martes, agosto 06, 2013

Julie Miller – El Morya: The Right Attitude is a Powerful Asset - August 06 – 13, 2013
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ August 06 – 13, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
August 06, 2013  
How often have you questioned yourself, wondering what you are here for? It is a normal question, and a good question that begins your thinking process and determining where you are on your journey, re-examining some of the goals you are aiming to reach, discovering more of yourself that is filled with empowering energy to bring in more positive changes while at the same time still contributing selflessly to others.
During the time you spend reflecting on your progress, your mental chatter reveals to you often that your mind is filled with polluting worries and concerns that have had the ability to bring down your high energetic spirits, turning your smile into a frown. We understand that your journey is filled with tremendous challenges, and some of them can very exhausting. It is up to you dear ones, always had been on how long these tired feelings are to stay. All your feelings, especially the ones that promote negativity are really temporary.  

As you take the time to really look at how far you have come, what you have learned and where you wish your path will take you, many times what is discovered are new avenues of interest that will give you the passion that your journey so requires to progress continually forward.
Through the time you spend in reflection, focus on the areas you do well with little effort and the ones that you honestly know require a little improvement. It is understood while taking this time with yourself; you realize that you have developed particular rituals, which became habits. It is during this time you decide if some of these habits ought to be changed or removed altogether.
When you project a positive mind set through the attitude of gratitude and positive action you will attract positive results. Your future, the direction you wish your path will take you all depends on the choices you make now. If you could look back at yourself from a distant future place, think about what kind of advice you would give to yourself that would help inspire and empower you.  
When you finally learn to drop many self-sabotaging attitudes and behaviours, you begin creating a healthier mindset knowing within you, holds great personal power. By taking responsibility for your journey in all its aspects you are giving yourself the gift of growth and consciously you are enabling yourself to make the changes that are truly necessary not only for your spiritual life, but for all aspects of your life. Feeling occasionally confused, not knowing what to do is not uncommon, and it’s during the moments of confusion that great healing is being done on the inside. You are the ones who get to choose when to stop feeling confused and begin to see the wisdom from within, what is revealed when you are ready to lift the fog of confusion off your shoulders is beautiful clarity.
You feel peace and calm and an uncanny inner knowing on how to proceed with your journey through your belief in yourself and in God’s Infinite Love that He has for you. Become a supporter of yourself. Believe in yourself and in the divine mission you are here for. Accept there are parts of your divine mission you are not yet privy to that are of the future, but you already have the knowledge within you for what you need to know for this moment now.
Be patient, remembering no matter how much you rush your present day, tomorrow will come when it is meant to, same as your future. Therefore, we encourage you to take your time, learn well all that energetically draws your attention, and focus on becoming all you can be in the positive Light and Love of God – giving yourself selflessly to others at the same time providing unconditional Love for your whole self.   We are aware of the many great distractions you face on a daily basis.
It is important to be conscious of the many things that are a part of your day, yet it is up to you on how many of these things are permitted to distract you and for how long. Having a positive attitude as you move along your day contributes dynamic energy that will attract more success and happiness without the taunting pull of the distractions you chose to ignore. We are aware that some of the distractions you are faced can also contribute to negative thought forms and behaviours.
When you recognize that your thinking patterns have changed and have become more negative, you are given the opportunity right there to turn them around. Your attitude is a very powerful asset and is a huge factor the success of any task you have begun and the success of its completion.   When you begin to finally understand the power within having the right attitude and that you are provided with important choices that only you can make.
You realize you can move along your journey with a negative attitude that is filled with anger, anxiety, bitterness and Egoic pride, but these kind of thought forms only bring you to decisions that are made with these negative feelings that will continue to add to your life more negative energy that is unhealthy for your whole self and those closest to you that can feel your negative energy.
But if you choose to change your negative attitude to one that is Light and positive, your life also becomes positive. Even if a challenge is presented, while maintaining a positive attitude, you will be able to deal with difficult challenges much more successfully and easily. Your approach to life is much brighter and more loving when you embrace the power of your positive attitude. Comprehend dear ones; changing your attitude is not done magically or overnight.
It does require effort from you each day.   Changes are part of life; they come many times unexpectantly. Responding without a negative reaction is a decision only you can make; one that has the potential of being liberating but must be deliberate and purposeful. Understand dear ones, it is not always possible to control every situation that you face, but it is completely possible to control how your respond or react when an unexpected change develops.
As for God’s help if you are unsure on what to do, trust in His direction knowing full well He would not give you a challenge you could not handle. You have handled them well before and you always will as you gather more information and insight that will be helpful to new challenges. Believe in yourself dear ones and believe in His infinite Love for you.  
While on the journey to bring in great changes to your way of thinking and being that is highly positive, learn to end the hold you have on being the victim in everything. Stop blaming other people for the choices you made. Blaming another doesn’t help your situation, it doesn’t provide healing or allow God’s unwavering Light to enter your lifestream.
Remove yourself from spiral of self-pity and excuses for not progressing as well as you know deep down you could have. Take control of your life, rediscover the strength that has always been within you and realize dear ones no matter what has occurred yesterday, you have the ultimate power to change when you apply pure focus and Love into all your actions, words, feelings and thoughts. God is within you, and He will help guide you if you only allow Him. His answers may not be written as clearly as pen on paper, but His direction is always pure. Be responsible for your journey; move forward from your own energy, and from having a positive attitude. You have the ability and capability of bringing in all changes needed to bring about the outcome you wish to achieve.  
Through the time you spent exploring your inner self, identify any lingering negative ways, and with God’s help you will learn the importance of admitting further negative feelings such as jealousy, doubt and even low self-esteem. God will help dear ones, His infinite Love and Light will help illuminate your way out of these negative thought forms and attitudes and with His help you will progress forward remarkably and achieve all that you set out to because you are filled the purity of His Love that brings out the same quality of your own Love for yourself and for others.  
Learning to completely appreciate each moment provides you each time with deep and profound power to manifest positive, happy feelings – to create empowering energy that is dynamic that will have impact on everything you do and will touch others positively with your Light-Loving energy. Your part in the whole scheme of things is important. Each of you holds an important role that is universally connected. When you are able to see all around you with a positive attitude, you are able to see your connectedness is much more that you may have ever realized.  
And so it is…   I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller