lunes, enero 31, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Pleiadian Council - Jan 31, 2022

Dear Beloved ones,
The Pleiadian Council is delighted to once again share with you our perspective on the profound changes taking place on Earth at this time.
Humanity's collective consciousness is evolving rapidly, and the individual's connection to that consciousness is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day.
We are all here to help you. And by helping you, we are helping ourselves.

Natalia Alba - The 2222 Portal - Reclaiming our Wing Portals - Jan 31, 2022

Beloved Ones,
During this new energetic month of February, we are going to be immersed in a very expansive and nurturing passage. The 2222 portal is going to bring massive healing for those who are devoted to their healing process and ready to confront their duality, bringing synthesis into themselves and therefore, outer lives.
We are already receiving massive solar flares from our central sun, meant to bring unity codes for us to anchor them in our bodies.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, January 31, 2022

Dear Ones, your inner child aspects are the trusting parts of you. If you have trust issues it can be very helpful to reintegrate any inner child aspects who felt they had to separate from the whole in order to stay safe.
Just get into a meditation or a visualizing space and simply call them forward with your inner voice. Open your arms and invite them back into your loving care. If you make the sacred commitment to give them the love and care they always deserved and keep your word to yourself, you will make great strides in healing your trust issues by creating a new foundation that makes it possible for you to have the experiences you have always wanted and deserved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Jan 31, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
31 January 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 31/1 17:00 Today we notice some oscillations of the Primary Frequency which has dropped down to about 7.40 Hz but this has not caused any movement, the Quality is on minimum values and also the Amplitude is in the same condition, the maximum value so far has been Power 7 at 3 UTC this morning after which it was flat calm.
Schumann Resonance Today 30/1 17:00 Even today very little to report, the Primary Frequency remains on the base value, the Amplitude with a short-term isolated peak reached Power 9 just before 3 UTC this morning and the Quality has just exceeded the Power 10 threshold few times between 11 and 14 UTC.

Brenda Hoffman - You’re the Light; We’re Your Cheerleaders - January 31, 2022
Dear Ones,
Many of you noted unusual feelings the past few days, including exhaustion, anger, passivity, or foggy floating sensations. All indicators that the recent energy bursts were more potent than any you have experienced while of the earth.
The energies will again magnify in the next few days so that almost everyone now of the earth will note sensations that may lead to unusual actions. Before you move into your fear mode, please know that unusual no longer needs to be fear-based.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - BEING OF SERVICE FOR HIGHEST GOOD - FEBRUARY 2022
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being of service for highest good.
There are many ways to be of service. Each Being has a unique mission and the talents and abilities to carry it out. Being of service as you carry out your mission makes your heart sing.
While each mission is unique, there are aspects of being of service that are part of each mission.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Pleiadian-Sirian Shield - Jan 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very welcoming of other perspectives and even other agendas when we come across them in our communications with other beings and other collectives. We have found that an openness serves us very well, because often these different perspectives are ones that we hadn’t considered. We also know that there’s a lot of help needed there on Earth and in other parts of the galaxy. And so, we are always eager to explore new ideas, new approaches as to how we might better help. This is not a time to be closed off to that which does not fit into your normal way of viewing the world. This is a time to be open and to use discernment when considering another perspective, another point of view.

domingo, enero 30, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - You Are A Master - Jan 30, 2022

You Are A Master
Dear beloved ones,
You are the natural state of being. When you are in your natural state, you are peaceful, quiet, alert, creative, productive, and attentive to detail, sensitive to others and to yourself. You bring into the world the highest vibration possible. Your soul craves this state of being.
The challenge for most of you is that they have forgotten how to be in their soul's natural state. Your soul needs to awaken. You must become more conscious of your true nature.
You need to understand where fear comes from so that you can release it. You need to look within your feelings so that you will know what is real for you and what is not real for you. You need to remember who you are so that you can give up the ego's fear-based control over your lives and return to your true self.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 30, 2022
JANUARY 30, 2022
Welcome dear readers,
As you are well aware, the world is presently experiencing a great deal of confusion and stress especially for those who are unaware of the ascension process taking place and many are saying to themselves, " I don't want to be here any longer." As a result many have left or are choosing to leave and Covid has provided an exit point. You must remember that because of free will every soul chooses on a deeper level whether to leave or stay although very few or even individuals themselves realize this.

