martes, julio 18, 2017

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - A Call To Action - July 13, 2017

A Call To Action

Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because of who you are and why you are on Earth during this auspicious time. The information that is being shared with you today from the Company of Heaven is something you are very aware of on a higher level of consciousness, but that you may not have been able to remember in this dense physical plane. The Divine Intent of this sharing is to remind you that the time for you to fulfill your purpose and reason for being on Earth is NOW.

Steve Rother - The Group - A Call to Re-member ~ Awakening Your Perfect Self - July 15, 2017

Greetings, dear ones, I am Elrah of rhythmic service.

I have not addressed you lately because, quite honestly, a lot of you have been way too serious. Well, it is time to laugh a little bit and bring some of the energy back so that you can see things from a different perspective. Yes, we know, you have to get past your grieving process. Often when you discover something new, it takes a little while to adjust not only in your mind but your heart as well. You have been involved in this since the very beginning, yet now we have the opportunity to take you a little further than ever before. Know that one of the most important pieces that everyone can start working with right now is to start stepping into their perfect self.

Brenda Hoffman - Tú eres tu Creador - 10 de Julio 2016

Traducción: Mary García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Se han tomado tiempo para respirar en la luz ?

Muchos de ustedes se dicen a sí mismos que deben hacer esto o aquello antes de realzar su Ser con las energías luminosas más recientes del Amor y la Creación.

El primer paso para cualquier creación es saber que merecen lo que desean. Tal vez ese pensamiento no pareciera tan difícil, sientan que se merecen todo lo mejor. Les rogamos que desistan de creer que no son merecedores.

Sheldan Nidle Update~7-18-17~rise of your new prosperous and sovereign reality

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

6 Ik, 17 Kumku, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The delivery system continues to move forward. It is believed that the first indications suggest that everything required is now in place. It shows us just how well this forward motion is likely to play out, and is only the beginning for what is soon to follow. The key point is that those who are “in the know” realize that some form of positive action is currently required. In this light, we can now safely say that the Elders realize what is needed to finish the various delivery tasks. We expect results to manifest clearly for all concerned.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Tuesday July 18, 2017

Dear Ones, to better understand your enlightenment process, think of a video game. When you complete one phase or level, it opens up brand new areas and potentials. You may seem to be playing as you always have, but then you realize you have brand new abilities!

Sarah Varcas - How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon! - July 18, 2017

How to Get the Best Out of a Black Moon!

The next black moon cycle begins on 23rd July 2017 with the actual black moon occurring on 21st / 22nd August 2017, which is also a solar eclipse.

Most people have heard of a blue moon but black moons tend to get less attention, despite their equal significance. Just as a blue moon is the second full moon in a solar month, a black moon is the second new moon in a solar month. This means that during the sun’s passage through one zodiac sign the moon is new twice, with the second of those moons designated a black moon. Because a new moon occurs when the moon is in the same zodiac degree as the sun, both of these new moons occur in the same sign as each other. Black moons occur roughly every two and a half to three years and are always preceded a month earlier by a new moon in the first one or two degrees of the same zodiac sign.

Christine Meleriessee - Important Call To Action ~ Create Universal Consciousness - July 18, 2017

Important Call To Action ~ Create Universal Consciousness

“Refining our Connection to Universal Consciousness through Protecting, Raising and Sharing our Light“.

An audio message from Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda with the Galactic Federation of Light urging Lightworkers to refine their connection to true Universal Consciousness to co-create the New Earth.

lunes, julio 17, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Light Beacon or Battering Ram? - Jul 17, 2017

The more we expand our 3D paradigms to create space for the new 5D energies the more we seek participation from everyone we know. We want them to experience the light as we know it and while some will, others will not and this becomes a big question for us. How far does our ‘light work’ extend and what is our role in the fulfillment of this mission? How far do we go to ensure that everyone embraces the light so we stick around until they do? If so, our light beacon turns into a light battering ram and we stand still instead of moving forward on our own path. A choice for the light becomes a light imperative and that is not what our light mission is about at all.

Sandra Walter - The August Eclipse: Metaphoric and Mystical - Jul 17, 2017

The August Eclipse: Metaphoric and Mystical

Jul 17, 2017 

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The August eclipse is deeply esoteric, which is why we are guided to utilize it for complete activation of the New Earth Crystalline grids. A Total Solar eclipse crossing the entire United States is a rare event. In this year of dropping old timelines while simultaneously amplifying the higher timelines of Ascension, this eclipse presents yet another powerful turning point for a palpable external manifestation of what is occurring with the higher light.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El Despertar Cuántico - JULIO 2017

El Despertar Cuántico es traducido con amor al español por Susy Peralta, de Argentina.
Gracias, querida dama de luz.


