sábado, marzo 25, 2017

Lauren C. Gorgo - Convergencia: la implosión de pasado y futuro - 20 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¡Feliz Equinoccio! Nos acercamos oficial y rápidamente a un punto de culminación final, un importante momento de fusión de p...madre y la completa división entre los programas de realidad 3D y 5D (líneas de tiempo) que iniciarán la etapa final de encarnación para aquellos listos, dispuestos y capaces.

Esto va a equivaler a una temporada de energía comprimida de cambio.

Las últimas 4 semanas fueron en su mayor parte flotar-nadar-ahogarse en el vacío de nuestro potencial y, sin embargo, increíblemente TANTO está sucediendo bajo la superficie. Finalmente, el sol cambia a Aries hoy, el año nuevo astrológico comienza, y aquellos potenciales recientemente activados comenzarán ahora a recorrer su camino hacia el mundo físico.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday March 25, 2017

Dear Ones, so many of you see being trusting as being foolish but in reality trust is what opens the door to love, to healing, to creation, and expansion. Trust is heart-centred movement, which is at the core of your enlightenment process and how to move with and harness the higher vibrating energies you are now experiencing. It is safe to trust a universe that only loves and supports you, and it is safe to trust yourself to start to navigate your life through the divine intelligence of your heart. ~Archangel Gabriel

Asara - Adama´s Latest Energy Update - March 25, 2017

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

With the intense energies of the Spring Equinox, you are leaving layers of your lower dimensional energy body behind, and are now activating higher dimensional energy bodies.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Horus - March 25, 2017

I am here to let you know that there is something coming around the bend for all of you. It is something that you have not been looking forward to because you have not been told that it is on it’s way. It is something that is totally a gift, and will bring so many of you to your knees. As I give this information through this one I do so with the knowledge that you may be wondering, as you read this, what in the world I am speaking of. I tell you that it is something that you will recognize when it comes forth, and it will be a personal outcome for each of you. Therefore I cannot be explicit and tell you what it is, because each of you will find it is personal to what is the right thing for your life. It will have all of the particulars that suit what you will find appropriate for the coming times.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - I am fire - March 25, 2017

I am fire

The alchemist.

Breathing life into the phoenix.

Rising from the ashes of what was.

Setting off sparks.

Igniting new life.


 Posted on March 25, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen I am fire.

Natalie Glasson - Arcángel Metatrón - Sanación con el Prisma de Luz - 21-03-2017

Yo, el Arcángel Metatrón, vengo con una herramienta enérgica para apoyarte en esta etapa de tu ascensión.
La Herramienta de Sanación del Prisma de Luz de nace de los altos niveles vibratorios del Reino Angélico; es una forma enérgica que te conecta con el Universo del Creador.
El Prisma de Luz Sanadora recoge la conciencia divina del Creador, sosteniéndolos como colores vibratorios de luz.
El Prisma de Luz Sanadora está conectado a todos los Rayos de Luz, incluyendo a los Doce Rayos de Luz y a todas las demás expresiones del Creador que existen dentro del Universo del Creador.

Sheldan Nidle - 21 de Marzo, 2017

 4 Men, 18 Ceh, 3 Caban

¡Dratzo! Hay un extraño silencio que lo permea todo. Los bandidos de la noche, la cábala, creen que el actual periodo de nadeidad significa que la cábala puede, hasta cierto punto, controlar aún lo que sucede. Consecuentemente, los Ancianos están monitorizando cautelosamente el ritmo de cambio. Nuestros enlaces aún informan de que el proceso para comenzar un arresto masivo está casi completo. El actual régimen Americano de facto sigue conociendo totalmente sus defectos. El fin se está acercando mientras el actual régimen muestra la vaciedad que tanto han caracterizado sus movimientos oficiales. La Luz, como se vio anteriormente, se está preparando para un posible avance a su debido tiempo. Como siempre, las cosas se están cociendo por debajo de la superficie. Los elementos de esta extraña realidad están más desunidos que nunca. En este momento, la condición dominante es un extraño tipo de malestar. Todo esto no está destinado a durar mucho tiempo más. Los oscuros están comenzando a notar un ritmo inusual que hemos instalado justo debajo de sus pies. Todo está en el calendario divino y eso es algo que la cábala ya no puede ignorar más.

viernes, marzo 24, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday March 24, 2017