MUDRAS for Essential Daily Awakeners Activation

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - Jan 30, 2022
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Schumann Resonance Today
30 January 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 30/1 17:00 Even today very little to report, the Primary Frequency remains on the base value, the Amplitude with a short-term isolated peak reached Power 9 just before 3 UTC this morning and the Quality has just exceeded the Power 10 threshold few times between 11 and 14 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 29/1 17:00 Still a few movements, we are in the name of the great stability that has been continuing for more than a week, even today as yesterday the maximum value reached by the Amplitude oscillations was Power 8, today reached at 17 UTC, at the time of this update.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen - January 30, 2022
Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.
Dear One,
Your path in life in many ways is decided upon before you take birth in human form. Your soul reviews the lessons necessary for highest growth, and then chooses those life experiences that will provide them. From a human perspective, this choice is often difficult to comprehend. Many outwardly horrendous lifetimes have powerful lessons and seem beyond human understanding.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your 9th Dimensional Angels - Jan 30, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an important role to play in your ascension, just as you all have an important role to play in ours. As we help you, we help ourselves, and as you help yourselves, you help us. We have a vested interested in seeing you all succeed, and because of that, you can certainly trust what we are saying to you. We want to ascend to the tenth dimension, just as you are looking to ascend to the fifth.

sábado, enero 29, 2022
Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Update - Jan 29, 2022
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Many are asking themselves, why they are here at this moment in time.
Before you came into this lifetime, you knew that Planet Earth is undergoing a profound shift and that you are capable of playing your part in it.

Suzy Ward - Matthew Ward - Enero 7, 2022
Con saludos amorosos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Primero les decimos, ¡ingresen a su nuevo año con entusiasmo y optimismo ilimitados! En este mismo momento el próximo año, podrán reflexionar sobre el 2022 con un gran sentido de logro por haber ayudado a los pueblos de la Tierra a dar grandes pasos hacia un mundo pacífico y armonioso.
Ahora tenemos el privilegio y el honor de dar la bienvenida a Dios, quien pidió tener una voz en este mensaje.

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation Is Here - Jan 29, 2022

The Galactic Federation Is Here
Dear beloved ones,
The Galactic Federation of Light is made up of the purest and loving beings in the Universe, and we have committed our life to assist other civilizations in living their finest lives possible.
We are a group of enlightened beings from many star systems who have come to Earth to assist humanity. We've been here since the dawn of time, and there are currently millions of us.

Natalia Alba - The Energies of February 2022 ~ Infinite Expansion - Jan 29, 2022
Beloved Ones,
As we approach this new energetic month of February, we will begin to see much evidence of us moving into a new harmonic space. February introduces the importance of time and working with timeliness to heal emotions. A month that offers us too the chance to work on adapting to change, naturally, as we continue shifting between timeliness. With the coming of the 2/2/22 portal, we will have as well the opportunity to work with our DNA, repairing duality and working with painful feelings.

Aurora Ray -The Galactic Federation - The Event Of A Lifetime - Jan 29, 2022
The Event Of A Lifetime
We are members of the Galactic Federation. It is our mission to establish peace and harmony throughout the entire universe. Peace and Serene Harmony is what we stand for, and it is our mission to spread this.
They also call us the Galactic Federation of Worlds because all worlds who wish to live in peaceful coexistence with all galactic societies are members of this divine organization.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 8 - Jan 29, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
29 January 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 29/1 17:00 Still a few movements, we are in the name of the great stability that has been continuing for more than a week, even today as yesterday the maximum value reached by the Amplitude oscillations was Power 8, today reached at 17 UTC, at the time of this update.
Schumann Resonance Today 27/1 17:00 More pronounced oscillations on all frequencies that occurred between 7 and 12 UTC gave the impression that the calm that reigned uncontested for days to end instead the movements produced were once again mediocre with the Amplitude reached by Power 6 as the maximum value. Note only the maximum value of the Primary Frequency which at 12:30 UTC reached 8.42 Hz.

