lunes, abril 10, 2017

Aisha North - Water Speaks - The gardener and the seed - April 10, 2017

The gardener and the seed

I am the gardener and the seed.

Birthing my own self.

Silently witnessing the unfolding.

Body and soul merging as I emerge.

Becoming one, becoming me.

Posted on April 10, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Brenda Hoffman - Discovering Your Interest Areas - April 10, 2017

Dear Ones,

There are new energies floating about. Once again, you perhaps feel a bit fuzzy or foggy for the energies are likely causing you to jump between dimensions in ways you have not yet experienced – new emotions and physical capabilities you drift in and out of.

Many proclaim such is so because of astrological happenings, even though astrological signs are mostly related to those of 3D and have little to do with you.

Your fuzziness is an adjustment within your new being for nothing is yet stabilized enough for others to proclaim how you will react.

domingo, abril 09, 2017

Kryon "Five in a Circle"

Sarah Varcas - Intrepid Peace - April 9, 2017

Intrepid Peace

Sarah Varcas

Sarah Varcas

Mercury is retrograde between 9th April and 3rd May 2017 (GMT). Beginning in grounded and consistent Taurus and retreating into impulsive and instinctual Aries on 20th April, it highlights where we set anchor and strive to remain when in fact we should move on through. Conditions maintained through fear, laziness or uncertainty will become increasingly problematic in the weeks and months to come. This Mercury speaks of the need to trust our instincts over and above the reason of ‘common sense’ logic. There exists great mystery within this process. We may find ourselves thinking in ways we never have before, considering options that have seemed too outlandish to contemplate. We may encounter new sides to our self which take some getting to know and whilst we can sense their potential, to others they may feel like a threat to the status quo. Likewise we may see changes in others which unsettle our own sense of how things ‘should ‘ be.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Advanced Geomagnetics & Body-Field-Systems Structuring & Strengthening Processes Occurring Now - 4/9/2017

These are the cosmic frequencies and continued re-coding & re-structuring of our Body Field & Systems today....

The huge delicate & intricate "new linkage" processes that began a few weeks ago continue....

This is for those of us who have dropped physical density (not weight, density), have an immense amount of SPACE inside, where all cells are awakened, alive, one's crystalline structure is fully developed and been operating in unison with the merging energies & cycles over the last many years of Earth Gaia, the Grand Central SOLar Sun, Moons, Planets and all Galactic Core Regions too...

John Smallman - Saul - Within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence -April 9th, 2017

Humanity has chosen to awaken, it’s as simple as that! However, although in truth the awakening has already occurred, it does take time to come to fruition for you because the illusion is largely about time and its passing, and until your awakening happens you are time-bound within your collective dream, the illusion. It is unreal but, because you intended it to seem very real, it does seem utterly real to you. That, of course, is very confusing for you, and because the vast majority of the human population believes that the illusion is absolutely real that is how it appears to you.

Asara - Latest Energy Update From AA Michael - April 8, 2017

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

On your journey of ascension, we invite you to connect with the Angelic Diamond Light Ray.

This bright white Diamond Light assists you in clearing the energies in your mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Sorpresas en la Nueva Energía - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, el 1 de abril de 2017


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll -
 Sorpresas en la Nueva Energía

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El punto crucial de la enseñanza de hoy se lo he dado a mi socio, para que pudieran preguntar: "¿Es posible que esta nueva energía, esta nueva consciencia, todas estas cosas de las que hemos estado hablando, también involucren a todo el planeta?" La energía de la Tierra, la Física que conocen, el esoterismo en que creen, los angélicos de los que dependen - la respuesta es sí. Todas las cosas y todos están involucrados en esto que es el mayor cambio que la humanidad haya iniciado. Y lo enfatizo nuevamente: "iniciado". Allí es donde están; en el esquema de cosas, queridos, la consciencia no es algo que cambie en forma instantánea. Sucederá en diferentes formas, de distintas maneras, en distintas culturas - y requiere tiempos distintos.


