jueves, julio 27, 2023
Message from Suzy's tech team - July 26, 2023
Message from Suzy's tech team - July 26, 2023
Dear friends,
We just received the following sad message through Suzy's newsletter:
"Dear Friends of Matthew and Suzy Ward,
Suzy Ward had a significant heart attack a few days ago. She is recovering well and is in good hands.
There will not be a message for August, but messages will resume as soon as Suzy is able.
Thanks for your support and patience.
- Suzy's tech team
Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com."

martes, abril 25, 2023
💜💜💜 Queridos lectores y visitantes
Como parte
del Servicio Planetario de los Trabajadores de la Luz iniciamos
Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command hace más de 11 años,
labor que hemos realizado ininterrumpidamente con inmenso amor y
dedicación a compartir las buenas nuevas de la Nueva Tierra.
Solicito su apoyo de forma temporal con la cantidad que gusten si estuviera en su capacidad en lo que encuentro otra manera de subsistir para poder continuar trayéndoles aquellos artículos y vídeos que sean de su interés para continuar este viaje a nuestra Ascensión.
Un abrazo de luz para todos ustedes.
Para aquellos que tengan cuenta en PayPal:

domingo, abril 23, 2023
💜💜💜 Queridos lectores y visitantes
Queridos lectores y visitantes:
Como parte
del Servicio Planetario de los Trabajadores de la Luz iniciamos
Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command hace más de 11 años,
labor que hemos realizado ininterrumpidamente con inmenso amor y
dedicación a compartir las buenas nuevas de la Nueva Tierra.
Solicito su apoyo de forma temporal con la cantidad que gusten si estuviera en su capacidad en lo que encuentro otra manera de subsistir para poder continuar trayéndoles aquellos artículos y vídeos que sean de su interés para continuar este viaje a nuestra Ascensión.
Un abrazo de luz para todos ustedes.
Para aquellos que tengan cuenta en PayPal:

jueves, marzo 09, 2023
Noticias de Lee Carroll - Mar 6, 2023
Noticias de Lee Carroll
¿Adivina qué? Hace poco, mi equipo médico me comentó que debo someterme a una cirugía. Específicamente, necesito un bypass coronario.
Probablemente te interese saber que este tipo de operaciones son realizadas medio millón de veces al año y con un porcentaje de éxito del 98%.

An Update From Lee Carroll - Mar 6, 2023
An Update From Lee Carroll
Guess what? Recently, my medical team has told me that I need to have a surgery. Specifically, I need to have a coronary bypass operation.
You may be interested to know that coronary bypass operations are performed half a million times a year with an overall success rate of almost 98 percent. I think the reason this operation has become so common is due to the poor diet many of us had in our youth. Well, at least I’m pretty sure that’s the case for me. Who knew back then that you couldn’t have donuts three times a day?

sábado, diciembre 31, 2022
viernes, junio 18, 2021
Celia Fenn - June 2021 Solstice Energies - June 18, 2021
Dear Friends
Just a brief note to invite you to a free online Solstice broadcast that I will be doing with my friend Claudia Pureco in her C View Network program on Blogtalk Internet Radio.
The program airs on Monday 21st June, and the time is on the image above.
Here is the link for the broadcast. If you cannot make the live broadcast you can access the replay at the same link:
If you would like to know more about the Solstice energies, please visit my website Home Page and scroll down to the "New Earth Alerts" where I have posted information about the current energies for you.
with love and Blessings

jueves, marzo 04, 2021
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, March 4, 2021

Hi everyone! As many of you know, I will be taking some time off in March. Can you believe this is the first time I’ve taken time off from work and the daily messages since January 2012?! I’m actually having surgery to correct an issue I’ve been struggling with for almost as long. Despite my best efforts and many, many approaches I just haven’t been able to heal it on my own and I’ve come to peace with the fact that surgical intervention is required. I’ve been praying for forward movement on this and get this – my surgery date is March 4…march forth? Well done, universe! I’m so looking forward to healing beyond this issue and shifting back into balance and whole health.

jueves, diciembre 31, 2020
viernes, mayo 29, 2020
Agradecimiento - Mayo 29, 2020

lunes, diciembre 31, 2018
¡¡¡ Feliz Año Nuevo 2019 !!!

lunes, diciembre 03, 2018
Shelley Young - Daily Message ~ Monday December 3, 2018

Today’s daily message is completely different than normal but I just had to share what I’ve been experiencing with Gabriel.
It takes me a while to get a real feel for the prevalent energies of a new year. Usually I’ll start to receive bits and pieces of information about it as we get closer to it, but I often won’t get the full understanding of a new year’s energy until we have entered it. But Gabriel has given me this little nugget a couple of times now in private sessions, and it makes me giggle. He says, “2018 has been a year of complete and total transformation. 2019 is the bridge of

lunes, noviembre 19, 2018
FROM GILLIAN Astro Correction in Quantum Newsletter
From Gillian
please ignore all astro energy event info i had in newsletter. I obviously was in another dimension when i researched that info,
it is for the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020
i guess the 11:11 energy was a little stronger than i thought. plus it is Mercury retro!
so sorry for the mix up
Blessings Gillian