Created, Channeled, Written, Published and Copyrighted with Love by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
***From your Hostess of Light
***We enter the month of Libra on our way to the learning’s of Scorpio
As one sits and ponders the universe in the early dawn of a new day one goes inside to see the place that holds the Hope Chest of each human being. A place it is filled with the dreams that will not be fulfilled this lifetime due to one circumstance or another's Karma.
When one sits in this place with their regrets their shortcomings their failures they come to a sharp point a precipice, a Universal Cosmic Dot of knowledge at the bottom of an earthly exclamation point. Most humans try hard they are sincere and good-hearted going out of their way to do good. So why are they not showered in blessings like an Antarctica snowstorm? Where does all that good (and bad) go?
If multi-dimensional existences, parallel worlds and other selves exist simultaneously throughout time, without ending, what role does our earth self play? It is in this dimensional place, that we must rest on our hunches and trust our gut. For the multi-verse one has no regrets. Every inch every thought every want or desire is lived out in Another Place, Another frequency of the ultra-dimensional you. The you that did not finish college, the you that did not marry, the you that had 12 children and was widowed. Every thing you have ever thought hard and long about has acquired life in other dimensional fields. For that dear ones is the objective of the patchwork multi-verse.
When you do not find what you seek in this dimensional form, whether perfect mate, or perfect body, or perfect home, know in your heart of hearts that it is being executed in Another Place,. Another you. Sometimes this information will fill a void, other times this knowledge will upset you, either way it is time to take hold of the train of thoughts the runs non stop thru your hard-earthen head.
This should be a point of comfort, a point of realization, on some level that dreams are fulfilled dimensionally. Do not be sad for what you do not have this moment this place, but embrace the learning that you do matter, you do count in the universal scheme of things. It does not mean that you're happier richer or prettier in your other dimensional aspects, it just means that part of you is not barren, It has birthed more life.
In this Dimension you may not have your soul mate but you may have so many friends and family that love you, filling the soul mate void. In this Dimension you may not have the perfect house, the perfect anything, but understand there is a part of you that does. In this realization try to feel complete, Reach out and touch that dimensional energy. As you touch into that completeness the void disappears in the here and ‘now,
This universe in all her forms is brimming with life. Every mansion, every room holds X-amount of matter in the form of molecules that seek to take form. In other words there are margins in every multi-verse of exact proportions, rules that say ‘stay in-between the lines’. Have no regrets in your life dear ones as all is played out accordion like, with levels of entrance and exit, very small of nature but loud of resonance.
When the soul demands a saline solution to its troubled heart it digs deep into the Wellspring of the past releasing emotional pressures that push from the inside out like a babe wanting to be born. As one swims in the ocean of Tears and fears one comes to a point of emptiness. A very low tide of self reveals what was hidden beneath the saline Solutions of the sea. what is broken is revealed at the low tides of self.
When the emotional Tide surges from unknown stimuli, that event is felt through all aspects, all of the dimensions of selves. In any given happening with emotional surge there is an equilibrium that is birthed, as that emotion is emptied out and distributed throughout the spheres of existence.
The point of emptiness within your humanist is a sign that the emotional tide has moved out. You should know that all aspects of you are simultaneously wrestling the same flying monkey. You should know that weight of emotion is distributed evenly into all existences like water poured from a pitcher, you never bare the brunt of it alone. It takes a multitude of forms but every form is representative of learning
So we ask, ‘if we are multidimensional in many lives simultaneously, which one is the real me? which is the authentic version, the first, the original? Or am I just a simulation a copy of a copy? You look deep into your eyes like an android searching for a soul, Hoping to see down the akashic hall of mirrors into all versions of you. Am I real or is this Memorex you pose to yourself. You sit in the center of your personal universe imagining a multitude of possibilities, sitting perfectly still in the center of every point of you thru time. If you want to become the authentic self then you have to believe deeper stronger harder than any other dimensional aspect of you. It is time to stop whining that you are scattered about the universe Like Straw on a windy fall day. If you want to be a ringleader then we suggest you do just that. Call all multi-dimensional aspects of you together stand in the center as a ringleader and look at them Heart to Heart truth to truth. Each Multi-verse aspect of you has a need, want, a deficiency of some kind that was cultivated by you.
