo es Dios, La entidad de Kryon es la de un maestro del entendimiento humano que nos está dando información amorosa respecto a la nueva era.

Natalia Alba - Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries - Apr 20, 2023
Beloved Ones,
Today we are fully immersed in the Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries, that we have been strongly feeling for a while. As I have shared already all Guides shared for All about this hybrid and unique eclipse, I just wanted to wish you all a loving, healing, and revealing eclipse.
Remember the importance of taking care of your body, physical and non-physical, as you consciously set the intention to align with its energies. Remember that healing and clearing, depending on where you are in your ascension path, is pivotal to leaving space to integrate the new energies.