Jamye Price - Energías de Ascensión de Abril - Abril 1, 2017


Marzo se sintió más suave en ciertas maneras de lo que se sintió en los primeros meses del año.
El equinocio tuvo una maravillosa intensidad.
Me tuve que acostar algunas veces durante el día tan sólo para equilibrar las energías.
Estuve sintiendo muchos cambios en el cerebro, algunos de ellos bastante intensos.
Noté cambiar energías del corazón ocasionalmente y un sentido general de fortaleza anclando.
Se me mostró que algunos de los cambios que estaban ocurriendo en el inconsciente del colectivo fueron liberaciones drásticas.
Desde el punto de vista humano esto se manifestará como coraje.
Para algunos esto pudiera pasar por una fase caótica, pero el caos ofrece la oportunidad para una renovada armonía.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - 4/9/17

APRIL 9, 2017

Greetings dear ones, we come in love and bringing guidance for all who are trying so hard to make sense of the world and how it relates to the ascension. Do not believe that there is no progress, for as we have explained before, the dense and heavy energies created by mankind through centuries lived in fear and with closed hearts must clear globally and personally in order for the energies of unconditional love to manifest.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 9, 2017

Dear Ones, you cannot resist and expand at the same time. Unfoldment is the natural movement toward your hopes and dreams. Allow it to lead you to your next great experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

Ron Head - The Council - Time for a Pep Talk - April 9, 2017

It is time for a pep talk. Actually, this will just be a reminder of things you are already familiar with. Of course, there are always new people finding us, and this may be the first time they have been exposed to these ideas. But events have recently occurred that have put many of you into a tailspin, as you call it. You feel lost, frustrated, and helpless. You had thought you were beyond such things. You had thought your world was beyond needing them, as well. But as wonderful as your current level of consciousness is, it may be some time before you reach that state. So, let us remind you of a thing or two.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción - Evento Kryon - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, el 1 de abril de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadá, el 1 de abril de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Otra vez: es el primer mensaje del día, frente a muchos que nunca vieron esto antes, que nunca experimentaron esta energía. Como muchas otras veces, digo que los seres humanos entran con un sesgo (N.T. inclinación, prejuicio) de la vida. Y pueden ser muy, muy espirituales y haberse abierto a las posibilidades del Dios interior, tal vez estén buscando quiénes son realmente en el sentido espiritual verdadero, pero todos ustedes entran y se sientan con el sesgo de la vida.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations - April 9, 2017

Dear One,

When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.

John Smallman - Saúl - Es su tarea ser Amor en acción y solo eso - 19-02-2017

Es su tarea ser Amor en acción y solo eso. No se conecten con la culpa, el juicio o la separación, cualesquiera situaciones en las que se encuentren porque si lo hacen solo estarán fortaleciendo en vez de disipar las energías negativas que encuentren.
Aquí en los reinos espirituales y no físicos nuestra emoción continúa creciendo al observar el enorme progreso que la humanidad está teniendo en su camino hacia el despertar.
Puede muy bien parecerles que las cosas están empeorando más y más pero lo que los perturba y les causa dolor y sufrimiento para muchos es la elección del colectivo de liberar muchas cosas enterradas que los han detenido, anclándolos en la oscuridad de la incertidumbre y el miedo.
Ahora es el momento cuando todo eso está surgiendo para que rápidamente y fácilmente lo liberen.

sábado, abril 08, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - SUPER QUANTUM ENERGY REPORT - April 8, 2017


Today has been "advanced circuitry system" upgrades and each Plasma Crystalline LightBody Phase will experience these dependent on how developed & integrated their own NEW EARTH HUman Body System is.....

We've been rotating between "nano work" within our own intelligent technology/living bio-systems and oscillating between supercharging/overcharging/super stimulating to high solar winds then both simultaneously these last few hours......

Lisa Transcendence Brown - It's been another week of GIFTING - April 8, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown compartió la publicación de Lisa Brown.
19 h ·

This morning was observing everyone coming to SUSTAIN FULLY ON THEIR OWN ENERGY now... and how realities are substantially changing/shifting accomplish this. ♥ Love ♥ We must all take great care in being totally RESPONSIBLE for our own energy continually to sustain these highest vibrational realities here. We are all going through huge up-shifts continually and sustaining all of this huge energy within our physical form takes a lot of dedicated integration time now.

Kryon "Enhanced Gifts" 2017

Mike Quinsey - Abril 7, 2017


Mike Quinsey.