As you look as what you threw into the universal crock-pot flippantly, a deep fried responsibility is filling you. How could I have been so reckless, thinking terrible thoughts, acting out frustrations and angers. If you want to be the original the first cookie of the creator’s batch, then begin to act accordingly and let all your creations in thought, word and deed reflect a goodness and a divine wholeness, Benefiting both you and your multi-verse selves. Think and act with grace and knowing
As you love, you attract.
You are today where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
You cannot escape the result of your thoughts;
but you can endure and learn, accept and be glad.
You will realize the vision of your heart, not the idle wish.
You will gravitate toward that which you secretly most love.
In to your hands will be placed the exact result you earn;
no more, no less.
Whatever your present environment may be,
you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts...
your vision... your ideal.
~ author unknown
We enter the month of Libra on our way to the learning’s of Scorpio
We enter the month of Libra on our way to the learning’s of Scorpio in an interesting button pushing political year. The coin is flipped in the air but where it lands is filled with illusion. Who, what, when, where, are the questions asked in a booming voice that demands answers.
The flickers of light and power surges have already begun as we get ready for the shift before the ‘shift hits the fan’. The Orionid meteors rush towards earth with hot little breaths of starry information dropping meteors all over the planet. Meteors especially from the, hunter, bring good wishes from the 3 stars in Orion’s belt. (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka). The belt of Orion leads to the Pleiades and Sirius, a very starry portal.
Orion is always linked to Lords of Karma, karmic debt whether planet, person, place matters not. It is about clearing the way making a new line of defense. Everything for the next 88 days points us onto a path that sparkles with expectancy and suspense. Finding out who we really are, in truth will be the most magical of all experiences. No more staying inside the lines of defined space and time. Loving self is truly the key to the kingdom. The quantum field seeks a mirror image, assuring itself a pleasant outcome.
As we rush forth in our taxing lives the energies sweep by us like the hot passionate kiss of a forest fire, burning our perception of ‘'what should be'. The solar radiation storms touch every cell in our body, reaching deep into the earths crust. Our very daystar screams at us to pay attention to every thought that strays to far from the farm. The body is restless and prances internally as it feels the presence of a new wave of energy demanding its attention. The heart reaches back into itself as it pronounces and announces vows of what did and did not come to past. Confessions spill over from emotional storms splashing all within reach. Feeling ‘oh so deeply' seems to toy with us for sport as the energies clear the pathways of our heart and mucous membranes. The body shouts enough is enough but the solar saturation continues.
The universe demands that all life gain control of itself creating a much needed solar synchronicity. The energies demand we increase in increments without limit, creating endless possibility in a see without end. We are changing from the inside out as the rays from the sun and all it’s experiencing is reflected upon the faces of humanity. Every droplet of light finds a home enhancing the very DNA of what seeks awakening. Coincidence I think not, as the promise of ‘shifts to come’ shout from every cell in our body.
Every thought is a timepiece that commands your instantaneous interest. Each minute that passes is as a timely gift certificate. As the pulse of light strengths in proportion to desired outcomes it moves its awareness forward thru time to look at each and every one of its creations. Seeing how they are spending their life force wisely or foolishly; benefiting the all or just paying homage to self. If seen as beneficial then higher dominations of light are added to the cosmic credit limit.
What is less than in time and value is also multiplied and expanded. Choices are blatantly seen for what they will reap. Hiding is not an option. An evolutionary wave length in direct proportion to the creators pulse is felt on a cellular level within the bio-circuitry of all that has life.
Time once obstructed is seen bending forward and back. As mankind changes his awareness of what space and time is, he will release himself from the shackles of past thinking. The molecules of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are marching forward thru time without hesitation. Thought forms of light are ingathered, reevaluated and dispatched to create new worlds. All will be accountable of how they have spent there light. In the past spiritual gifts have been stunted as many types of energies competed with man for his space and perpetual time.
Next Month 11:11
As We Gather on 11:11 at places that hold memories and sacred truths We all lift the wings of our heart spreading them for all of the universe to see letting them know that there will be a transferring of power from the last knight's barricade. As the knights of old let go of the sacred secrets that have kept them silent for too long they heave a sigh of relief. 11:11 is a number activation sequence. Each time that you see 1111 on a clock it represents that you are being given an chance to walk into a Gateway of materialization. The universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts, which then are manifesting at record speed
Join others that have held the light for such a long time in your sacred place of choice. Join hands join Hearts joined intentions without a need to accomplish anything except love. The paradigm shifts in this place of 11:11. Doorways open doorways close, everything is being observed, trust your instincts trust your gut and trust your heart, and act accordingly.