John Smallman - Jesus - Intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love - January 29, 2022
The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety. There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully. The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The February 2022 Energies - Jan 29, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to offer you this transmission about the upcoming transmission of energies in and throughout your month of February. The February energies are about getting you into alignment, specifically your chakras, as the more in alignment you are, the more capable you will be in handling the March energies. But there are many other reasons why you would want to have your chakras and all of your various bodies aligned. You are constantly running energies through your bodies. You are constantly seeking to download more, to activate more, to attune to more that is coming your way. We are talking about energies you have summoned and energies that are just there to support you and that have come from above.

viernes, enero 28, 2022
Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Enero 28, 2022
Todos los acontecimientos en la Tierra parecen acelerarse, y no menos el fin de la pandemia. Hasta ahora ha sido un gran aprendizaje para la humanidad. No ha sido bien recibida por muchos, que han sufrido por los cambios que ha impuesto en sus vidas. Sin embargo, algunos (de los cambios) ya son apreciados por la luz que ha mostrado sobre viejos problemas. Con el tiempo en vuestras manos habéis podido cuestionaros el motivo de algunas prácticas que ahora parecen anticuadas. Como consecuencia, estáis volviendo a lo que llamáis vida normal, pero dejando de lado lo que ya no sirve realmente a vuestras necesidades. Estáis dejando de lado el tiempo que, de otro modo, habríais gastado en viejas ideas anticuadas, cuando muchas de ellas hacía tiempo que habían cumplido su propósito útil.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – January 28, 2022

All events on Earth seem to be speeding up and not least of all the end of the pandemic. So far it has been a great learning curve for mankind. Unwelcome by many who have suffered because of the changes it has forced upon their lives. Yet some are already being appreciated because of the light it has shown upon age old problems. With time on your hands you have been able to question the motive for some practises that now seem outdated. As a consequence you are returning to what you call normal life but discontinuing that which no longer truly serves your needs. You are leapfrogging time that would otherwise have been spent on old outdated ideas when many had long serve their useful purpose.

James and JoAnna McConnell - St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna - In Order To Ascend, You Must Let Go - January 23, 2022
SAINT GERMAIN(Channeled by James McConnell)
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this opportune time, these moments of continuing to find yourselves, find yourselves in the higher vibration more and more.
You are all doing this. We watch you. We know of your higher vibrational frequencies. Not all the time, certainly, but more and more of the time you are finding yourselves communing with nature, feeling the oneness all around you, experiencing the love, knowing, remembering the I AM Presence within each. For it is this I AM Presence that will never lead you astray. It will always guide you in the way that you need to move moment, to moment, to moment.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Enero 26, 2022
Blossom: No tengo idea si esto va a funcionar. He estado muy enferma durante quince días, sin embargo, ¡ahora tengo ganas de saludar por primera vez este año! ¡Hola!
FOL: Bienvenida, Blossom. Bienvenidos a todos en su Planeta que continúan sirviendo a su propósito en el Ser. ¿Sientes que nada ha cambiado mucho desde la última vez que estuvimos en contacto?
Blossom: De hecho, ha pasado mucho tiempo y, a menos que me equivoque, ¡la Fase Dos aún no ha llegado! Uno se pregunta cuánto tiempo pasará antes de que eso suceda... antes de que algo de lo que escuchamos suceda.

