miércoles, enero 08, 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - LADY PORTIA - JANUARY 2020

The above image of Lady Portia was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff
through ©PsychicArtbyJanine. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! It is most important at this time to nurture self, especially when the energies become intense and your focus becomes scattered as these cosmic frequencies do the work of helping humanity to release all that no longer serves the ascension path that each is walking upon. This must occur before the greater Light may enter into your human operating system and be assimilated and integrated in a balanced way, retained, maintained and sustained. It is important for each of you to keep in mind that one cannot move forward until the thoughts and attitudes that one held throughout one’s current lifetime that became a habit that deterred your forward progress must be dissolved and eliminated. The challenge is one that must be met and not overlooked – for if it is not addressed and cleared, you will have to go through the process yet again.

Focus on full integration with all aspects of your being, acknowledging the human tendencies that are sometimes expressed and fully owning those as a integral part of who you are. You have been living on a planet where duality was the challenge to overcome but as a soul, it was also to experience both sides of the coin, so to speak, so that you could become the master of life here on Earth. All experiences here on Earth have led you to the present moment where all that remains to be done is to embrace this next step and become that Master of life on Earth. The next step requires further renunciation of Earthly concerns, a detachment, if you will, from the temptations that a human being is bombarded with as a part of their daily life. It requires the incumbent Master to manifest the inner strength, wisdom, discernment and the intention to follow the will of the divine rather than their own free will.