Human beings will be enlightening faster than ever before. There is much potential for true and profound change on your planet. This is due to the combination of higher vibrational energies flooding your planet, as well as the efforts of those who have gone first, who have tamped down and widened the path for others to follow. This acceleration is more proof that the shift is indeed happening, and that the potentials and possibilities for your planet, and her inhabitants, are vast. Allow yourselves to continue to grow and expand, Dear Ones, holding your heart-centred space of love and encouragement for all, and know that your consistent choices and acts of service are paying off in ways that will only become more obvious and profound moving forward. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 3-27-17 - March 24, 2017

New Moon Update 3-27-17

New Moon is Monday, March 27 at 8:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

Dear Friends,

Watch for misguided aggression and fiery overreactions. Be the neutral observer instead of getting into the fray. This is a good day to put some boundaries around your newly birthed self and spend some time by yourself and way from reactivity and judgment. Use the fiery potent energy to vitalize your own intentions and fill up the spaces that are now free as a result of what you have surrendered. Work with the sun and be out in nature.



This month, Pat Liles has written her Astrological Notes for the whole month of March. Includes the Full Moon on March 12th and this New Moon on the 27th.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - ALL NEW ENERGIES NOW RULE - March 24, 2017


Aloha beautiful galactic soul family,

Higher timelines to support each's next phase of the human's SOUL JOURNEY now..... Yes, each aspect experiences this very differently. The more human, the more physical. The more SOUL, the more it's all JUST ENERGY....

At first, everyone had to work to get their heart open... not a little bit, all of the way (and many are still in this part of the process now). Every bit of emotional everything has to cleanse the cellular body. Each emotion partnered with a thought or belief of separation (unconsciousness). This created duality/dualistic realities until all unifies and merges back into the PURITY OF LOVE within.

Higher consciousness existence means your mind too. The higher mind is very different than the human mind and each must learn/remember how to function using the HIGHER MIND which is the observer through the higher heart. It's awareness that was not there before. It's a connection with all things as ONE, it's you as your higher self observing the outside world with new eyes and seeing what you did not have the capability to before.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Reclaiming Your True Foundation - 24 March 2017

Message from the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira

Hello Beloved Ones,

We greet you in love. We are commencing this transmissions to invite you to reclaim your true foundation. We shall lay out a foundation and invite you to feel how you feel in response to these fundamental ideas we're sharing. We're inviting you to feel how you feel about embracing these ways of orienting to your life as a new basis for your experience here. Yet in reality is is more accurately a reclaiming of your true state of being.

Fran Zepeda - Bringing Forth the Light - March 24, 2017


I heard the call of the Raven** this morning, loud and persistent atop the tall trees outside. It wouldn’t let up its penetrating cries until I went outside to listen, and received and absorbed the beautiful potent golden Rays of the Sun and beyond, prompting me to go within and feel my core and illuminate and clear all there to be released.

And the Raven continued its cacophony, flitting back and forth from one to the other of three tall Redwood trees, each time resuming its serenade, beckoning, in an invitation to feel the beautiful divine essence at my core. The beautiful Raven welcomed me into its embrace of Oneness and I basked in the warmth and loving embrace of the energies present.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Prism of Light Healing - March 24, 2017

Prism of Light Healing
by Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 24th March 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/

I, Archangel Metatron, come forth with an energetic tool to support you at this stage of your ascension. The Prism of Light Healing Tool is born from the high vibrational levels of the Angelic Kingdom; it is an energetic form which connects you to the Universe of the Creator. The Prism of Light Healing collects the divine consciousness of the Creator, holding them as vibrational colours of light. The Prism of Light Healing is connected to all Rays of Light including the Twelve Rays of Light and all other expressions of the Creator that exist within the Universe of the Creator. Energy and consciousness from the Universe of the Creator exists within an energetic hexagonal Prism form which is composed of the highest frequency of Angelic Light. Only pure, focused divine light can exist within the Prism, manifesting as a myriad of colours, so beautiful, some vibrant others pale and translu cent. The Prism is a space that you can connect with and even exist within which holds and somewhat contains a concentrated source of divine Creator frequencies which have the ability to align you further with the Creator. Potent is the Prism of Light connected to the Universe of the Creator that it is known to aid and enhance all forms of self-healing on any levels of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 24 March 2017

Many of you are well prepared for Ascension, but some are also lagging behind with little chance that they will really improve their position in the time that is left. However, each soul will be given every opportunity to lift themselves up, and no one else can do it for them. You have all come a long way with your experiences since the beginning when you dropped down to one of the lowest levels. The fact that so many of you have risen up whilst experiencing many tough challenges is a credit to your determination and perseverance. You will soon reap the benefit of your achievements and are to be congratulated for them. One thing for sure is that you will not have to walk this pathway again, as the time for testing in the lower vibrations has passed and you are all the greater for your achievements.

jueves, marzo 23, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Pleiadians - The Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Reality - 3-23-17

The Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Reality

The Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie

Dear, Beloved Pleiadians,
I hear the Golden Ones reminding me that we, the ascending ones, are approaching the area known as, “The Path not yet taken.” Since I am pretty sure that you, the Pleiadians, will be the first landing team to Earth, I would like to know more about this Path.