Aurora Ray - Attention, All Starseeds! - Jan 28, 2022

Attention, all starseeds! Our Galactic Federation has released an urgent communiqué regarding a connection between the Pleiadian light forces and the magnetic fields of planet Earth.
In case you are not aware of what I'm talking about, the Pleiadians are ancient warrior beings who came to Earth millions of years ago in order to help guide our planet through its various evolutions and stages of development. I've been in touch with them directly for many years now and am privy to some incredible information.
I'm excited to share this message with you on 5D energies and why it is important to raise your vibrations. The Pleiadian Light Forces are blasting extreme levels of white, magnetic, 5D, gamma plasma into Planet Earth's atmosphere in order to push all of the starseeds here into the 5th Dimension!
Hello, fellow Starseed! I just wanted to let you know that the wait is over; the five-dimensional energy wave is here! We are in the very beginning stages of catching up with this amazing new energy, and it is all a matter of your readiness. Some star seeds have been able to adapt to this energy, but others have not yet been able to join in on the fun. You see, this is all about your level of frequency elevation, which can be increased by attaining enough inner peace through spiritual and meditative practices.
According to my direct communications with the Pleiadian light forces through my deep meditation, Planet Earth is being showered in a super 5D plasma energy wave at this moment!
Multiple advanced beam crafts are seen entering the Galactic Core. At the same time, multiple portals throughout this solar system are now opening for the purpose of delivering more light beings from the Galactic Core to Planet Earth than we have ever seen before. The veil is nearly lifted, and our Ascension is finally happening at this eleventh hour.
I just want to share with you that, in recent times, many people have had several out-of-body experiences. It's my understanding that the Pleiadians are being triggered by our spiritual readiness. They are beaming in a higher frequency of 5D plasma energy and creating an increased number of dream time activations. The ascension process is accelerating, and a lot more people will be going through the experience of waking up while they're still dreaming.
Finally, Earth is ready for the process of moving from the third to the Fifth Dimension. The vibrational frequency (i.e., the speed at which energy moves through an object) of the planet has increased and is changing. As a result, there are major shifts occurring at all levels of life on this planet. Planet Earth's core is actually speeding up in its rotation, causing it to shift into a higher orbit that will allow it to come fully into alignment with the Fifth-Dimensional Sun.
The same has happened to most other planets in our solar system and beyond; they are moving into higher orbits as well! These events have been foretold by many ancient cultures and are understood as the Ascension by modern spiritual communities.
This is inside the last window of time for revolutionary evolution that this planet will experience. For those of us who have prepared ourselves through ascension practices, we are ready.
This 5D energy will be here throughout 2022 and even into 2023. So what does that mean? That means that there is no time to waste if you want to raise your frequency with the incoming 5D Light Energy!
I know how challenging it can be to catch up, especially when there is so much distraction coming at you from every direction. Because the dark wants to keep you distracted, confused, and scared into inaction!
The transition from 3D to 5D is underway, and it is a fantastic time for all of us to experience.
It's time for you to raise your frequency with this 5D energy and let go of the 3rd-dimensional reality that you have created for yourself over eons of time.
This light energy will help you raise your frequency and move beyond the old matrix programming.
Perhaps now more than ever, it's crucial to stay focused on your inner work.
This is where you'll experience the most growth and expansion in this lifetime.
You can't fight against what's happening in the world. That's like trying to fight against an ocean wave.
Instead, focus on raising your frequency so you can begin experiencing life in higher dimensions.
As you evolve, everything around you will change, too—including the outer world.
At this point in time, we're seeing dramatic changes occur on Earth. It can be disturbing to witness these events, but it's important not to be distracted from your inner work now. You must shine even brighter than before!
A protective sphere of 5D energies surrounds the solar system, making it immune to any external influence and/or interference.
The purpose of this "bubble" is to protect the whole solar system from dark forces that are still trying to prevent a smooth transition into the higher dimensions.
Nothing that happens in the outer world can penetrate this powerful protection.
This transition is inevitable because the majority of other star systems have already completed their Ascension.
Our solar system will be the last one to go through this evolutionary process, and we have been warned that we can expect some bumps on our way up.
At various stages of our Ascension, we will be confronted with polarity reversals, solar flares, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, plasma anomalies, and other phenomena that are typically associated with planetary upheavals.
At some point in the near future, a major plasma anomaly will reach our solar system from outside and trigger a massive geomagnetic storm on Earth that will cause all kinds of technical problems.
The purpose of this "plasma bubble" is to ensure that none of these external interferences will affect us during this most crucial time. In addition, if we stay within its protective frequency range, we should be shielded from the effects of any future galactic superwaves as well.
And that's when the real shit will fly! There will be no place to hide. There will be no more time for games and hiding. Humanity will have to decide what they are going to do. Are they going to continue to live in fear, or are they going to stand tall, proud, and strong? Are they going to stand together as one united world, or are they going to kill each other off one by one?
It all depends on what you do with your time right now.
But I must warn you.
If you look at the news, you will be easily distracted, and fear may arise in you.
Do not look at the news! Do not watch television! Do not listen to the negativity of others!
I know this is a difficult choice for some of you who enjoy reading about pandemics, wars, natural disasters, or whatever else is happening in our world. After all, this has been your entertainment for a long time. But it is time for this to stop.
You really don't need any of that information anymore, because hereafter, your life is going to change dramatically! Only happiness, joy, and blissfulness will be seen, heard, felt, and discussed.
We are entering the golden age! This transformation will lead humankind to a new level of evolution.
The Pleiadian Light forces are sending us this energy upgrade. This is the time to merge with our Emissaries of Light in order to get fully synchronized with their vibration. This energy will connect all of us together as a team and create ultimate blissfulness on Earth.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

