The eclipses and retrogrades of August are highly connected because they repeat signs and degrees. For example, Uranus starts to retrograde at 29 Aries as the Mercury pre-retro shadow period begins at 28 Leo and ends at 28 Leo on September 4, which is also the sign and degree of the August 21 eclipse. The August 7 eclipse is at 15 Aquarius and Mars, very powerful this month, is at 15 Leo, exactly opposite, on the day Mercury begins its retrograde motion. And the moon’s nodes are in Leo and Aquarius too, adding energy to these powerful signs that represent creativity and community. While the cult of celebrity has been promoted during the last twenty years, we now want community, collaboration, and connection.
Are you beginning to see the cosmic dance at work? One thing we can remember in August is to keep dancing.
The two August eclipses on the 7th and 21st exactly mirror, by sign and exact degree, those of August 8 and 22, 1998. What was happening then for you? I remember it as the beginning of a very long and difficult period of my life where I could not seem to find a place to ‘fit’ in the world. I would look at ‘normal’ people and wonder how they seemed to live their lives so effortlessly while my life seemed to be spiraling into a never ending abyss of chaos, fear, and drama. It was during that period that I was asking God to ‘take me home’ every night because I could not see how my life would ever be ‘normal’ again, let alone happy and successful. It’s also during that time that I created my free trip to France which I wrote about in my book, 30 Days to Everyday Miracles.
I believe that is when the first ascension portal opened and we got our first glimpse of 5D energy but only those who were ready for it got it then, and it sure made life difficult. We have made a lot of progress since then and we’re going to see some of those results in August. But we need to keep that 5D energy grounded and growing, so stay focused on the ‘rich, happy, and successful’ life that you want and be aware of yourself as an energy container for the 5D energy. Make your energy container as big as possible and keep your energy high so you receive the highest frequencies you can, we’re going to need them.
There’s so much happening in August and I am just covering the basics here, starting with Uranus and Mercury Retrograde. Just as Uranus hits the final degree of Aries it goes retrograde for the rest of the year, not going direct until January 1, 2018. It will go back to its retro degree of July 2016 so expect some repetition of the past 12 months for the rest of the year. It’s the planet that governs revolution, community, change, and new ideas. Remember all of the US presidential election chaos of 2016? We may finally see some of the truth behind all of the criminal activity of the DNC surrounding that election.
Mercury’s retrograde is in Virgo, one of the signs it rules and this is interesting because this retro is what will place Mercury in Virgo during the big Virgo stellium of September 2017, around the Equinox on September 21. With both Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, Virgo’s opposite sign (and I believe that Chiron should be the ruler of Virgo), this is going to heighten the battle between the dark and the light that we’re experiencing now. It should probably not be called that as it is simply a movement away from pure 3D to the 3D/5D integration and we’re in it up to our eyeballs now.
This Mercury retrograde, and the September Virgo stellium, are going to push us to the brink of these choices and we may be surprised at what people choose for themselves. Remember to not take anyone’s choices personally, make assumptions about their behavior, or expect anything. Acceptance is one of our toughest lessons and we may get a big lesson in acceptance this month and next month.
The August 7 eclipse at 15 Aquarius has Mars in opposition, and touches many of the other planets, as well as being a replay of the August 8, 1998 eclipse. If you can remember that time, what were you doing and what was going on in your life then? You could get a re-do or get closure with whatever was happening for you at that time. For me, 1998 was the beginning of my corporate job layoff cycle, where I was laid off 6 times in 8 years and the final one was in July 2007. What was going on for you? The final pieces of that puzzle may now fall into place for you. Be open to miracles and remember to surrender, which is an act of allowing and receiving.
The August 21 eclipse, at 29 Leo, is getting the most attention because its path crosses the North American continent. Many people will be traveling to see the eclipse and watch as it happens. For everyone born with natal Pluto in late Leo, this covers those born from around 1955 to 1962, which is also the generation with strong Indigo energy, this eclipse is exactly on your natal Pluto, signifying transformation at very profound levels.
Saturn goes direct towards the end of August, ending its long retro that began in April and at the degree it was on January 1, 2017. Remember that this year began with the same Mercury retro activity of January 2016 and we spent most of the first 6 months of the year repeating 2016 energy. With Saturn’s movement forward we can start getting some of that momentum going and stop repeating energies and cycles of the last 18 months.
As I said in a recent video about 5D energy, which you can see on my YouTube channel at this link or on my Facebook page here, big pillars of 5D energy are now grounded in the earth’s grid. They are creating more dis-integration of the 3D energy paradigm of power over, domination, and control and that’s going to mean more chaos, more drama, and more transparency. Anything that requires cloaking or invisibility is now out in the open for everyone to see. These things have been going on for a long time, we just could not see them before. Now we can and the view probably won’t be pleasant. But we have to know what we’re shifting so notice whatever gets your attention and send non-judgmental light and energy its way.
The 3D density is giving way to 5D light and we may see, hear, and know things we don’t want to know about. But we cannot live our lives ignoring what is happening in the world while we keep our heads in the higher frequency energy we feel more comfortable with and in. Our mission here is to be Light Beacons, to shine the light brightly as we also intend to be containers for high frequency energy. Sometimes I find out about things that break my heart because they are so vile but I know that I learn about them so I can focus on shifting that energy and filling those 5D voids. As painful as learning about some of the evil in the world can be, if it comes to your awareness it’s so you can set bigger energy intentions and shine more light on that aspect and for the world.
Don’t let what happens this month change your beliefs about yourself, your 5D mission, your ascension and the greater ascension of humanity, or make you think you have done something wrong or we have all lost the
battle and the war because everything starts crawling out of the woodwork. The more darkness and negativity that is revealed is a sign of the vast amount of light that is now flooding the planet and things must be taken apart before they can be put together. Be at peace, be confident in your mission, be in joy, and above all, keep dancing. Have a wonderful month.
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