Sandra Walter - Evolution of Realities: Opening the Cosmic Stargate - Apr 8, 2017

Evolution of Realities: Opening the Cosmic Stargate

Apr 8, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Brilliance is unfolding in this Now moment. Phase three of the Equinox timeline shift will complete with the Full Moon on Monday (11:09pmPT).

Passages of the Cosmic Stargate were unlocked last Saturday; a truly powerful experience. Read: Seven M-class Solar flares aimed at Saturn during that passage. That is all I may share at this moment; meditate on this. We continue to work with our Higher Teams in the highest interests of Ascension.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Dialy Message April 8, 2017

Have you ever noticed how, when someone is upset, if another person stays in their own energy and simply offers reassurance or a hug, the other person can find their way back to greater balance? It is a beautiful example of how staying in your own energy, alignment, and truth is one of the best ways you can help others.

viernes, abril 07, 2017

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 4-11-17 - April 7, 2017

Full Moon Update 4-11-17 - The Power Path
By Lena Stevens

Dear Friends,

Since it is just after midnight MDT, the 10th, Monday is a good day to begin honoring and celebrating this moon. The anchor of this time needs to be time out in nature, honoring both the higher emotional center with its beauty and inspiration, and the instinctive center with its link to vitality and raw energy.

A full moon intensifies everything and this is especially true this month. It is up to you what gets intensified. Don’t indulge in the negative. Be proactive with your intentions and get fired up about something that inspires you. This is big energy we are dealing with these days. Mark this time of the full moon with some big intentions that you can start following up on with a grounded action plan.



Kryon - Unity Village - Dual Channelling, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday April 7, 2017

Dear Ones, when you have faith and trust, you align beyond what you already know and allow greater potentials and possibilities to become reality. That is the gift of expansion, and expansion is what you are all seeking, both for yourselves and your planet, during these times of change. Do you see? Aligning beyond makes room for miracles. ~Archangel Gabriel

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Amethyst and Archangel Faith - Manifestation: Intention and Transformation - 7th April 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 7th April 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Archangel Amethyst: Angelic blessings extend from the Angelic Kingdom as Archangel Faith, and I, Archangel Amethyst come forth to be your companions. We are the feminine aspects of two powerful archangels; Archangel Michael and Archangel Zadkiel. We bring forth to you the sacred feminine qualities of our divine feminine essence and our divine masculine essence twin flames.

jueves, abril 06, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Ones Talk About Leaving Time - 4-6-17

Sometimes one story is worth a thousand words. Perhaps, one day, this will be our story too.

The Golden Ones Talk About Leaving Time

Through Suzanne Lie
Blessings our dear ones,
We, The Golden Ones, bless you from our Heart and inform you from our Mind. Today, we want to remind you that, “We are you, and you are us.” What we mean by that statement is that, “We are ONE.”

We understand, our dear grounded ones that you may not be able to understand what we are saying. Therefore, we are here within your NOW to share a bit of “timeless time” so that you can remember that time is an illusion of the third and fourth dimensions.

Kryon - Unity Village - Dual Channelling, 2017

Blossom Goodchild - April 6, 2017

I wasn’t planning on trying to connect with you until tomorrow. Yet, If I am correct I feel you close and am more than willing to give it a go now, if you are?
We thank you for responding. For yes, we would be more than happy to ‘chat ‘with you at this time.
I was wondering if you could talk to us about this feeling I am experiencing regarding ‘Being the observer’. Since my newsletter the other day, many have responded saying they feel the same. I just don’t feel fully part of the world at the moment. I’m here, yet, not in it. That’s the best I can do to describe it.
Dearest Souls of Earth … with your ever transforming Energies taking hold … like a storm in a tea cup …

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday April 6, 2017

When humanity evolves beyond seeing love as a commodity and starts to see it a means of divine self expression, your entire world will change. Simply put, Dear Ones, love because that is the truth of who you are. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jamye Price - Areon - The Evolution of Connection - Apr 6, 2017

As always, it is a special moment when we meet in your awareness. Your awareness is unique in all of time and space. There is no other you experiencing this exact experience in all of the universe. You are that unique.

What you bring to Earth is something that is absolutely unique throughout the universe. You are changing this experience and interacting in ways that are coming more to the forefront of your awareness. This is what this time is about, that you become more aware of all that you are. The uniqueness that you are emanating on to the earth plane is profound. 



Video (recommended)

Beloved Brothers and Sisters!

We are coming from far it seems, but in truth we are very close to you, because we are one at Heart. We share the Presence of the One That is the Truth of all That exists.

As your friends we wish to let you know that you are not alone in the increasing turmoil on your planet that experiences presently the most intense battle between opposite forces, the forces of light and the forces of dark. If you allow, we are here to provide for you a heart-space of equanimity and inner freedom, and making it as such easier for you to find that space, if you would enjoy our friendship.

miércoles, abril 05, 2017

Kryon "Assumptions II"

Sheldan Nidle - 4 de Abril, 2017

13 Kan, 7 Mac, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Jalwa! Dada la necesidad de manifestar un nuevo gobierno de derecho que va a estar en total conformidad con NESARA, hay una enorme cantidad de billetes USA implicados en los primeros desembolsos iniciales. De ahí que se haya decidido trasladar el Tesoro de la República NESARA al Oeste. Este proceso está permitiendo que sucedan varios desembolsos futuros con más eficacia de lo que se esperaba inicialmente. La inmensidad de estos desembolsos iniciales indica que oficialmente la vieja e ilegal USA s.a. implosionará. Se cree también que esta operación significa que el gobierno de Washington finalmente dejará de existir, y también señalará el fin de todos los chanchullos que actualmente son la norma diaria. Los que van a forjar el nuevo gobierno NESARA están ahora ocupados estableciendo una serie de procedimientos que van a marcar los primeros días oficiales de la República. Este acontecimiento está programado para desencadenar otros que van a transformar este globo del borde de la guerra a una larga era de paz y prosperidad. También va a señalar oficialmente que la esclavitud global a la deuda ha acabado.

James McConnell - Saint Germain - April 2nd, 2017


Yes, I AM St. Germain. As always it is wonderful when I can share some of these moments with you. And these moments are becoming very special, very special indeed. As you continue to move very quickly now toward that understanding, toward that level of oneness that is bringing you to your next highest evolution within yourself and within your selves as a collective.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Do you REALLY REALLY REALLY want a REALity that is FREE from all of the old? ♥ - 4/5/2017

What are you "willing to do" (as love) for a whole new REALity that is fully exquisite and provides you with all that you truly desire, supports you fully, makes it easy for you?

Are you willing to focus on your own vibration, observe your own actions and take responsibility yet? Are you ready to JUMP, take that LEAP and go for it yet?

Are you willing to COMMIT to yourself as a SOUL, focus on your light energy, focus your own energy on CONTRIBUTING to all of HUmanity now?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 5, 2017

If you are struggling with an aspect of work, we highly recommend surrendering into joyful co-creation. Such an act will shift the energy instantaneously, activate your team of helpers, and move you out of resistance and back into the divine inspiration and support of the flow. This can also be a very effective fix for what is commonly referred to as writer’s block. Inspiration and creation always come from willingly re-connecting back into the sweet spot we call the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

Selacia - Love in Your DNA Akashic Records - April 5, 2017

Relationships are having an extra dose of challenges in April as stressful planetary energies play out and add to the amplified tensions we've been experiencing since 2017 began. In this article, I'll outline a few ways this can play out with the people you love, as well as the connection between discord and very old patterns in your DNA akashic records.


Inside your DNA is the vast akashic records of your soul's journey over time. Key events, beliefs, patterns, qualities, talents, and tendencies are recorded there. Memories and lessons of relationships are there too, along with vows and agreements made with loved ones across time. Quite often in my DNA intuitive healing practice, it is a relationship issue a person first presents as a key challenge.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - VIBRATING YOUR WAY BACK TO EXIST ON NEW EARTH NOW - 4/5/2017

Awakening every day to working with all of you in the sleep state. Teaching Mastery to those ready and sharing the "hows" to "do" all of this. I awake exhausted most days for years, because I work so much in my sleep (for years once becoming conscious) and as I left "seeking mode" and moved into Ascended Master" phase, I teach... continually....