Dearest Grounded Friends and Family,
We are happy to answer any questions that you ask us. This “Path not yet taken” is the frequency of reality that resonates to the highest fourth and lowest fifth dimensional resonance.

The False Narrative (The Light Behind the Scenes)

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - March 2017

In this Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light
*** Loop In the Wheel of Fortune (boy could we all use a vowel about now!)
***Leylines and time markers wobble like buoys in the ocean
***White Buffalo Calf Woman Let your Spirits ride the tale of a rainbow
*** Sirian High Council of Light

Thx for being patient with thequantumawakening.com website which is still being birthed into a new format. Right now the site is just holding its space in time on the internet until the next level is ready to be released. Bear with me as we all enter new neuro-pathways of the human brain.

From Your Hostess of Light, Gillian

Hey Ya’ll I do not know about you but my cosmic butt has been kicked so much it can wear skinny jeans! I thought that after holding and working for the light for over half a century it would get a little easier. There is no easy street in deep space for sure. Every dang molecule is battling with itself and its right to be alive in whatever form. All livingness responds to the call for regeneration. The pollywog is no longer happy being a tadpole. The caterpillar demands to become a butterfly and life demands everything else in between.


Marzo nos traerá enormes olas de Oleaje Cuántico, tanto a nivel personal como para nosotros en lo colectivo. Ya podemos sentir la energía acumulándose para esto. Como ya sabemos, todos los cambios no son necesariamente fáciles o bonitos. Nos exigen que nos saquemos constantemente las gafas distorsionadas de la dualidad y miremos MÁS ALLÁ de todas las apariencias externas. El Oleaje Cuántico nos desafía a seguir estando súper alertas de en dónde colocamos nuestro enfoque.

Hay la sensación de que todo nuestro paisaje, tanto interno como externo, se está reconfigurando enormemente, aunque algunas cosas por fuera parezcan ser iguales que antes. Cada mes de este año nos traerá más elementos que están En Juego. Sabemos que ya hemos pasado, con mucho, el Punto Sin Retorno.

Kara Schallock - El Equinoccio de marzo 2017 - 19 de Marzo 2017

Traducción: Ana Tallon

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Sientan detrás de las palabras. Cada palabra es una energía y hay muchísima entre estas palabras. Lean entre líneas. Sientan con sus Corazones.

Finalmente estamos aquí…en el poderoso Equinoccio. Si no se han despertado aún, lo harán; y si ya están despiertos, lo harán en mayor medida. Son conscientes de todo lo que no fluye, ¡y tienen la posibilidad de cambiarlo! Esto requiere de priorizar lo que es más gozoso e importante para ustedes. Si algo doloroso del pasado brota, posiblemente sea hora de dejarlo ir y escoger una manera diferente que esté más acorde con quien son en este momento. El Equinoccio es un momento de celebración. Tiene lugar el 21 de marzo a las 3:28 de la madrugada en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos. Es un gran salto hacia adelante para anclar lo Nuevo. Lo Nuevo es creado y ahora tomamos un gran paso manifestándolo en nuestras vidas y en el mundo. Habrá grandes movimientos al ir avanzando; tanto en la Tierra como en nosotros. Todo depende de dónde está su foco. Si está en sostener lo viejo, entonces eso es lo que se les manifiesta. Si ustedes, al igual que muchos de nosotros, escogen manifestar Paz, Gozo, Amor y Abundancia, entre otros, entonces eso es lo que se manifiesta en su vida. Creen primero; manifiesten después. Al meditar o descansar y abrir el Chacra del Corazón con la intención de recibir, así sucederá. Entonces, ponen todo en movimiento. Recuerden que ustedes están en el mundo, pero no pertenecen a él. Son Ángeles Terrestres. En la tierra como en cielo, adentro como afuera.

Ron Head - The Council – Progress - March 23, 2017

Some of you are becoming impatient. Some of you are feeling as if nothing is happening. Others are elated. What accounts for this disparity? We will say that moving from the former group to the latter should be very easy for you right now.

If you are feeling impatient you are looking outside of yourselves and not seeing change, or seeing very little of it. But here is the true state of affairs.