*** De su Anfitriona de Luz
*** Percepción cósmica para julio
*** Los códigos estelares del verano 2017
*** Las vasijas silbadoras peruanas
*** Las piedras puente de Nibiru


A medida que el tiempo se desenrolla como una cinta de ocho pistas, todos nos encontramos en el arroyo emocional sin remo ni brújula. Nos enfrentamos con nuestros más profundos temores, bloqueos y así llamadas debilidades humanas, al entrar en las iniciaciones del verano. El mes de julio es uno de los meses más poderosos del año, viste atavíos y enseñanzas que solo un mago podría usar. Todo nos está pidiendo mostrar más luz, más amor, más pasión en nuestras iniciativas. Hemos descuidado el propósito, flotando como medusas llenas de pensamientos enmarañados en las algas. Siempre hemos buscado las respuestas fuera de nosotros mismos; ahora debemos marchar al ritmo estival del sombrero loco y descender por unos cuantos agujeros mágicos de conejo, agujeros blancos y profundos agujeros negros con el fin de separarnos de la unión de lo que alguna vez pensamos que éramos y ahora estamos destinados a ser. Nuestra misión, nuestras órdenes divinas se han derretido al asumir la reestructuración. Todas las capas de invisibilidad que hemos llevado a través del tiempo ahora se desmoronan a nuestros pies, esparciéndose a través de muchos charcos de barro. Este verano renovamos nuestros votos con la luz, con la Tierra, con la plenitud. Se nos pide que dejemos de lado la necesidad de cambiar el panorama de la secuencia de aprendizaje de otra persona y primero barramos el frente de nuestro propio porche cósmico, que está lleno de nuestros propios desechos emocionales y lo que necesita ser amado en una nueva forma.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday July 17, 2017

If you could start to see flow as standing for Fun, Love, Openness, and Wonder, would you embrace it more? ~Archangel Gabriel

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 14 de Julio, 2017

Estos son los tiempos en los que pronto se van a hacer muchas revelaciones para elevar vuestra conciencia a un nivel en el que se conozca la verdad. Durante demasiado tiempo se os ha mantenido en la ignorancia de asuntos importantes de gran relevancia en vuestra vida. Luego alcanzaréis un nivel en el que sólo la verdad puede existir, y debéis comenzar a prepararos para tal ocasión. Por ejemplo, vuestra auténtica historia como Raza Humana se os ha ocultado por los que controlaban vuestro progreso en su propio beneficio. Manteniendo vuestra ignorancia de la verdad han podido ejercer el control sobre vosotros, y hasta hace muy poco se había hecho total. Los Illuminati han sido la fuerza controladora junto con los que también creían en utilizar a las masas para su propio beneficio, y os han llevado a creer que no erais los maestros de vuestro propio destino.

Alcyon Pléyades 59: ClimaGate, Cambio climático, HAARP, ondas Elf, Gwen, chemtrails, nanopartículas

Laura Pleiadian - Your Divinity Emerging as Your Ascended Light Being Self - July 17, 2017

The Process of Transforming to BE Your Divine Self in form, in all moments. Is the transformation of your DNA, your Consciousness, living from your head to your Heart, and the transformation of your PERCEPTIONS.

This deep complete transformation SHIFTS your Frequency and AWARENESS.

This process of Alchemy is a weaving process, so to speak.

Brenda Hoffman - You’ve Catapulted Yourself - July 17, 2017

Dear Ones,

You are discovering you can no longer hold onto that which you have hidden from yourself for so long.

Perhaps you think that such is as it has been since you initiated your transition – one clearing after another. While that statement has a bit of truth in it, what is happening to most of you now is a deep cleansing that neither you nor we thought possible before you started your current earth journey. For you had much more on your earth ‘to do’ list than a deep cleansing.

Jahn J Kassl - Lady Venus Kumara - HOW YOUR HEART GUIDES YOU - July 17 2017

Message from Lady Venus Kumara

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

Allow yourself to be guided by your heart. Then you will knock on the right door in the end!


It is of invaluable importance to properly understand how to let yourself be guided by your heart. Many people believe that once they listen to their hearts they can never be mislead to the wrong door and the heart always chooses the right door.

This is not the case. Consider both that

the heart leads you to the very door that is beneficial for your development at this moment, and that
your heart will continue to lead you to „wrong doors“ until you are capable of recognizing the right door.

John Smallman - Saul - Love is complete acceptance and complete forgiveness without conditions of any kind - 07/17/2017
As all the channels are now telling you, GREAT changes are in progress all across the planet that will bring abundance to all, and that no-one will be left out. All debts and liabilities will be erased and the stress and anxieties associated with them will dissolve as all find that they can afford to live well and stress-free. The time of immense disparity in living standards is coming to an end.

This does not mean that all will live in similar circumstances – the one size fits all approach – but that all will be able to wisely choose the environment that suits them best and create it for themselves. If that sounds “way out,” I can confirm that it is, but it will happen and all reason for conflict will fall away.

domingo, julio 16, 2017

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light - July 16, 2017

Dear One,

To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must "do it alone" if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.

The Wizard Behind the Curtain (Awareness of Control Structure on Earth)

Aisha North - Finding my own true north - July 16, 2017

Finding my own true north

With my inner compass

attuned to the sacred magnetics

and my sails billowing

in the solar winds

I am no longer a soul adrift at sea

but set on a true course

for the shimmering horizon.

Posted on July 16, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen