The Reality that you PERCEIVE,
is the Reality that you LIVE
The Arcturians through Suzanne
One of the tasks of this Now is
to remember how to communicate via fifth dimensional telepathy. This telepathy
begins with your own Higher Self. In this case, your Higher Self is likely on
board one of the many Ships surrounding Gaia.
Perhaps you are just awakening
to the fact that you can easily communicate with your alter ego on the ship.
Your alter ego is the fifth dimensional YOU that is also existing
simultaneously with your third/fourth dimensional YOU.
This “YOU” is now in the process
of altering and transmuting your expression of self back into your true,
Multidimensional Self. As you do so, your perceptual field will begin to
greatly expand.
When you expand your
consciousness, and therefore alter your perceptual field, your attention may
suddenly flip from a third dimensional perceptual field into a fourth
dimensional perceptual field. Your perceptions may even expand into a fifth dimensional perceptual field.
Sometimes this expansion of your
consciousness might occur in the middle of a sentence, or in the middle of a
conversation with your Higher Self. At first, you may believe that you are
speaking to your fifth dimensional self.
Then, suddenly, you may realize
that you are speaking to an even higher dimensional expression of your self. Or,
you may be speaking to your higher dimensional self, and then suddenly, you
realize that you are also speaking to your third dimensional self.
What is occurring, is that the
time and space within your perceptual fields are being released and/or altered because
your consciousness is expanding into the fifth dimensional expressions of your
Multidimensional Self.
Once you are free of
third/fourth dimensional time and space, you quickly, or gradually, move into
the NOW of your fifth dimensional self. Your fifth dimensional self resonates
to all the expressions of yourself that can move into and out of your awareness for reasons that you may, or may not, be fully aware of.
But as this begins to occur,
allow yourself to relax into the experience that, suddenly, or slowly, you can perceive
a reality that is beyond the third dimension to which you have habitually been,
well we would say, “addicted to.”
However, this “addiction” to a
third dimensional perception of reality is NOW being released, and you are
hungering for a return back to the Multidimensional Self you that you are now
remembering you have always been.
You may also be getting
messages from the Golden Ones, who are constantly reminding humanity that it is
the Now to transmute and unconditionally love every incarnation that you have
ever held on the body of Gaia.
Specifically you are assigned
to begin your “pre-ascension field clearing.” During this pre-ascension
clearing you will need to go back into every incarnation that you have ever had
on the body of Gaia to unconditionally love and transmute all and any imbalanced energy fields you have ever had in
any of your incarnations on Gaia.
Just as you must “pack out”
what they have "packed in" to their campsite, your ascension process
calls on you to clearly observe and unconditionally love all the lessons of all
the lives that you have ever taken on the third-dimensional, perceptional field
of Gaia.
Then you can thank Gaia for the
opportunity to use her third dimensional planet as a format for your adventures
into ascension. After you have cleared any darkness or imbalance that you have
left on Gaia, you will thank Gaia for allowing you to join Her on Her adventure
into being a third dimensional planetary body.
You can also thank Gaia for
providing you with a format in which you can assist with the great task of
“Planetary Ascension.” You have now, or soon will be, in full revelations of
your original decision to leave your fifth dimensional ship and/or fifth
dimensional home world to come to Earth in order to assist with the process of
Planetary Ascension.
Many of you have chosen to come
to assist Gaia during this NOW. Most of you who will find yourself reading or
listening to this message are beginning to wake up and/or have fully awakened
to your own Higher Self.
Your higher dimensional
expression of SELF is likely serving on one of the fifth dimensional ships that
are assisting Gaia during this NOW. This Higher YOU is surely assisting you to
clear any karmic imbalances on Earth that has not yet been balanced and cleared.
You are being
called to transmute, unconditionally love, and clear, any dissonant energy
fields that you have ever left on the body of Gaia during any of your physical
This might seem like a very difficult
task. Furthermore, you may not know how you could begin to even remember all
that you must transmute from all your incarnations. But, fortunately, your Collective
SELF, the collective energy patterns of the
every vessel you have ever taken, is able to be your personal guide.
This collective version of your
SELF is actually a higher dimensional expression of your self. Therefore, this “Higher
YOU” is able to take your “Human YOU” through all of the lives in which you
were Priests and Priestesses for Gaia and served as Keepers of the Land.
Your Higher SELF
can also take you through any incarnations in which you were Keepers of the Land
in your human form, as well as lives in which you were Keepers of the Waters in
your whale or dolphin form. Yes, many humans choose to take incarnations as a
whale or dolphin, as these two species have much in common.
All of these versions of you,
worked to assist Gaia’s beloved planetary body during your many incarnations on
Gaia’s beloved planetary body. Therefore, you have now returned to Gaia to
assist Her with Her planetary ascension.
Most of you have returned via
your fifth dimensional starship, and have taken an earth vessel that lives simultaneously
with your fifth dimensional Self on the Ship. Therefore, you have your fifth
dimensional self on board the ship, and your third dimensional self on board
the body of Gaia.
Your fourth dimensional self flows
through the Astral Plane through which you can travel back and forth between
the third and fourth dimensions during your meditations and during your many
services that you give to others.
You give great service to others because you know that you can, and because
you remember incarnations in which you did not remember the joy of giving. You
remember incarnations in which you thought that you were just physical.
But you also remember special incarnations in
which you have remembered that you are a beautiful, Multidimensional Being who
has taken a third dimensional vessel in order to assist Gaia. This knowledge of
your Multidimensional SELF has greatly expanded your perceptual field.
There were also incarnations in
which your consciousness was lost in your third dimensional reality. During
those incarnations you forget the important information about your SELF. But
then, one day, you were walking in the woods, laughing with a friend,
meditating and/or having an amazing dream and you remembered.
You remembered that you are a
beautiful Multidimensional Being whose perceptual field expands beyond the
limitations of your third dimensional physical
self, into your fourth dimensional astral
self and into your fifth dimensional lightbody
self, who is on your Star Ship ready to assist Gaia.
While you are in your third
dimensional self, your brain will guide you through your thoughts and actions,
but it is your state of consciousness that determines which frequency of brainwaves
you maintain and are what you are prepared to perceive.
Your higher frequency brainwaves
afford you a greater understanding of what is occurring in your reality, as
well as an easier return to your innate, “Multidimensional Perceptual Field” of
reality. Once you can maintain this Multidimensional Perceptual Field, your
fifth dimensional and beyond perceptions become normal in your daily life.
Then, the higher frequency
expressions of your Multidimensional SELF begin to integrate more and more with
your third dimensional earth vessel, and you will begin to remember more and
more of the many incarnations that you have taken on the body of Gaia.
Each of these incarnations has left an
energy field on Gaia. In some incarnations you ascended into the light, and the
energy field that you left was a transmutational, shifting energy field which
others were able to visit within their own meditations.
By meditating with the intension of
assisting Gaia, these meditational visits to higher energy fields also assisted
with their own personal ascension. There are also other dimensional fields on
Gaia that are lower dimensional energy fields.
As a service to Gaia, you will be called on
to perceive these lower frequency energy fields within your meditations, via
your dream body or even from the perception of your fifth dimensional self.
Once you perceive these lower frequency energy
fields in which you, or others, were lost to the illusion of the third
dimension, you will remember to to send those energy fields Unconditional Love,
as well as to Blaze, Blaze, Blaze them with the transmutational power of the
Violet Fire.
As you do so, you will see how those
tainted, energy fields instantly, and/or gradually, transmute back into the
pure expression of fifth dimensional Gaia, which was innately there for you to
experience within your fifth
dimensional NOW.
However, because the blissful NOW of fifth
dimensional Earth has too, often been disrupted and lowered into the
frightening time/space of third dimensional earth. We remind our dear Ascending
Ones, that it is their task, and honor, to transmute these energy fields.
It is also their chosen responsibility to maintain
that higher energy field by returning again and again to share their
Unconditional Love and Violet Fire. We know that it may seem impossible to find
all these lower energy fields, but you will not have to find them all, as these
energy fields will find you.
These energy fields that need to be
transmuted are aware that the Higher Light is beckoning them. Therefore, these
energy fields are actually calling to you and asking you to please transmute them
because they want to move into the Planetary Ascension Process.
Because the YOU that you are within this NOW
are able to appreciate that ALL of Gaia is alive, you can believe, and
therefore perceive, when an energy field is communicating with you. In fact,
ALL of Gaia’s energy fields can, and do, communicate with you on a regular
However, you will need to expand your
perceptual field in order to be consciously aware of these messages. These
messages are NOT coming from a third dimensional human being,
Instead, these messages are coming from a
third dimensional place on Gaia, from a past incarnation, from a component of
your self that needs to be assisted in the Astral Plane and, wonderfully, from
your own Higher Dimensional expressions of SELF. These higher expressions of
"YOU" are assisting "the you" who is wearing an earth
vessel within this NOW.
It is this you, the “you” who is currently
wearing an earth vessel that has accepted the awareness of your other
incarnations, as well as the DUTY to unconditionally love and transmuted ALL these
It is this “You” that is remembering “The
Key to Ascension.” To share this Key to Ascension,
we will tell you a story of a man who was trapped in a very tall tower and was
told that he had a certain amount of time to find a way to escape.
During their time in the tower, he went up,
he went around, he looked here and there, and he tried everything. In fact, he
tried everything again and again. Then his time was up and his Guides came to
them and said, “We are sorry, but you have not found the way out.” Therefore,
you must remain here.”
"But I tried everything!” said the man.
“I have looked here, I looked there, I looked up, and I look down. I tried
everything. This is not fair,” cried the man. “There is NO way out.”
Then, the One who had the Key to Ascension
said, "Did you try the front door?”
We wish that you could all realize that all
you need to do is to just “open the front door.” The “front door” is your Third
Eye, the “front door” that is your High Heart. This front door is opening NOW,
with every unconditionally loving thought, and during every time you remember
to transmute the darkness with the Violet Fire.
With every unconditionally loving deed,
with every process of transmutation, with every memory of yourself, and with
every service that you give to others, you also give to your beloved planet
We, the members of your higher expressions
of SELF look after, and protect, our brave warriors who have taken earth
vessels. We also say to you all of you…
“Thank You for remembering the contract
that you made before you took this incarnation to assist with Planetary
Thank you for representing us so wisely, so
lovingly, and completely within the midst of Gaia’s planetary change that has
left most of you in the grips of the chaos
that precedes all change.
Blessings to you all, and please remember
that we, the beings of your Higher and Multidimensional Self, are with you always and assisting you within your
every breath.
We are YOU
The Arcturians and your
Galactic Family