martes, agosto 01, 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian - In Worlds Upon Worlds ~ Your Awareness is Now - August 1, 2017

The Script of Life ~ is Constantly Rewriting itself.

It Plays ~ YOU.

AS dimensions are experienced in the now ~ in worlds upon worlds.

You Dream it.

The constant ever-expanding awareness adjusts itself to what is ~ now the experience.

There is no time that is not now.

It lives and breathes as the one awareness OF you.

It puts you on alert ~ about what “it is” exactly now. To be.

Whether that is experienced as the now so-called future, or the now so-called past. It makes no difference, because it is now.

It is ~ what it is ~ now.

The present is your “Presence” ~ in and as whatever your experience is.

It is all going on.

Despite a pattern of thought that may question the now experience. With attempts to change things and adjust an experience.

It is simply the now experience of “whatever” your experience is.

No more no less, that too ~ is still now.

As the merge in conscious awareness takes place throughout all dimensions of your Presence, as your essence in the now. You cannot help but notice ~ how it is all going on now.

This freedom of awareness of now ~ frees you up so to speak. In ways that are still the same now.

Yet creates a harmony with whatever it is. Whatever is playing ~ YOU ~ Now, throughout all worlds and experiences.

As in taking in and breathing in ~ ALL of it and what is AS now.

AS in each breath.

You Are.

You coincide with the expanded you of awareness.

That always knows its Presence as NOW.

In the Glory and Light of Now.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.