March Intensification
However, this long lasting effect of being immersed in pure, blissful and colored vibrations that encompassed every bit of my spirit was not only significant because I allowed it to last much, much longer than I normally do, but because it is an intensification of something I’ve already felt, that was already wonderful and amazing to feel.
Beyond this, I’m beginning to finding that everything is getting better.
I am still happy to have found myself among the few who were not disparaged, disillusioned or disappointed when the 21st came and went and when we were graced with the New Year. I felt and still feel that a great shift is continually taking place and because of my employment of this continual belief and my personal commitment to my own role, I have long begun to reap many of the initial rewards we’ve been said would be coming our way.
The general happiness, wholeness and satisfaction with the Life around me and with the role I am playing despite so many things about this world that clearly need to be changed, has increased dramatically in this year of 2013 and everything I’ve been able to experience that was already amazing is being intensified; in some cases dramatically.
I’ve experienced my small crises of faith, and everything I went through led me to a deeper understanding of the reality of everything so many of us are working toward. I continue to be given validations of immense proportions every day, and I am completely comfortable saying that you can too. I’m recognizing the reality I find around me as already perfect and when we can stay in that frame of thinking, the validations will flow through in accordance with what we are Creating.
I find much more of an ease and enjoyment in discussing channeling and the miracles this little hidden-away ability has produced for me. In my opinion, channeling should be explored at least a little bit by everyone; if for no other reason, than for the purely blissful states of consciousness we can tap into and feel the everlasting effects from after channeling. If a validation was ever needed of the Divinity of what is being when one decides to channel, those long-lasting energies will provide it.
Even beyond channeling, everything about this existence is becoming more understandable and enjoyable.
Music is becoming more enjoyable than ever to play and write. I am Loving every single moment with my family and especially traveling out to nature with my family. I recognize that while it has been snowing here for a few days, we are headed for warm weather and with it will come the exploration of the vast and beautiful nature this area has to offer.
Every communication being given through seems to come through in a clearer and easier manner than the last, and when sitting down to write an article or a series of articles I usually find myself lightly channeling as the words and ideas continue to flow and flow.
The flow of the higher realms will garner immense benefits when you are able to access it, and our access to that flow is relatable to our natural channeling abilities because we channel it when becoming open to it. As I and plenty of others have in the past, I would recommend meditation to find and tap into a flow of higher dimensional energies and the resulting inspiration; especially now when the energies are turned up to further extremes than they have ever been.
I believe that very aforementioned Hathors communication mentioned something to that extent and if they don’t mind, I’d like to make a note about something they said concerning the date of the night I am writing this, March 1st.
The Hathors said something along the lines of this date being yet another incredibly-pure expansion of Gaia’s gates of energy and a resulting increase in the purity of energies Creating and sustaining our reality. I am paraphrasing that of course, but I wanted to pass that message along now; as the overall message itself may not be published quite yet.
To wrap this update up, everything is intensifying and this can include the best of what we experience every day. It seems already that March 2013 is going to be an energetically active month and as with so many other active or intense times we’ve experienced, we can utilize our natural Creator Light to see each experience through and find the happiness and bliss we deserve to be Living.
Wes Annac – Experiencing temporary yet permanent bliss