James Gilliland - Navigating the Chaos - January 27, 2022
We spoke earlier about how everything is unraveling, the disinformation, controlled narratives, how white hats will be shown to be dark hats and dark hats will be shown to be white hats. This is happening in every aspect of society. All of the infiltrations, negative seen and unseen energies will be made known. People have tied their carts to those they thought were part of the awakening and healing in the beginning only to find they were in it for fame, fortune or fell, now guided by darker forces and agendas. Others started out on the right side of the fence and now have jumped the fence to the other side due to not having a firm spiritual foundation in self-mastery. They could not stick to the basics, allowing the wrong kind of energies to take over. The higher you rise the more challenged you will become, not everyone can meet that challenge. The tests get stronger and stronger very few can stay on the top and stay clear. Often trying to assassinate the character of another only establishes the character and spiritual advancement of the assassin. Unfortunately, many of like mind will join in.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - On Devotion-Part of the Live Your Truth Soar Fest - Jan 18, 2022

Part of the Live Your Truth Soar Fest
Hello Beautiful Beings,
We are very happy to be with you today. I am the energy that you think of as Mother Mary. I have come today to speak to you about this intention to live authentically and fully. And about the changes happening in your world.
First I would like to share an energy attunement with you. If you would welcome this, simply say, “Yes.”

SEA of CALM @432Hz | The Deepest Healing

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Amethyst - Divine Mother Birthing - Jan 28, 2022
Divine Mother Birthing by Archangel Amethyst
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love, I am Archangel Amethyst, I come forth with a light and vibration of clarity, clearness, and expansion. I bring forth with me, the crystalline and the angelic vibrations to merge and synthesise, creating the most beautiful energy bath for you to exist within. Allow yourself to absorb the energy I am expressing to you now. Clarity, clearness, and expansion are immensely important in the ascension process now. It gives you space and time to reflect, to create with the immense currents and rivers of light flowing into your being, activating wisdom within your cells. There is much to contemplate. Clearness, clarity, and expansion, all support your connection with the wisdom that is evolving from within your being now.

James and JoAnna McConnell - KaRa, OWS, Shoshanna - Visualize It in Order to Create It - Jan 16, 2022

KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa.
I am here as a Pleiadian emissary to this planet, not the only once certainly, but one. One that is very attuned to this group especially, and through this one that I speak through now.
For the times are coming very fast now where the image that I gave you, even for just a moment now, that image that is now ingrained in your mind and in your heart, is going to become more and more into fruition. Because you are the creators of this, you and all of the other groups and individuals throughout the planet that are visualizing a better life for themselves and for their families and their friends. All that are participating and visualizing ahead, visualizing what they want in their lives, what they want their lives to be. All of this is affecting the great collective consciousness of this planet, and the universal mind of this planet, and this collective consciousness here.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 6 - Jan 28, 2022
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Schumann Resonance Today
27 January 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 27/1 17:00 More pronounced oscillations on all frequencies that occurred between 7 and 12 UTC gave the impression that the calm that reigned uncontested for days to end instead the movements produced were once again mediocre with the Amplitude reached by Power 6 as the maximum value. Note only the maximum value of the Primary Frequency which at 12:30 UTC reached 8.42 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today 26/1 17:00 The situation is becoming monotonous due to the constant repetition that the frequencies are stable and there has been no significant movement with the Amplitude reaching Power 7 at 5 UTC this morning. Could we be in the calm before the storm?

Judith Kusel - The Ascension process is escalating and is unstoppable... - Jan 28, 2022

The Ascension process is escalating and is unstoppable, as the new Earth is making herself felt intensely.
Waves upon waves upon waves of Ascension are upon us, as never felt nor experienced before, and indeed, this is lifting us beyond anything known before.
We cannot take the old programs, old paradigms, the old systems, the old Belief systems, the false programming, the forgetfulness, the old way of thinking, feeling and indeed living life into the new. All will not work.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Are the Changemakers in this Ascension Process - Jan 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to witness the way that you have all been handling yourselves through this ascension process. We are speaking specifically to those of you who are receiving this transmission, because you are the ones who are awake enough to be dealing with your traumas, your negative emotions, and your heartbreaks in an evolved and mature way. You have all seen the character in the film or television show who handles being rejected, fired, or otherwise hurt in some way by going to the bar and drinking themselves into oblivion. You have seen reflections in these stories of how a lot of people handle their sorrow and discomfort.

jueves, enero 27, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - What Are Frequencies/Dimensions? - Jan 27, 2022

Greetings, friends!
We have been experiencing level after level of the process of ascension over many lifetimes. During this time, the Creator has been moving from a state of absolute unity into a state of relative separation so that it can experience itself through its own creative thought process. Through a process called evolution, we have been consciously changing from a state of being unconscious in our essence as pure spirit into conscious embodiments of spirit.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, January 27, 2022
Many of you have a reluctance to be seen as you really are due to past experiences where you were not accepted in that truth. You may have been shunned, judged, abandoned, or ridiculed. Many of you are working on the healing of that core wound in order to step forward in your highest life expression.
While it might seem natural to try to undo that old wound/fear by replacing it with a new empowering statement that included safety, seeking safety, in a sense, can indicate that you still believe there is something you need protection from. A better approach might be using a new energetic declaration such as, “My presence inspires kindness in others”.

