Beloved Light Emissaries,
We are fully immersed within a galatic passage, in which consciously transmuting, is essential for the proper mental transformation to occur and be able to fully anchor ourselves within the fifth dimensional space that we are beginning to occupy. Precisely, at this time, where descending our Power, and all the galactic codes we are receiving, in the physical, is so important, we are gifted by a wonderful New Moon at 26 degrees of Capricorn, with a very Venusian essence, six Planets in Capricorn - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto - together with Uranus squaring four Planets.
All indicates profound change, and all this Cardinal energy, asks us to take action, which means to transmute the ashes of the old, especially in our relationships and sense of abundance, to anchor change - becoming New Earth Masters - for we are anchoring and mastering a realm that we have not inhabited before.
Becoming New Earth Masters means to integrate polarity, embracing all as equal, and moving outside our deep sense of linearity, by finally becoming sovereign free beings, who descend all the wisdom needed, from our own Source, instead of obtaining it from others, as it used to be in the old.
We are just beginning to see the energetic rewards of many years of conscious inner work. Where you are now is where you desired, it is not a time now to keep disempowering yourself, dwell in the past, regretting, blaming yourself for what did not occur, or getting attached to what no longer serves you.
For now there is only time for you to seed the new dimensional space you occupy, being fully present in this moment, recognizing the LoveLight being that you are, and as such, commanding your sacred space and claiming your Power - and yourself - as being the only one in control of your life experience.
As usual, there is a lot to share, not just about the New Moon, but about what is happening in a deeper energetic level. I thank you all for taking the time to read, if guided, as well as for sharing.
I wish you all an empowered, abundant and blessed New Moon, Beloveds!
In love and light ∞
Natalia Alba
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New Moon in Capricorn, January 16/17, 2018 ~ Becoming Masters of New Earth
Natalia Alba starseed soul