Welcome 2020
- A New Decade Begins -
by Selacia
Twenty-twenty is here! The intense energy build-up we've all felt since 2019 has arrived. It involves rare planetary cycles catalyzing mega changes in society. Some of them haven't happened for hundreds of years. Be prepared for a year of many beginnings and endings. Continue reading to better understand what this means for you, your loved ones, and the Earth.
We and our world are being remade - top to bottom - to reflect a new heart-centered consciousness arising on the Earth. For those of us on a spiritual path, aware of this huge transformation, we know that these revolutionary times are not easy. We also know, deep within our bones, that we came now to birth this new energy and that we have boundless support. We understand that the real work is our inner work - that is what facilitates changes in our outer world.
When we look back on these times we will marvel at how unique this decade was. We will celebrate the new levels of awakening that occurred. We will have examples of how groups of people, and sometimes a single person, succeeded in sparking a revolutionary change in approach. We will be grateful for the opportunities we had to progress spiritually and to live our purpose in joy.
In my Predictions 2020 eBook out soon, I'll go into these themes more, addressing a big picture view of what we have in store. I'll also describe the role of individuals, giving you a practical guide to your role as a divine changemaker. That will include suggestions for what you can focus on and do for yourself to benefit most from the year. I'll talk about the bright spots of hope and how to connect more with your own light.
January Key Energy Dates
January 1: The Sun and four other planets are sitting in Capricorn. Energies are building for the eclipse and conjunction described below. Use this time for reflection, meditation, and preparing your energy for the weekend of January 10-12. Over the next several days, too, make allowances for intensity and for possible out-of-character behavior of others around you. Apply compassion to yourself and others. Avoid taking things too seriously and breathe often.
January 10: We have a super powerful Cancer full moon lunar eclipse. This can be a flashpoint moment. Secrets may come to light. Breakthroughs can happen too, even those you didn't have on your radar, so be present so you can benefit fully. A relationship can shift in moments like this. Examples: if two people were at odds with one another, a mending of fences can occur; likewise with healthy relationships, a previously undetected issue can arise for resolution. Stay present and in your heart to move through shifts like this in the highest way. Avoid blame.
January 12: Saturn perfects its rare conjunction with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. The effects of this line-up will be felt throughout 2020. For historical reference, Pluto was in Capricorn from 1762-1778 - the American Revolution occurred between 1765-1783. Pluto returns are also associated with the fall of the Roman Empire. The positive side of Pluto is rebirth and renewal. The negative side involves power struggles, abuses of authority, and destructive use of force.
January 20: The Sun moves from Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius.
January 24: Aquarius New Moon, first new moon of 2020.
January 25: Chinese New Year - Year of the Rat.
How to Navigate January's Energies
The key to navigating the ups-and-downs of January is to walk the middle path of balance. Avoid extremes and regularly seek a higher view. Judging what you see doesn't make it disappear - the judging reduces your frequency and then your ability to connect with higher truth and the love that is at your core.
Your outer world may seem in chaos, and your loved ones may need extra support. Allow for this.
Remember daily that the chaos and disruption is part of a higher grand plan to revolutionize how we live together on the Earth. Ironically the louder and more disruptive things appear, the closer we may be to the grand consciousness shift we were born to help facilitate.
Copyright by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * http://selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.