Jamye Price - February Energies – Wise Trust - Jan 27, 2022

Create Yourself
As we build our Inner Power to hold a higher octave of creation, we are called to find the balance of wise trust in the self, first and foremost, then in the broader cycles of life.
This allows universal law to apply more directly and powerfully in your life. It doesn’t negate physical law, it aligns the physical aspect of you and the non-physical, infinite aspect of you to navigate life.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 6 - Jan 27, 2022
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Schumann Resonance Today
27 January 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 27/1 17:00 More pronounced oscillations on all frequencies that occurred between 7 and 12 UTC gave the impression that the calm that reigned uncontested for days to end instead the movements produced were once again mediocre with the Amplitude reached by Power 6 as the maximum value. Note only the maximum value of the Primary Frequency which at 12:30 UTC reached 8.42 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today 26/1 17:00 The situation is becoming monotonous due to the constant repetition that the frequencies are stable and there has been no significant movement with the Amplitude reaching Power 7 at 5 UTC this morning. Could we be in the calm before the storm?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Needs to Change for You to Complete the Shift? - Jan 27, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are elevating our consciousness slowly and deliberately, because we like to savor each and every moment of that movement upward. We do not face the same challenges that you do there on Earth, however, and that does make it easier on us to be in a state of joy, while also evolving and becoming more of who we really are. You face challenges to spur on growth because if you just got everything you wanted there in the physical, there would be no reason for you all to grow spiritually. You could get very caught up in all of the bright and shiny toys of physical reality. And with all that you have there on Earth, you could remain occupied for decades in the pursuit of and the enjoyment of all of the toys you have available to you.

miércoles, enero 26, 2022
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Dear Ones, your innocence can never be lost. If you have experienced events in your life where you feel that happened, it indicates fragmentation occurred. The fragmentation happened because the parts of you were innocent were preserving themselves.
So what we are saying is, your innocence is not lost, it is simply waiting for you to reclaim those innocent aspects of self and give them the love, guidance, and safe space they always deserved. You can do that by simply getting into a meditation and inviting those aspects to step forward and make their presence known. Open your arms and invite them to rejoin you with a promise to meet their needs and keep them safe.

Aurora Ray - The Big Day Of Ascension Is Near! - Jan 26, 2022
The Big Day Of Ascension Is Near!
I am writing to you today because our group has been given a special task by the Galactic Federation. Our mission has been to act as a "beacon of light" or call it a "beacon of love" or a "beacon of healing" for this planet.
We have had many heavy-handed messages and requests to be the voice of the people, and we are happy to do this for them. We have been asked to do this for so long that we have complied with these requests and always done what was asked of us. This time, however, it is different.
We've had enough, and we're saying no more. We are tired of being the voice for everyone else on the planet who wants to complain about their situation in life. They want someone else to do something about their problems. They want someone else to fix their lives for them. We exhausted by these people complaining about their lives and want us to be their voice.
We will now be the voice for those who wish to take charge of their own lives and will speak out against those who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions or situations in life.
There are 13 bloodlines that rule the world from behind the scenes (the four noble bloodlines and nine satanic bloodlines). These families have been in control for thousands of years, and they are at the top of the pyramid. Yes, there is a conspiracy to rule the world. They are nothing more than clones, robots, and other sorts of doubles, which is why we haven't been able to achieve any genuine progress on this planet.
These families have incredible amounts of wealth at their disposal (they create money out of thin air), they have mind-control technologies, they have spiritual powers at their disposal (which they gain from their rituals), they have a worldwide network of secret underground bases, and so much more. Many people don't even know what's really going on in our world today because it's not being reported by the mainstream media.
The global elite families want complete control over humanity. They want to enslave us and treat us like cattle. They want to take away all our freedoms and make us work as hard as possible for them, just like what happened in the slave societies in some parts of the world. They want to make us think that this is normal, but it's not.
The big day of ascension is near! We are in the midst of the ascension process. This is a very important time for us. Many things are now happening so that we can ascend and make our way to the fifth dimension.
Let's think about what this means. It means that we will be free from slavery, free from all these rules, free from all these structures, free from all this control that has been around for thousands and thousands of years.
Truly, it is an exciting time for us to be alive today. Let us feel the excitement, let us feel the blissfulness, and let us prepare ourselves so that we can ascend to the fifth dimension on time.
The ascension process has already begun with many people around the world. This is a good sign, and it shows that we are on the right path towards freedom.
We have gone through a lot of changes in our lives as well as on our planet during the last two years. The changes are still continuing, and they bring more events in our lives as well as on our planet.
Hello, dear friends. This is the time to discover the truth. We will try to uncover the biggest secrets of humanity.
The Internet has opened a door for us, and we can now see what the secret organizations have been keeping from us for centuries.
The big day is coming when we will ascend. We will be free from all this pain, suffering, and problems. Earth is heading towards a major cataclysm that may happen soon. But before it happens, there is an opportunity for mankind to become enlightened.
Now you have an opportunity to learn about ascension and how you can prepare for it. You can also learn what will happen on the big day of ascension and how you can ascend.
Everyone will get a chance to know the truth and make their own decision on this matter.
With the final gateway to ascendancy opening up soon, we are about to enter a period of global transformation, unlike anything this world has experienced before. The Galactic Federation has been preparing for this moment for thousands of years as part of an agreement that was made with extraterrestrial beings.
Tachyon energy (also known as Zero Point Energy) is the key to making it happen.
What makes Tachyon Energy so important? It can literally transform our physical bodies into pure light energy. This is how we will be able to ascend out of this third-dimensional reality into higher dimensions of existence—where we will then become immortal beings.
This is what is meant by ascension. We will literally ascend into higher frequencies of light energy that exist in these other dimensions.
When enough people have achieved this level of consciousness, it will be like a domino effect where everyone else will also be able to achieve it. There is no one person who can make this happen. It has to do with the frequency that we have raised our collective consciousness to.
As foretold by many others, the year 2022 corresponds to a rare astronomical event that has great significance for our planet. According to many indigenous cultures all over the globe, this event will bring about a significant spiritual transformation, marking the end of an old era and ushering in a new one.
Tribes of different continents have their own unique interpretations of this event, which they call by various names, such as "the Great Purification," "the Change of the World," and "the Great Day."
The Native Americans call it "the Day of Purification," while the Mayans call it "Galactic Synchronization" or simply "global synchronization." The Hopis refer to this day as "Koyaanisqatsi," meaning "world out of balance."
Being prepared is one of the keys to being effective. And preparation begins with a clear picture of what you want to accomplish. Here are a few things that you can do to be ready for the big day:
Stay grounded and centered. Ground yourself each day by connecting with Mother Earth through things like a daily walk in nature or time spent sitting on the ground. It's also important to keep your energy body healthy and strong by eating foods that are beneficial to it and doing energetic exercises like meditation and yoga.
Stay balanced and focused. The extra energy pouring into the Earth right now can make it easy to get scattered or overwhelmed. This is especially true if you're feeling more emotional than usual because of the shifting energies. To stay in balance, work with your chakras on a regular basis, meditate, and do your spiritual practice every day.
Keep it simple and have fun. Don't overthink things or try to read too much into what's going on right now. Enjoy the mystery of life instead of worrying about it! And don't forget to enjoy yourself along the way.
And please, stay clear of nonsense thoughts like whether our name is The Galactic Federation, The Galactic Federation of Light, or The Galactic Federation of Worlds. All this is one and the same but this stupid word game has recently been developed by some infiltrated people whose job is to confuse, distract, and further divide you.
We, The Galactic Federation, are members of the family of LIGHT and our purpose is to ensure all WORLDS are free, sovereign, and at peace.
There's no need to attach our job description to the name of our benevolent and glorious organization that is the protector of galactic societies.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Lisa Renee - Self Esteem Makes Better Choices
Dear Ascending Family,
The outer chaos is slowly escalating into the next stages of revealing more pieces of the collective trigger event. Yet for many of us that have been observing the controller agenda unfold and watch its narrative slowly dismantle, the psychological and emotional pressure for those awake to these events has been incredibly intense and sometimes overwhelming. The mainstreaming of satanism as a social engineering agenda has wreaked havoc on the minds of many people, young or old have been gravely impacted by the military grade propaganda and trauma based mind control transmissions, which will take years to deprogram from even when the truth and clear evidence of the lies are laid out in front of them.