The more conscious work we do in our sleep state, the easier our waking state becomes. The less disruptions in our waking state, because we maintain that brainwave state with our whole body... the one that gives us the ability to WALK IN THE DREAM (Higher/Lighter Density Realms) in our waking state too....

Emmanuel Dagher - Divine Relationships - April 5, 2017

My friend,

It’s always a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Refining Our Relationships

For the first three weeks of April, the main theme that will be coming forward is relationships.

These relationships include the ones we have with family, friends, lovers, and colleagues, and especially, the relationship we have with ourselves.

This will be an excellent time to clearly see what kind of relationships we are experiencing.

Do our relationships feel fair, balanced, expansive, enjoyable? Are we feeling free and open in them?

Ron Head - The Council - What A Confusing Place - April 5, 2017

We would like you to go a short mental journey with us if you will. On this journey, you are a divine being of light that has never been on this planet before. You are cruising around this galaxy and spot a planet that is marvelously filled with billions of beautiful life forms, great oceans, towering mountains, beautiful flowers, birds, and butterflies. The ocean reefs are like kaleidoscopes of colorful fish. It just looks amazing.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Five Deceptions of the Old Energy -Salt Lake City, Utah - January 21, 2017 January 21, 2017

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Love has many faces, and compassion is the new energy word we are seeing for an evolving earth.

I've spent a lot of time with all of you, giving you messages about what is possible and what you can do in this new energy. The subject tonight is about what WAS in the old energy and the truths that you owned back then. We're going to call this message "The Five Great Deceptions of the Old Energy". Throughout all this, we are describing something that was, not that still is.

Dear ones, it's very difficult to give you a basic premise without it sounding insulting, but Humans are starting to grow up. Even as I sit before these groups and sense your intuition, I can sense the questions you have. I can sense that the value of compassion is starting to show itself, and the very persons here in this room are starting to be elevated beyond what they were four years ago.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 5, 2017

If you are struggling with an aspect of work, we highly recommend surrendering into joyful co-creation. Such an act will shift the energy instantaneously, activate your team of helpers, and move you out of resistance and back into the divine inspiration and support of the flow. This can also be a very effective fix for what is commonly referred to as writer’s block. Inspiration and creation always come from willingly re-connecting back into the sweet spot we call the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

martes, abril 04, 2017

Kryon "Assumptions I"

Jennifer Hoffman - April 2017 Energy Report - April 4, 2017

If you’re reading this you got through the month of March and through our first power period of 2017 that lasted 3 whole months. It has been quite the wild ride and rather unpleasant at times. But to be honest we did not start 2017 with new energy, as the year began with the same retrograde energy as January 2016 and we have been completing old cycles since this year started. The new cycle beginning in April takes us farther down the ascension journey even if it involves having both Venus and Mercury retrograde which is an asset now, and not a liability as April’s keyword is eliminate and that’s a very beneficial thing for us to do that retrogrades are very supportive of.

In April life can take on a new dimension as we are much farther in the 3D/5D integration than we have ever been before. This is new, uncharted territory and I mean that in every sense of the word. It’s new because we have never achieved this level of integration, community, and awareness before, even in Atlantis. It’s uncharted because there’s no karma to guide us on a pre-destined and predetermined path, which is what we are used to. These new paradigms are creation-based, not karma based. So the pre-populated life we have been born into no longer exists once we cross that 4D bridge and that may take some getting used to.

JAMES GILLILAND – Self Mastery, Tools for Transcending the Ego and Healing Unseen Negative Influences – March 28, 2017

Self Mastery, Tools for Transcending the Ego and

Healing Unseen Negative Influences
by James Gilliland

March 28, 2017 

Masters often say the mind is a good servant, but a terrible master. In the past, the mind has taken many of us on a journey of unfulfillment and dead ends. It is like giving your car to a really bad driver repeatedly, but you cannot take away the keys. It is also like an addiction to a way that is known - a comfort zone - even though this comfort zone has never brought you happiness.

- James Gilliland

The mind of which I speak is often referred to as the ego, programmed through social consciousness. Is that mind really yours? Is it really who you are?

John Smallman - Jesus - Being peaceful and relaxed in your daily lives is part of your reason for being human.- April 3, 2017

Humanity’s progress towards awakening is proceeding apace. However, it may well seem to many of you that conflict and chaos worldwide is intensifying, worsening, even approaching a catastrophic state that is in danger of becoming apocalyptic. Rest assured this will not happen, humanity is not poised to leap into an abyss of utter darkness because the energy shift that you Light-holders, Light-bearers, and Light-workers are delivering is extremely powerful and is causing an enormous change in direction that is leading you away from the apocalyptic scenario that so many fear is inevitable.

Sheldan Nidle Update~3-4-17~"the best is yet to come" - April 4, 2017

13 Kan, 7 Mac, 13 Caban Selamat Jalwa! Because of the need to manifest a new de jure government that is to be in full compliance with NESARA, there is an enormous amount of U.S. notes involved in the first major payouts. Hence, it was decided to move the NESARA Republic’s Treasury in the West. This process is allowing a number of future payouts to occur more efficiently than was initially expected. The immensity of these initial payouts indicates this will formally implode the old, illegal USA, Inc. It is believed that this operation is to also mean that the government in Washington is to ultimately cease to exist, and will also signal the end to all the usual shenanigans that are presently the daily norm. Those that are to forge the new NESARA government are now busily establishing a number of procedures that are to mark the first official days of the Republic. This event is scheduled to spark others that are to transform this globe from the edge of war to a long era of peace and prosperity. It is also to officially signal that global debt slavery is over.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 4, 2017

Surrender is the conscious act of rejoining with the unconditional love of Source energy. It is embracing the acceptance, love, and support of Source that is always there for you, and always has been. It is choosing wholeness, guidance, and love. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 3D/4D/5D/6D/7D + Is an Experience in Response to Your Consciousness - 4/4/2017

"That" is not a 3D world... that is a 3D Consciousness/Experience in a physical reality world.....

3D/4D/5D/6D/7D and above.... you are EXPERIENCING a physical reality BASED UPON YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS.....

The D represents the DENSITY of each dimension of your consciousness and the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 + represents the vibrational frequency (transmission/resonance/feedback), which is the MATERIALIZATION of your vibrational consciousness....

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ April 2017

The Temple of Magnetic Resonance


You Tube video
Mp3 download

As we deepen into this Year of Wisdom and the pathway of Divine Love, the Trinity Lords come forward with their Shield of Light as a spinning disc to activate and open the Seals of Magnetic Resonance through the chakras and energy bodies, as we travel in soul consciousness into the Temple of Magnetic Resonance. Once activated, the magnetic resonance of these seals acts as Light waves of Crystalline Consciousness, as we transmit and receive as conduits of Divine Light through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, amplifying and increasing the field of magnetism for ourselves and all Life upon this sacred Earth. Additionally entrainment of lower frequency vibrations occurs as we transmute all misaligned energies and imbalances back to Love, harmony and the perfect frequency for our own unique energy and the collective consciousness of Mother Earth.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Human Conditioning: Where Do You Have Conditions on HOW You Are To BE In-Service Here? - 4/4/2017

BEing an Ascended BEing, means many things... One is that you get to experience NEW Earth as your new physical REALity, all of the time, that you have Mastered the Separation of "Time" within you, which means you have Mastered the Separation of any duality within you too. It means that you are a continual observer and you "auto-correct" REALities yourself, it means that you've let go of all of the CONDITIONS that you had before, when you were functioning from a state of amnesia/unconsciousness and that you maintain full-alignment (with your Higher Selves/Soul/Universe/Galaxies) at all times, from inside.....

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (35) - Unity Village, Kansas, Missouri, marzo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (35)
en Unity Village, Kansas, Missouri, marzo de 2017

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aleja. Si yo pudiera destacar algo para ustedes - hoy ustedes se sientan en esta hermosa capilla en la Villa llamada Unidad. La energía del momento es distinta de la última vez o la anterior a esa, de modo que los temas son diferentes. Algunos son guiados por Melli-ha que hace sugerencias; otros no. Y luego siempre está lo que la energía define para ustedes. Hablemos de algunos de esos.

Aisha North - I ride the storm - April 4, 2017

I ride the storm

Wings fully extended.


Soaring effortlessly.

Gaining momentum.

Widening my perspective.

Now I see clearly.