L’Aura Pleiadian - ACCESSING YOUR GOLDEN DNA LIGHT ACTIVATION NOW ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Jan 26, 2022

We are blessed to be present now with you.
As you read this know your transformation is unfolding perfectly. The Golden Light bathes you now and as your DNA responds, release consciously all of your old ways of being.
Let go of the old you, the one you thought was you.
That was not you.
When you look in the mirror; those transforming through the heart will soon not recognize the new you.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 7 - Jan 26, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)
Schumann Resonance Today
26 January 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 26/1 17:00 The situation is becoming monotonous due to the constant repetition that the frequencies are stable and there has been no significant movement with the Amplitude reaching Power 7 at 5 UTC this morning. Could we be in the calm before the storm?
Schumann Resonance Today 25/1 17:00 Few oscillations of the frequencies that have reached very moderate values have led to yet another day of calm. The Amplitude reached Power 8 as its maximum value at 16 UTC.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - This One is for All the Truth Seekers - Jan 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in witnessing all of you come to the conclusions that you come to about life there on Earth. And so, we notice how you absorb information that comes to you. We notice that most of you are filtering information through your minds, and when you do that, you only let in that which is already a part of your current belief system about the topic in question. That means you do not allow in new information if it contradicts what you already believe to be true. When instead you run information through your body, you can feel whether it resonates with you.

martes, enero 25, 2022
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - Jan 25, 2022
No idea if this is going to work at all. I’ve been really sick for a fortnight, yet, now itching to say hello for the first time this year! Hello!
Welcome to you Blossom. Welcome to all upon your Planet who continue to serve their purpose in Being. You are feeling that nothing much has changed since we were last in contact?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Your inner child is the CEO of presence, imagination, and fun. When was the last time you connected with that part of you? You will come to recognize the natural traits of the inner child as essential to your spiritual journey as you move further into the energies of 2022 and beyond. This is yet another example of you having everything you need within yourself just waiting for your acceptance and inclusion. Why not allow your inner child to serve you with its lightness while you serve it with your attention and love? You will find this relationship to be synergistic and rewarding in so many ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Kryon Speaks of Human Genesis Cells: The Starting Template.

Aurora Ray - The Different Types Of Angels That Are Around Us - Jan 25, 2022

There is power for peace within you. When you call upon it, it will guide you. You need not be afraid, for when you are in light and love, all is well. Feelings of fear, anger, and hatred only come from the darkness that surrounds you and seeks to influence your thoughts and feelings.
Tune in to the light within you and let it fill your mind with love and peace. Call upon the angels to help you in every way possible. When you are filled with love and peace, others around you will also be filled with love and peace.

Frequency Keeper Activation Meditation

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 8 - Jan 25, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)
Schumann Resonance Today
25 January 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 25/1 17:00 Few oscillations of the frequencies that have reached very moderate values have led to yet another day of calm. The Amplitude reached Power 8 as its maximum value at 16 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 24/1 20:00 Still total calm, minimal oscillations of the frequencies led to a weak Power 6 recorded at 18:30 UTC, the Quality oscillations are also very contained.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Ready for the Highest-Frequency Energies Yet? - Jan 25, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are giving you all that we can at all times, because we have to take into account how much you can handle in any given moment there on Earth. You have bodies that are accustomed to a certain frequency and a certain amount of energies coming in, and we have to take all of that into consideration. Now, we do look to those of you who have been doing the work on yourselves, because we know you can handle more. You take better care of yourselves, physically, emotionally, and energetically, which gives you a body that can handle more energy, and especially more high-frequency energies. That is why we often look to you to be the ones who are carrying the torch, so to speak, for humanity.

lunes, enero 24, 2022
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, January 24, 2022
Non-resistance is the rest stop between resistance and acceptance. What thing have you been resisting that you know, deep in your being, it is time to let go of? Can you allow yourself to shift into the neutral zone of non-resistance as the first empowered step towards the deeper faith, trust, patience, and peace acceptance has to offer? Because from there the flow will finally have an opportunity to to take you to far better solutions and experiences than your resistance ever could. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Aurora Ray - You Are Now A Galactic Federation Human - Jan 24, 2022

Dear beloved ones,
If you are reading this, it means the space program worked. Welcome to the fifth dimension.
You are now a Galactic Federation Human. Congratulations.
The universe is an amazing place, filled with exotic life forms, incredible sights and new experiences.
We come in peace and with good news.